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Okay looking to buy both a carbon bonnet and bootlid for my 89 r32 GTR only place I have managed to find both has (to say the least) a questionable name according to most on this forum as far as there body kits go, havn't heard much bad about there carbon products though. Just wondering if anyone can tell me who made the original of this style of bonnet. If anyone wants to comment on this companys carbon products I would be keen to hear to or if any can suggest a better place to get them from am in darwin so hard to see products for myself before buying


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im also looking for this style bonnet i checked out carmate and there products dont seem too crash hot and on top of that shit customer service they make u feel like they dont wanna sell u anythin.. maybe because im lebo?? lol

Edited by --{TRYDIS}--

that bonnet would have to be the ugliest desgin aero bonnet ever made. I mean why the farg does it have 4 bloody scoops, half of which do nothing? argh. your alloy bonnet is probably lighter.

I dunno bout the ugliest design ever thats maybe a bit harsh.lol

Yeh the vents/scoops at the back are crappy, the little one at the front would be good with an ARC airbox to feed cold air to the box.

Was considering this or a z-tune looking one thy do, both are available without the extra (little) scoops and may go that way not sure about the posibility of water hitting top of airbox (arc)

U had one didnt u Beer Baron arc box I mean?

--{TRYDIS}-- thanks for the warning.

Custom carbon will be getting a call email soon wanted to check other options before full custom job.

Edited by noone

i must get signed up as a trader...

well i represent Custom Carbon Pty Ltd here on SAU so any questions can come to me..

with carbon fibre products you need only think about 2 things

1- 100% carbon fibre OR

2- 1 layer of carbon with fibreglass reinforcement frames etc..

in the end it comes down to cost/budget for most..

for the original question noone- there are plenty of shops that supply #2 and most are quite competitivly priced. In the end you get what you pay for.

Noy sent u guys an email tonight bfore I saw your post hope to hear from u soon not in QLD though which might make things a little awkward? Do u guys have molds etc. or take measurements of the car in question and go from there.

and Baron u obviously didnt like the style i posted much so what would your pic b for a 32

Edited by noone

I'll dig out a pic for you of a nice 32 GTR bonnet. I think one with a large, simple negative pressure vent in the middle to extract hot air from behind the radiator will be the go.

The shift sports one with a single vent is nice. I have a pic somewhere, will try to find it. It's similar to this one (below).

Just remember a 32 GTR standard bonnet is already quite light, so there wont be a massive saving unless you go to like a full dry carbon pice ($$$$$$$), one with a fibreglass frame, and one layer of CF on top may even end up heavier than stock.


Ronin have to admit the Z-tune style was looking good to me as well.

Beer Baron know exactly what u mean bout prices electra cps website scared the crap outa me. Looks A1 quality though.

The one you have pictured looks a little like the one custom carbon have on there webpage and is nice. Live in darwin so removing underbonnet heat is important and have a lovely dent on my stock bonnet from a rock falling of a passing roadtrain so decision was made for me.

Original choice had alot to do with thoughts of trying to feed air to the ARC airbox I have on order

Edited by noone

I wouldn't worry about trying to get an air feed for the arc box from the bonnet. you can direct air to it from the passenger side duct. the way the airflows over the car I'm not sure how much air the box would receive from one of those little vents on the side.

ok, this is pretty much the only style of bonnet I'd put on a 32 GTR (other than stock!).



this one is ok too, but I think the duct is going the wrong way?


ahh, here is the shift sports bonnet. top quality, and look nice.


Varis bonnet is also top class and they will make one in kevlar for you too if you wish.


Why not get your stock alloy hood modded by an aluminium panel crash repairer that could work it to have whatever design you want?

True it could be expensive, but would be unique one off and light.

My CF is two piece and plastic underneath - Heavier than stock and cost $900.

Though it does cool well and cut underhood temps in half.

mmm nice ronin. me likey. 3kg weight is nuts. dry carbon is the way to go. much stronger and lighter than the normal carbon parts, but costs around triple the price :(

Noy sent u guys an email tonight bfore I saw your post hope to hear from u soon not in QLD though which might make things a little awkward? Do u guys have molds etc. or take measurements of the car in question and go from there.

and Baron u obviously didnt like the style i posted much so what would your pic b for a 32

Yeah mate we have moulds for 32 gtr we have OEM and vented.. vented one looks like this.



personally i'm not a fan of it, because i take pride in doing vents manually as i did with my own.

that blue 32 GTR bonnet is alright too



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