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just in response to a few PM's i have recieved on the same topic, this event it open to everyone and anyone. you don't have to join the official club or anything

you just have to come on the day, pay the people at the gate, and look for the group of skylines in the carpark or in the waiting area where you line up :D

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they had over 250 competitors. 250*36 =9000 then u got the odd 400 spectators 17 * 400 = 6800 so $15,800 is quite the revenue for one night. i doubt they gave a shit bout ppl like myself only getting 1 run in due to letting too many friggen V8s run..

Im disapointed in the amount of runs everyone got... There was one guy in a VS ute I was talking to never even got one run...

I feel sorry or those who only got 2 or 3...

I got 4 in total and the first 3 i got were all within 20 minutes right at the start of the day...

Im out for the 17th sorry guys, too bigger crowd and not enough value. Plus the tin tops will be there for practice...

So basiclly you would be lucky to get 3 runs on the 17th if there is no stops... But I reckon you will be lucky to get 2 runs total...

if u get ther early like col and neol u will have no probs getting 2-3 in...


My advice, and I may still be there, Ill see what Mickey Thompson have to say...

Anyways my advice, aim to be there at 3:45-3:50...

As on Saturdays there is generally private track hire during the day, so the gates are already open. So you will beat the crowd in the gates. Then go straight to the shelter at the end of the staging lanes and get your helmet checked and your stamp applied, number on your car and then line up straight away...

Remember to pick a empty lane to assure you one of the first runs... Then get your time slip and get back around straight away and generally you will get to run again instanlly... Then get back round one more time and you will probablly only have to wait 10-15 minutes...

By the time you have finished this run there will be over 200 cars there and you will be waiting more than an hour for your next run... So now is a good time to take a break, grab an icey cold coke and sit in the stands with your camera and enjoy the event...

Then once the sun goes down and your itchen for another run, go and do it again... You should have time for another 2 runs after 6pm, but be prepaired to wait over an hour and a half for one of these runs...

this is a good idea.. maybe something for the exec to consider as an official club event for later in the year?

for sure mate! If anyone has any knowledge on getting a private session could you forward me any info?

how much is it to get a private session? Boost cruising managed it, maybe we could link with e few clubs to get the numbers?

Yeah looked into it twice now...

2006 price was $7900inc GST for 9am til 4pm - Saturday Only

2007 price is $11500inc GST for 9am til 4pm - Saturday Only

2006 price was $6100 inc GST for 10am til 5pm - Mon, Wed or Thur Only

2007 price is $11500inc GST for 10am til 5pm - Mon, Wed or Thur Only

*$1200inc GST extra is you want traction compound layed down also...

Ill let you do the math... Short story, Impossible...

The exec did discuss the matter at the start of the year after i got pricing for the track hire. The idea was passed to Paul Ruzic to see if "Time Attack" could possiblly run the event, but its double what a track day costs, so you would be looking at $260-$300 per car assuming the same number of cars attend... So based on those figures, its Impossible...

Yeah looked into it twice now...

2006 price was $7900inc GST for 9am til 4pm - Saturday Only

2007 price is $11500inc GST for 9am til 4pm - Saturday Only

2006 price was $6100 inc GST for 10am til 5pm - Mon, Wed or Thur Only

2007 price is $11500inc GST for 10am til 5pm - Mon, Wed or Thur Only

*$1200inc GST extra is you want traction compound layed down also...

Ill let you do the math... Short story, Impossible...

challenging...not impossible

I have mates on the exec in the WRX club between us and them I think we could get 100 people...that would be cheap enough and would also allow enough runs? A bit of friendly competition could bring in a few numbers too

also sponsors may be able to help a little

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