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Hey champ

We all make mistakes mate, lets just hope we can learn from them.. It's very rude to bad mouth someone you don't know - not on.

Yeah cause obviously he learnt his lesson.

The only lesson i bet he learnt is to not post like hes a hero online about any more illegal activities.

Very f*kin on.

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My 2c

I currently work for a company that has recently become involved with dragtag on a corporate basis.

Neville, Geoff and the guys in Campbellfield do a great job of promoting a safe enviroment to go and thrash a car, pop a tyre and have some fun.

Tonight i was there as an invited guest and whilst talking to Neville ( the owner) we were joined by two members of the vic police in Full uniform. Both were very supportive about the venue, both were also local cops from fawkner TMU. They stayed, chatted, laughed and watched a couple of cars tear it up for the crowd before leaving.

This is a common thing for dragtag to receive support from local tmu and generally speaking fawkner tmu have been working with drag tag as they see it as a good way to get "hoons" out of the kmart carpark.

The crowd tonight was well behaved, some of the cars were quite good, some not. It's just what you would expect to see on the street and not some wanky "salon" type event.

Upon leaving the event, the friendly guard at the gate warned of the blitz outside. 8 cars so far receiving defects etc.

The guys at dragtag do make a point of announcing over the speakers leave quietly and dont rip it up on the road. Most listen, the ones that dont are generally the one getting pulled over.

The organisers also are in regular contact with local tmu to make sure that this type of blitz normally does not occur.

However, having said that, for Vic Pol to sit outside an event, as they have previously done with easternats, springcars in shepparton, BBT @ chadstone and now dragtag, where people are making an effort to do the right thing is a complete disgrace.

I realise that police are tasked to enforce laws as effected by public opinion and that the recent negative media coverage of "hoons" is making them like this.

But seriously, c'mon.

Vic pol will most likely read this, They look at forums afterall. So please read this carefully and think about it.

Is it really the law you are upholding or are you merely punching more holes in your card to say you " got some stats" for your shift?

Lets hope Vic Pol realise sooner rather than later that this type of "blitz" will only serve to drive things more underground and probably cause them to be more dangerous leading to more deaths or injury's.

umm no, your a one off moron :teehee:

I Love You Nismoid! :thumbsup:

For the other 2 smart asses that just posted calling me a tool! Get over it, build a bridge! Ill link you the game its pretty hard 2 clock! You are schmucks & not worth my time!

Bridge Builder - The Game, for those who cant get over things!

Edited by MR-GTIR/S15

lol noble park maccas, uze say it asif big boys did it... i was there for around 1 hr.. b4 the riots... it was all 15 yr olds thinking there on roids. NUFF SAID.

my mate was driving a VN SS supercharged with a bov... got pulled over after 6 months of having it on... coz its a vn they didnt think it was coming from him.

Wow, people complaining about something, you don't see that often in this section of the forum! :thumbsup:

I can see both sides of the coin here, but again, instead of doing something about it, all that's going to happen, is people will complain about it on the net, and do nothing about it, until it gets to the point where people will stop going to drag-tag out of fear of being defected, and drag tag will close, or people will just go somewhere else to do it illegally.

If people have such strong feelings about this, then take some action!

When booze buses first came along, they used to set up just down the road from pubs.

They're no longer allowed to do that, because it's bad for business for the pubs, and it was considered to be entrapment.

Get the proprieters of drag-tag can sign a statutory declaration to say that actions being carried out by Police is causing damage to their business.

Then get a few hundred people sign a petition to say that they have enjoyed participating in activities in a safe environment, and they feel threatened and victimised by Police when attending legal events in a private location, then take these documents and present them to the media and a local MP

If a local MP is seen to be ignoring cries of help from local businesses, because they will lose popularity.

No MP wants to be unpopular.

.........or the people who have an issue with unroadworthy cars being taken off the road could just continue to sit around and complain.

Complaing is much easier, so I'll let you get back to it now. :teehee:

I do recall a thread where someone wanted to do something about it, take it to his electorate or something... Think he got flamed and no support so he gave up, anyway, i dont have a skyline anymore so im freee!!! hehehehehe

Wow, people complaining about something, you don't see that often in this section of the forum! :)

I can see both sides of the coin here, but again, instead of doing something about it, all that's going to happen, is people will complain about it on the net, and do nothing about it, until it gets to the point where people will stop going to drag-tag out of fear of being defected, and drag tag will close, or people will just go somewhere else to do it illegally.

If people have such strong feelings about this, then take some action!

When booze buses first came along, they used to set up just down the road from pubs.

They're no longer allowed to do that, because it's bad for business for the pubs, and it was considered to be entrapment.

Get the proprieters of drag-tag can sign a statutory declaration to say that actions being carried out by Police is causing damage to their business.

Then get a few hundred people sign a petition to say that they have enjoyed participating in activities in a safe environment, and they feel threatened and victimised by Police when attending legal events in a private location, then take these documents and present them to the media and a local MP

If a local MP is seen to be ignoring cries of help from local businesses, because they will lose popularity.

No MP wants to be unpopular.

.........or the people who have an issue with unroadworthy cars being taken off the road could just continue to sit around and complain.

Complaing is much easier, so I'll let you get back to it now. :laugh:

Complaining about people complaining is about as fruitful as the original complaintors. lol

This is a forum... a place for open discussion. People like to get others thoughts on matters and make sure its not just them. Let them, its no skin off your back.

Your always offering ways for people to do something about what they are complaining about which inturn makes you complain... i spose to take your solution for the problem and apply it to this problem would be for you to take it upon yourself to do everything you have just said and thus stopping the people complaining about it which is the very thing you are complaining about and thus resolving the issue and stoping the complaining.



I spose if you know automatically what a thread is going to be about and you dont like it... you could always simply just... not read it.

This is really ridiculous, vic police are abusing their power. Steak out on venues that makes a very POSITIVE impact to enthusiast. Shame on them. Dont they see that these things (noble macca incident) dont happen on properties like drag tag, calder park etc....because its a control and positive environment. And most of the modified cars they defect are well look after, well maintain and built to last.

Edited by mlyf16

its not fair..tissue?

have a cry, its a big mans world and shit happens that isnt fair.

No1 gives a toss about a maniroty group of ppl who have been boxed as hoons.

Take it to your local MP...sign some kinda of complaint..get 25 ppl to sign it. LOL

lol, just grow up. We have been warned about this - its not a shock and its only going to get worse so take note.

I'm counting 20 days until the next thread like this.

btw they have read this thread no doubt and having a good laugh...why?? cos their work is doing the trick and will start to make ppl think twice about their mods , how they drive and what they do...

Totally sux...I'm not a fan of this, but hey keep it legal and you wont have anything to worry about even if you do get defected for something.

Another thread where Paul and a few others have completely missed the real issue :sorcerer:

Oh, and who was it that said I was just 'thinking negative' when I said cops attending legal events would eventually screw you over......good call :)

Whilst i do agree with the notion "illegal = illegal"; setting up defect stations at events such as these will only deter car enthusiests that make an attempt at keeping the hooning/burnouts off the streets and in a safe legal compound from attending.

Soon ppl will realise that its no longer worth it to attend these events and stick to good old fashioned industrial areas and god forbid, local streets.

Let's look at this from the police point of view. I suggest it's something like;

Hoons : SMS Everyone let's get to Macca's and do Burn outs

Media : Hoons out of control - police impotent

Minister : We need something done about hoons

Commissioner : Okay - we'll have a crack down - we know where they hang out. Okay Senior Seargeant go get'em

Senior Seargeant : Okay Commissioner - you heard me lads - go get'em

Police Officer - Okay Sir - we'll stake out places where we can defect people

Let's remember - the Police rank and file don't have choice about where they go and what they do - they are under orders and failure to comply means disciplinary action.

Do we seriously expect them NOT to issue a defect notice when they see an illegal mod ??

I agree that in my opinion our cars are a lot less dangerous then manyu of the sh!tboxes with bald tyres, rust, non working lights etc that are out there, unfortunately they are not in the focus right now.

So what do we do ??

Well, I suggest we need to tackle the root cause which is hoon behaviour and street racing. It's only when there is a public perception that this problem is solved that there will be any let up in the stringent policing and even then it'll take some weeks to trickle down. So batten down the hatches and ride out the storm.

Open rebellion certainly won't solve anything - remeber "I fought the law and the law won"

Just my 2 c

Note : The actual root cause of hoon behaviour probably has more to do with the alienation of today's youth and failures in social and education systems but maybe that's a bit tough for us to change

For all of you having a little teary about the fact that you want to have the most Hecktic mods for your killah ride, or for you mod list in your signature, If you play with fire, you're gonna get burnt. Eventially you'll get caught and get given a pretty little yellow sticker. It's part of the game.

As for the Police congregating around an event or place of business which supports Legal, off street activities, it deters people from doing such activities in a controlled environment. If the Police continue to target people who are trying to do the right thing by taking it off the streets (regardless of whether their vehicle is legal or not), this will encourage people to get back into the organised on street activities.

A few years ago, there were extremely well organised street drags in different location ALL over Melbourne. So well organised that there were portable drag style christmas trees and invite only entrance. As far as I know, they have dropped off quite substancially, leaving a whole bunch of muppets to cause havoc like the Noble Park situation.

... i spose to take your solution for the problem and apply it to this problem would be for you to take it upon yourself to do everything you have just said and thus stopping the people complaining about it which is the very thing you are complaining about and thus resolving the issue and stoping the complaining

Personally I don't have a problem with actions being taken by Police in regards to this matter, as stated by others, they're only doing their job.

It also sounds like the owners of Drag Tag have no problem with Police presence.

Honestly what's the point of going to a venue to participate in burnouts legally, then sitting outside the venue and ripping it up on the street?

That's not a matter of Police targeting people, that's a matter of idiots with no brains trying to screw things up for the people who are doing the right thing.

I spose if you know automatically what a thread is going to be about and you dont like it... you could always simply just... not read it.

I had no idea what this thread was about based on the title alone, so I decided to read it.

..... come to think of it, weren't you the Victorian moderator who started issuing warns for forum users who started threads like this, where people were complaining about being "targeted" by Police when engaging in stupid and illegal behaviour? :laugh:

It's a bit late to do a back flip now :)

...Get the proprieters of drag-tag can sign a statutory declaration to say that actions being carried out by Police is causing damage to their business.

Then get a few hundred people sign a petition to say that they have enjoyed participating in activities in a safe environment, and they feel threatened and victimised by Police when attending legal events in a private location, then take these documents and present them to the media and a local

When the Kwinana Motorplex started running events featuring street cars the traffic plods targeted the event. This is done for four reasons

1. Letting the kids know whos boss

2. Defecting dangerous vehicles

3. Looking like they're doing something

4. Laziness

Dont mess with stat decs, petitions etc although its about time for modiifed car owners to start exercising political muscle, the organisers need to make a couple of phone calls up the ladder of the Vic Police. That is all it will take...unless the show is poorely organised and a genuine threat to public order or safety.

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