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For all of you having a little teary about the fact that you want to have the most Hecktic mods for your killah ride, or for you mod list in your signature, If you play with fire, you're gonna get burnt. Eventially you'll get caught and get given a pretty little yellow sticker. It's part of the game.

As for the Police congregating around an event or place of business which supports Legal, off street activities, it deters people from doing such activities in a controlled environment. If the Police continue to target people who are trying to do the right thing by taking it off the streets (regardless of whether their vehicle is legal or not), this will encourage people to get back into the organised on street activities.

A few years ago, there were extremely well organised street drags in different location ALL over Melbourne. So well organised that there were portable drag style christmas trees and invite only entrance. As far as I know, they have dropped off quite substancially, leaving a whole bunch of muppets to cause havoc like the Noble Park situation.

Spot on.

This type of 'blitz' is not going to stop people, it's going to force them onto the streets for their kicks.

Think about it before you go and simply say 'your car is illegal so you deserve it'. This type of action does not benefit their cause, it just gets a few cars off the road for a month, then they come back and get their jolly's ripping up on the street because there's no point going to a LEGAL event. You're more likely to get defected doing the right thing. Why bother.

Just to clarify something If your car is illegally modified and currently registered the police can defect you whether the car is on a trailer, in a car park, your driveway or parked up a tree.

Secondly It is possible to build a very fast modified street car that does not break the law. Most of your problems stem from hectic fnf type crap that won't generally improve performance like...atmos blow of valves, ride height and other Hollywood style performance mods.

If you come at it from a performance angle and don't go for the neon type bells and whistles you'll be surprised by the results....a better performing fully legal street car. It's not difficult.

I'm fairly old school when it comes to modifying cars for performance.

First I look @ the cars weight then secondly I chase HP..Alot of the younger guys out there seem intent on adding as much weight as possible through body kits, Faux leather, big sound systems ect and then try and make it up with big HP..All you end up with is the equivalent of a huge mobile sign that drives like crap and screams look at me my car is illegal and I want to give Vic Pol money.

It's fun to blame others for your own errors. If the cops had been kicking in taillights then writing out ticket ala Porky's yeah that's an abuse of power, persecution...whatever but laying the blame @ the feet of the police for doing their job?

Far too much "us and them" mentality goes on around here, almost every thread of complaint or unjust treatment on here is crap. If your breaking the law your getting what you deserve..

You can still have fun playing by the rules and it's a shit load less stressful/expensive in the long run.

Raps some skulls.....think about it!

Just to clarify something If your car is illegally modified and currently registered the police can defect you whether the car is on a trailer, in a car park, your driveway or parked up a tree.

Secondly It is possible to build a very fast modified street car that does not break the law. Most of your problems stem from hectic fnf type crap that won't generally improve performance like...atmos blow of valves, ride height and other Hollywood style performance mods.

If you come at it from a performance angle and don't go for the neon type bells and whistles you'll be surprised by the results....a better performing fully legal street car. It's not difficult.

I'm fairly old school when it comes to modifying cars for performance.

First I look @ the cars weight then secondly I chase HP..Alot of the younger guys out there seem intent on adding as much weight as possible through body kits, Faux leather, big sound systems ect and then try and make it up with big HP..All you end up with is the equivalent of a huge mobile sign that drives like crap and screams look at me my car is illegal and I want to give Vic Pol money.

It's fun to blame others for your own errors. If the cops had been kicking in taillights then writing out ticket ala Porky's yeah that's an abuse of power, persecution...whatever but laying the blame @ the feet of the police for doing their job?

Far too much "us and them" mentality goes on around here, almost every thread of complaint or unjust treatment on here is crap. If your breaking the law your getting what you deserve..

You can still have fun playing by the rules and it's a shit load less stressful/expensive in the long run.

Raps some skulls.....think about it!

Spot on m8, thats what I do :(

Just to clarify something If your car is illegally modified and currently registered the police can defect you whether the car is on a trailer, in a car park, your driveway

I disagree.

If it is on a trailer your're fine. We had a stakeout with Mr P one time at a local soccer centre, so we all got tow trucks and drove out of there. Of course he tried to defect the tow trucks but the cars were fine.

And if your gates are locked i believe it's private property.

LoL @ Paulr33.. its not "going fishing where the fish eat" its actually "Shooting fish in a barrell... "

The "fish" eat at maccas and kfc and hang out in car parks... actin like cockheads...

The people who actually wana be safe and do the right thing are getting screwed... I'd describe it a hansel & gretel... the fat witch brings in the kiddies with candy... THEN f**kS EM! (well eats em)

They unfortunatly see past those f**kheads in commodores and fords doing single spinner burnouts acting like wankers running around with stockies on the back and talkin shit "fully sick bro"

Don't see cops patrolling those hot spots... :laugh:

And for all the people who are offering tissues maybe you can use em for yourselves when you get a canary for having a windscreen washer nozel pointing off centre, or maybe a tail light out :(

I think its a bit harsh.. they do get the go ahead from their superiors which i understand but its just easy work for them... and having a beaten up rust bucket worth $10 and callin em a "true blue aussie battler" that instead of looking after their vehicle they go and spend their centrelink money on f*kn beer and shit and not pulling them over for a roadworthy?

Yeaa no worries sooner or later everyones gona wanna sell their imports... then websites like this will become a thing of the past if this shit continues.

Spot on.

This type of 'blitz' is not going to stop people, it's going to force them onto the streets for their kicks.

Think about it before you go and simply say 'your car is illegal so you deserve it'. This type of action does not benefit their cause, it just gets a few cars off the road for a month, then they come back and get their jolly's ripping up on the street because there's no point going to a LEGAL event. You're more likely to get defected doing the right thing. Why bother.

fairly short sighted and failing to consider the bigger picture, like many of these posts.

mate i dunno wats wrong with some of you guys...

we're all car enthusiasts - so most of our cars will be illegal at one stage or another. Illegal is illegal...but pouncing on ppl with the right attitude trying to do the right things at an allocated spot is ENTRAPMENT.

khunjeng and a few others saying grab a tissue - why don't u lube that tissue and wipe your rim cos ure getting f*kd and you're loving it.

The issue isn't about illegal mods - its about the police widening the 'us & them' mentality of us import drivers. No one wants another noble park.

If we're gonna put in an effort to drive a distance to have fun away from the public, we should be rewarded for it, not getting punished for it. if your car has two bald tyres, no cat and f*kd seatbelts fair enuf defect but if its missing one click on the handbrake and has an air filter leave us alone. Thats the sort of stuff issues arise from.

btw - r33hvn - nail on the head with the hansel and gretel analogy

fairly short sighted and failing to consider the bigger picture, like many of these posts.

LoL... whats the bigger picture? "your cars illegal.. don't complain" or "you drive an import (modified or unmodified) dont complain"

FFS man... if your car is stock standard they will still find something to pick on.. what part of that do you not understand?

A few years ago, there were extremely well organised street drags in different location ALL over Melbourne. So well organised that there were portable drag style christmas trees and invite only entrance. As far as I know, they have dropped off quite substancially,

They are still occuring, i can assure you of that.

But the thing is... You dont hear about it at all, or the big busts etc etc.

Why you might ask?

The Police are now taking the easy option and one that has more exposure rather than rooting out these things. Like i said... the underground stuff is gonig further underground due to lazy policing.

You see the stats cropping up in the paper about 1000 impoundments or whatever.

The REAL stats would be how many are from isolated incidents (1-4 cars)

And how many are from big organises incidents (10 or more cars)

That stat would tell you where the resources are now going and i think i'd be quite right in assuming MOST will be isolated :(

But people are stupid and just see the crap fed out into the media and think "wow" what a great job is being done when in actual fact 1000 impoundments or whatever has not even made a signifigant change to the road toll, and i dare say it has not made a change to serious injuries as a result of accidents either

But people are stupid and just see the crap fed out into the media and think "wow" what a great job is being done when in actual fact 1000 impoundments or whatever has not even made a signifigant change to the road toll, and i dare say it has not made a change to serious injuries as a result of accidents either

Agreed 100%

Its not people in imports killing people but stupid mother f*kers in any car's killing people... they should set up more speed cameras not f*kn more road blocks to give everyone driving through a canary...

Hide in bushes to catch people speeding... not hide to look out for an import...

mate i dunno wats wrong with some of you guys...

we're all car enthusiasts - so most of our cars will be illegal at one stage or another. Illegal is illegal...but pouncing on ppl with the right attitude trying to do the right things at an allocated spot is ENTRAPMENT.

Seriously I dun no wats wrong with you...

How did the police pounce on people with the right attitude trying to do the right thing...The cars got done for defects and or illegal modifications. Doesn't really say I've got the right attitude to me, It says either the car was not roadworthy or it is environmentally a no no. I don't see of any abuse of power here or stories to that effect. If your car was legal you could do all these fun drag tag type of crap without the hassle or alternatively hand in your plates build a drag specific car buy a 4wd and trailer. It's the normal way people seriously involved in the sport go about it.

Can't afford to do that...then either accept the penalties like a man or find a more suitable hobby.

But I guess some fellas just can't get that Hollywood street racer image out of their heads..20yrs back the police would turn a blind eye to a lot of things. Major difference is we'd go out of town to quiet areas for our fun, today it seems suburban streets and carparks are an acceptable risk.

But seriously I really don't know how you can't grasp how puerile your stance is.

the question is....

is it the DRIVING of these people that police have a problem with or

is it the illegal MODS the police have a problem with or

is it the hanging in large GROUPS that police have a problem with...

because it would seem that if they were really after 'hoons' for the way they drive they would go to the local car parks etc where they know guys do burnouts often etc and stake out those places... not an off street event

and they definately can't be after them for hanging in large groups in maccas because that is exactly what these kind of off street events do... keep kids off the streets

soooo the only conclusion is they are too lazy to actaully catch you driving badly so they wiil just find something on the car to defect... so you can't drive at all!

its not like it would be hard to find these 'secret' locations... just look for the tire marks... get coffee and donuts... sit in car... wait for tools in crapodoor

or when someone rings the cops and says I can hear people hooning in the local KMart if the police would react in less than 3 hours they might actually catch someone

yep you are so very right.

It is all publicity for the politicans to say look the police are doing there job they have done X amount. Residences in the Noble Park area are feed-up and there is a strong backlash against these commodore and falcon driving smack tards.

Most cars in the area on the roads late at night are causing and stirring up trouble are these types of vehicles. How many of you hear a V8 screaming down the street sounding shit loads loader than a skyline?

As far as I am concerened there are 2 rules,

1. The imports are the easy option because they stand out and make other drivers go wow nice car, pulled over by the cops. This gives the imports a bad image in the community, movies like the fast and the furious inflame it that people think most import owners are rice head want to be street racers.

2. Grandma cars that could be un roadworthy as hell not even being noticed. Do you know taht 1 in 5 cars in the springvale area have tail lights that don't work or bald tyres. But they won't even be looked at because they are stock standard Toyota, Honda, holdens etc... They do not draw attention to themselves.

The picture is that is being painted of an import car and owner is runied by the minority of people who own these vehicles. We can either sit here and justify it or promote it differently through the forums. Cop bashing won't get us anywhere. If we want to improve the relationship with the Police why don't we go right lets organise a Yellow day, invite TMU down and say right here are vehicles in this club, go over them. Be open about it. Then build the rep that we are trying to make a difference. If we are immature about it and act like kids then we deserve the treatment we get.

We need to help the Police wherever possible, by setting an example by being apart of this website is to set the standard that our cars are street legal. Send the message the write way and the Police will listen.

Wow, look how many people are viewing this thread :(

I have to agree with madbung... it was stated by someone who was in attendance, that people were leaving the venues and doing burnouts in the street.

How is that "doing the right thing"?

Seriously I dun no wats wrong with you...

How did the police pounce on people with the right attitude trying to do the right thing...The cars got done for defects and or illegal modifications. Doesn't really say I've got the right attitude to me, It says either the car was not roadworthy or it is environmentally a no no. I don't see of any abuse of power here or stories to that effect. If your car was legal you could do all these fun drag tag type of crap without the hassle or alternatively hand in your plates build a drag specific car buy a 4wd and trailer. It's the normal way people seriously involved in the sport go about it.

Can't afford to do that...then either accept the penalties like a man or find a more suitable hobby.

But I guess some fellas just can't get that Hollywood street racer image out of their heads..20yrs back the police would turn a blind eye to a lot of things. Major difference is we'd go out of town to quiet areas for our fun, today it seems suburban streets and carparks are an acceptable risk.

But seriously I really don't know how you can't grasp how puerile your stance is.

what dont u get about entrapment?

If the car is illegaly modified in a way that poses an immediate threat to the public or to other road users then yes, a defect is appropriate. However, in alot of cases cars are getting defected for the smallest of issues, some of them simply maintenance problems.

So if these people, car enthusiasts, are trekking to far and about suburbs to enjoy their cars on the shoestring budget they might have, shouldn't they be rewarded with being able to go about it peacefully without having to deal with a gauntlet of TMU's on their way out?

I don't disagree with defecting big mods that don't comply with the law - but why defect and target car enthusiasts when there's a thousand rustbuckets out there that pose much more of a threat to the environment and other people?

You'd think after noble park the police would try to bridge the gap between imports and themselves ey.

If we want to improve the relationship with the Police why don't we go right lets organise a Yellow day, invite TMU down and say right here are vehicles in this club, go over them. Be open about it. Then build the rep that we are trying to make a difference.

Umm... how many people have a power fc?

How many people have a modified turbo? Highflowed or not its illegal...

How many people have an EBC?

Its great for them to go through our cars cos they'll make alot of money :)

Oh but EPA is for free...

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