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Save The Rb30det Guide!


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The image which is used on the advert is not property of SAu.

Unless someone has purchased a copy of the guide, there is no way of knowing it's content, and where it's content came from.

Has anyone purchased one?

Has anyone checked that the ebayer who is selling this item, isn't the owner of the original article to which this image belongs?

Because if that hasn't been confirmed, SAu could be doing itself a disservice by getting everyone to report the sale as dodgy.

If the seller happens to be the same person who owns the copyright to the image used, I'd imagine they wouldn't want their information to remain on SAu when a whole bunch of forum members have sabotaged the sale of his own private information....

Just a bit of food for thought >_<

P.S, I have contacted the owner of the used image via email, but am yet to recieve a response.

i know what you're saying but i'm hoping you are just being the devil's advocate here..

its pretty obvious what is happening

although proof might be required to put an end to it, i don't think SAU needs to worry about reporting it. we don't shut it by reporting it, we simply alert eBay to investigate it themselves and they can decide if they wish to ban him or not...

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Sorry for the late reply people. Valentines DAY! :huh:

The guide he is selling IS the guide that was made possible by SAU. Its exact date is the 1st of May 2006. So its not even the latest one. lol Not that there's really that much difference. It really needs a good overhaul and gtr/gts4 section included.

I also have his full details obviously. Cost me $9 though. :angry:

But all is not lost. All of the items have been ended so I'm assuming Ebay has shut down his sale of SAU's RB30DET guide.

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Well ended with 7 or 8 people buying them. I guess if you are the original owners of the manual, you could get some type of compenssation because there selling your guide "hint hint" some people are just lame in selling other peoples stuff esp. when its open source to people already. why dont we go make a sale for ummm firefox or ummm linux. god damn. i would leave feedback like person has sold copyright material heres the free source as a feedback on them lol.

No good even still. Hope a good resolution comes out of it and punishes those whom seek to rip people off and steal and sell copyrighted material.

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has the guide been LEGALLY copyrighted? As in, is it officially done?

If so, sue under copyright law, or demand royalties (im no lawyer, but yea, work off that :))

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At uni we were told that anything we place the usual copyright notice on is copyright. We were not told that there is a 'legal' method to 'legally' obtain a copyright for it.

I believe what you may be thinking of is a patent?

A quick google and I stumbled upon this...


"If it doesn't have a copyright notice, it's not copyrighted."

This was true in the past, but today almost all major nations follow the Berne copyright convention. For example, in the USA, almost everything created privately and originally after April 1, 1989 is copyrighted and protected whether it has a notice or not. The default you should assume for other people's works is that they are copyrighted and may not be copied unless you know otherwise. There are some old works that lost protection without notice, but frankly you should not risk it unless you know for sure.

And then there's this in the SAU Guidelines.

All information and data on this site remains the property of its original poster and of www.skylinesaustralia.com. Copyright restrictions apply to all information, media and data files on this site and is not to be replicated without authorisation first.
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I've been in contact with one buyer. He said its different to the one I pointed him to and the one i pointed him to was better.

I'm thinking maybe the guide has been modified to 'look' different.

I'm waiting on an email with regards to similiar pics used. Might even be lucky enough for him to forward the guide sold to me.

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dunno if someones mentioned this, i'm too lazy to read through the thread, but I bought one of those cd's of ebay like a year ago that have all the engine manuals etc. on them, from the UK I think and noticed when I started researching for my 25/30 build that the dohc guide was on it.....allbeit an older version but still.....

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