hrd-hr30 Posted April 1, 2007 Share Posted April 1, 2007 I don't know what the big deal is either, why won't he put the cars on semi slicks in the class "for semi slicks only"? There was only 1 rule FFS a couple of other observations: 1. there were 2 prizes of free tracks days offered for 1st and 2nd in street class, and 2 cars running semi slicks in this class from the start of the event. coincidence? 2. also coincidentally, those 2 cars in question were a R32 GTR with competition number 32 and a R34 GTR who got competition number 34. I don't blame the WRX if he scrounged up a pair of semi slicks later in the day after seeing others in this class using them from the start. It was obvious by that stage that the rule was only there to be broken anyway. You obviously didn't hear the owner of the red R32 GTR go off when I Paul went over and asked "Have I got you in the Race Class mate?" after I brought it to Paul's attention that he was running semi slicks but was in the running order as street class. Paul told me not to worry about it, he was probably just in my group because the lap times were similar - if he was on semi slicks he would be in the race class. But this bloke called me a wanker straight away and argued black and blue that they were not semi slicks and he should not have to run in the "semi slick only" class. This car was completely stripped out, with only a rollcage and a single seat inside, no air, no heater, semi slicks and he told me alot of effort put into setting up the suspension for the track. I don't believe for a second that he didn't realise he was "running semi slicks" and should have been in the class for "running semi slicks only" "good faith" and "spirit of the event" my arse. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IanB Posted April 1, 2007 Share Posted April 1, 2007 Im the newbie in all of this, it was my first day on the track and I didnt exactly rate highly, but IMO a "street car" is exactly that, a car you can drive straight off the track and home without any sort of work, which is exactly what i did and what I would expect any "street car" to do - stripped out with roll cages and a single seat, no heater, stereo, etc etc etc is NOT street trim, no cop in his right mind would allow it to continue driving if he saw it, its a race-preped car pure and simple. That being said, I was never there to win any prizes and I just wanted to have a blast and have some fun, which I did, so I dont really care who was in what class. Paul ran an excellent event and I cant fault him at all, just my opinion is a street car is a street car in street trim, capable of being driving right through the gate straight up to the starting line with a minimal amount of f**king around (read: cleaning boot and shit out of car + spare wheel) then back out the gate and straight to the shopping center or something like that. Feh. Just my 2c, great day either way. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
baboo Posted April 2, 2007 Share Posted April 2, 2007 I think Harry got a point there. I've seen the red R32 GTR in question, it's a stripped out and caged up machine. Who in a right mind would do that to a car and only put street tyres on it. His lap times in the Sprint track has indicated that he's running on semis, I've never seen a GTR on street tyres can do under 60s let along doing 58s. But what's done is done, there's no need to argue whos right & who's wrong. I'm sure Paul will rectify the problem and set the rules for next yr. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Willo Posted April 2, 2007 Share Posted April 2, 2007 1. there were 2 prizes of free tracks days offered for 1st and 2nd in street class, and 2 cars running semi slicks in this class from the start of the event. coincidence? Do you want the prize? Is that what this is all about? 2. also coincidentally, those 2 cars in question were a R32 GTR with competition number 32 and a R34 GTR who got competition number 34. Someone in group 3 had to get numbers 32 and 34. Do you want to be number 32 next time? But this bloke called me a wanker straight away and argued black and blue that they were not semi slicks and he should not have to run in the "semi slick only" class. This car was completely stripped out, with only a rollcage and a single seat inside, no air, no heater, semi slicks and he told me alot of effort put into setting up the suspension for the track. I don't believe for a second that he didn't realise he was "running semi slicks" and should have been in the class for "running semi slicks only" I have stated my thoughts on this 32. This is also the same guy who passed two cars up the inside of turn 6 and nearly wore my front bar into his passenger side door in the process, even though it is clearly stated in driver briefing there are two places and two places only to pass cars. He also ran an extra lap nearly every set of laps (and ran his quickest lap on the national circuit on his extra lap). He was also passing cars and drifting on the cool down laps. So I would suggest "rules" aren't a priority for this driver. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hrd-hr30 Posted April 2, 2007 Share Posted April 2, 2007 the only reason I mention the mods to the red car and how serious they were taking it with crew measuring tyre temps etc all day and recording data on prepared setup sheets, was to point out that I don't think they were naive enough not to realise they were actually on semi slicks as Paul said in their defense. There is no doubt over wether the Kuhmo V70A is a semi slick. I think the prize for the fastest street car should go to the guy who was the fastest on street tyres - the 2 door STi if I'm not mistaken. Good on him - they are impressive times for a relativey standard WRX on street tyres. He well and truly had my measure while I was running. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
r33_racer Posted April 2, 2007 Share Posted April 2, 2007 I havent seen this red gtr around before....what times was he running? Im curious to know please. Sounds like abit of tosser also. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hrd-hr30 Posted April 2, 2007 Share Posted April 2, 2007 (edited) I havent seen this red gtr around before....what times was he running? Im curious to know please.Sounds like abit of tosser also. unsurprisingly, the 2 cars allowed to run semi slicks in the class not for "semi slicks only", where everyone else was on normal street tyres, came 1st and 2nd. The red GTR #32 ran a 58.53 in the final shootout on the sprint track. Would have been equal 4th in the race class. Edited April 2, 2007 by hrd-hr30 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
r33_racer Posted April 2, 2007 Share Posted April 2, 2007 ok not bad for semi slicks. I see where your rage comes from harry...its a fair point to make. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hrd-hr30 Posted April 3, 2007 Share Posted April 3, 2007 my only problem with it is that we were told right fromt he start in this thread advertising the event and numerous emails that there was a class for cars "running semi slicks only" and one for normal street tyres. That's why I entered - I don't have semis at the moment, so I figured the street class looked good because you wouldn't have to run against people with semi slicks - there was a different class specifically for them. These tyres they ran (Kuhmo V70A) are clearly a semi slick, and the excuse that they are street legal is just rubbish - ALL semi slicks are street legal. FEATURE EVENT, FOR 2007 Wednesday March 28, Afternoon Session (Morning session will be as normal for everyone, book in now) ALL WHEEL DRIVE SHOOT-OUT Cars: All AWD cars are welcome to enter the event. The drivers will preferably have had previous track experience. There will only be 36 Cars in total divided as 4 groups of 9 cars. This will maximize the chance for best lap results. Classes: There will be two classes: Street Cars :- running street tyres only. Race Cars :- running semi slicks only. Your tyre type (make and model) must be submitted on application. I don't see why its such a big deal to expect that cars on semi slicks would be in the "Race Cars :- running semi slicks only." class? The infuriating part is the absolute rubbish excuses from Paul for not reclassifying them into the correct class. It would have been very simple to fix it before the event when it was brought to his attention that some cars in the street class were running semi slicks. If the event was advertised as one class for all, then fine, but there was a clear distinction that there was a seperate class for cars "running semi slicks only" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
r33_racer Posted April 3, 2007 Share Posted April 3, 2007 ive definetely gotta come to the next round. Sounds like there is real interesting stuff happening already. Sweet track action and heated arguments over rules and what not. It would be sweet to put the red gtr bloke in his place though lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hrd-hr30 Posted April 10, 2007 Share Posted April 10, 2007 I was running V70As. I didn't buy them to be in street class, I didn't ask to be in street class. That is just where I was put I assumed to even out the numbers. Either way I don't really care what class I was in or who thinks what about the classes. I ran a PB and that's all that matters to me. you're joking aren't you Willo? let's see what you were saying before the event: No more "dial-in" and least spread events? Fastest cars win and we all know who that is going to be. Maybe Russell and Cam have to compete on space savers to even things up? So you obviously knew you were on semi slicks and would (sorry, "should") be running against the likes of Russel and Cam. Don't be so sure. You have to make it to the end of the event to win and anyone can suffer unexpected reliability and setup problems !!! Consistency will determine the final players. Wishful thinking there The cars at the pointy are not only quickest, but better setup, more consistent and more reliable. While I think the dial-in and least spread events would have been won by these guys anyway, at least the rest of the field had a chance. From my point of view I have zero chance of winning anything and will get more track time in the morning so I'm debating which event to participate in. For the guys at the front of the field and from a spectator point of view I'm sure they want to see the fastest car win. Of course this is just my opinion and open to debate. nah, you don't care about winning - you didn't care so much that you were thinking about not entering the shootout because you'd have zero chance against the others on semi slicks. You must got all zen about it sometime between then and now huh? maybe the free track day prize mellowed you out a bit. So it seems Paul felt sorry for you having to play against all those fast cars on semi slicks and put you in the street class instead. Shame the rest of us in street class didn't know that this was going to happen and we'd all have zero chance - I know I would have liked to have the option of not entering and saving the $200-$300 instead of entering with no chance of winning, but we didn't all get that option like you did. ($150 entry + AASA licence + fuel + brake fluid change easily adds up to over $300). Harry "if you're not cheating, you're not winning" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Willo Posted April 10, 2007 Share Posted April 10, 2007 At the end of the day you can think what you like. You are full of sh!t and I'm done debating it. If you want to have a cry every time something doesn't go your way don't bother coming to future track days. No one here or on the Evo forums is buying your bullsh!t so you'll have to find somewhere else to have a whinge. Mods might as well lock this thread as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Squizz Posted April 10, 2007 Share Posted April 10, 2007 Mods might as well lock this thread as well. Deal. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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