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r32 gts-turbo,

You must have missed the part where he said:

The guys at dragtag do make a point of announcing over the speakers leave quietly and dont rip it up on the road. Most listen, the ones that dont are generally the ones getting pulled over.

Which means that people are "ripping it up on the road" as they leave, and are getting pulled over for doing so.

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No it does not... It is a recomendation... It's not like they said "last time we had this event people were doing burnouts, please don't do it again", and it's not like they're saying "people have done burnouts tonight, don't do more", it's merely what they're recommending people do...

And anyway, they were pulling everyone over at random, i was there, and your basing your entire arguement on one unclear sentence typed last night...

Edited by r32 gts-turbo

Pretty lame really, I mean these guys go to events like this to do the right thing and the cops target them. If the cars are illigal then fair enough but why not target ILLIGAL events instead of driving the mass away from LEGAL events....stupid I say.

The TMU are trying to make up for a lack of response to illigal drags IMO. Pathetic.

i just dont understand why everyone is annoyed at the vic police

they want to catch out people with defective vehicles

they want them off the roads and want to send out a clear message

after the noble park crap they have had enough and are over it

so they goto places were people who likely drive defective vehicles hang out. chapel st is probably another good target of this

you want to catch fish, goto a place where fish feed

its logical really ?

id love to see how you would act if you were at an event and the cops are hanging about, and they decide to defect you, but only you.

id love to see how you would act if you were at an event and the cops are hanging about, and they decide to defect you, but only you.

if i got defected for an illegal mod, well then what can i say?

"please officer let me break the law"

i mean get real ?

I had some posts quoted but SAU f**ked that up for me...not going to read all 126 posts again :)

Paul, you, and a few others are missing the point completely. No one is saying 'I have illegal mods, leave me alone'

The problem is that police encourage these off street LEGAL events, and then set up a defect station outside of them, or in the case off BBT, conduct a raid DURING the LEGAL event.

They are not doing themselves any favors, and everyone in this thread, with the exception of yourself and a few others cannot get your heads around this idea.

if i got defected for an illegal mod, well then what can i say?

"please officer let me break the law"

i mean get real ?

thats not the point dude...

how many people are safe, considerate drivers that have illegal mods? heaps and alot of them have still been defected, and they take it on the chin. How many people act like dicks on the street and get defected/loss of licence? TONS. But when you take your car to the track or wherever its legal, NO ONE expects to be defected for trying to do the right thing by keeping it off the streets.

get over the, illegal = illegal. seriously, that mp3 you downloaded is illegal and that cd you burned and not to mention, the road you crossed 20 metres before the crossing areal !! but what? you still do it dont you. if i was caught on anything that was 'ilegal' i would be bloody pissed off and if i wanted to i would whine all i want.

The way your talking paul, sau may as well close the forced induciton section or the cosmetic styling, actaully, may as well close down the whole forum...

They are still occuring, i can assure you of that.

But the thing is... You dont hear about it at all, or the big busts etc etc.

Why you might ask?

The Police are now taking the easy option and one that has more exposure rather than rooting out these things. Like i said... the underground stuff is gonig further underground due to lazy policing.

You see the stats cropping up in the paper about 1000 impoundments or whatever.

The REAL stats would be how many are from isolated incidents (1-4 cars)

And how many are from big organises incidents (10 or more cars)

That stat would tell you where the resources are now going and i think i'd be quite right in assuming MOST will be isolated :)

But people are stupid and just see the crap fed out into the media and think "wow" what a great job is being done when in actual fact 1000 impoundments or whatever has not even made a signifigant change to the road toll, and i dare say it has not made a change to serious injuries as a result of accidents either

Its true, the organised illegal events still continue to roll unharmed and the people doing the right thing by going to legal events get bent over.

This state has dropped to an all time low tolerance for modified vehicles.

They keep going like this and something big will come about it. Other states have had hoon laws before Victoria but you dont see the Police getting any more cockier to them.

All those agreeing with the Police - again you are part of the Problem, not the solution. Its people with your mentality that introduce or suggest these harsh penalties.

Personally I don't have a problem with actions being taken by Police in regards to this matter, as stated by others, they're only doing their job.

It also sounds like the owners of Drag Tag have no problem with Police presence.

Honestly what's the point of going to a venue to participate in burnouts legally, then sitting outside the venue and ripping it up on the street?

That's not a matter of Police targeting people, that's a matter of idiots with no brains trying to screw things up for the people who are doing the right thing.

I had no idea what this thread was about based on the title alone, so I decided to read it.

..... come to think of it, weren't you the Victorian moderator who started issuing warns for forum users who started threads like this, where people were complaining about being "targeted" by Police when engaging in stupid and illegal behaviour? :huh:

It's a bit late to do a back flip now :)

Can you point out the thread that states people were doing the wrong thing outside the venue? I see a post saying they dont mind the presence when they come down to have a look and make sure nothing wrong was going on, but setting up right outside the venue was not on.

Maybe im thinking of a different post.

BTW - this is not a thread about illegal activity and this is where your all going wayward which has been stated many times already. These people went there to do the right thing in a legal environment and then got stung outside the venue where they setup a blitz.

Wow, look how many people are viewing this thread :laugh:

I have to agree with madbung... it was stated by someone who was in attendance, that people were leaving the venues and doing burnouts in the street.

How is that "doing the right thing"?

Once again... quote that post for us all because i dont see it.

I'm confused how they're trying to do the right thing by keeping it of the street? they're being defected for not "keeping it off the street" if the car wasn't on the street it wouldn't have been defected nor would it be defected if it wasn't modified for the track and on the street.

I realise you mean keeping it off the streets as in the driving events but doing the right thing? I dunno. Is it because your intent to do good in one way should negate the intent not to follow the regulations with the other.

I still don't know.

I'd also suggest the reasoning behind harsher penalties might have something to do with the old ones being almost non enforceable..pay the fine and laugh do it all over again. Too many people have been bending breaking the rules and getting away with it for too long. Now we all pay for the actions of a minority..Sucks but it's the way of the times.

Anyway it's ok to disagree.. we all know the rules, it's up to the individual whether he/she plays by them. Doesn't make you a satanist just poorer every time you get caught.

Too many of you people who keep harping on on the same side of the police for their actions are still missing the point!



Theyre not targeting people with modified cars theyre targeting anyone going to events in which people are displaying that they want to do the right thing.

You dont know that the defects being handed out are for modified cars...

You dont even know if these people getting the defects have been doing anything wrong other then leaving the venue.

Yes sure, some of them have modified cars but so what? Is that going to solve the problem of hoonish behaviour? NO, its about as likely to do something as the copious amounts of speed cameras in use.

Its the police trying to show the gullible public that they are flexing their muscles and doing something about the current problem which has been so beat up by the media that this is all something new and now out of control.



Smartest thing said in this thread.

I just watched yet ANOTHER Today Tonight story on hoon behaviour and the only "performance" car I saw in their footage was a Subaru WRX...only problem was IT WAS AMERICAN FOOTAGE?!?!

And if I hear "Illegal Drag Race" one more time I'll scream. There's no such thing.

/end rant

thats not the point dude...

how many people are safe, considerate drivers that have illegal mods? heaps and alot of them have still been defected, and they take it on the chin. How many people act like dicks on the street and get defected/loss of licence? TONS. But when you take your car to the track or wherever its legal, NO ONE expects to be defected for trying to do the right thing by keeping it off the streets.

get over the, illegal = illegal. seriously, that mp3 you downloaded is illegal and that cd you burned and not to mention, the road you crossed 20 metres before the crossing areal !! but what? you still do it dont you. if i was caught on anything that was 'ilegal' i would be bloody pissed off and if i wanted to i would whine all i want.

The way your talking paul, sau may as well close the forced induciton section or the cosmetic styling, actaully, may as well close down the whole forum...

I think that you have completely missed both points that have been made. One, if you have illegal MODS on your car and get pulled over then you will get defected, plane and simple. There is no need to close a forum because you’re unhappy with one individuals comment, that is just silly... i mean what would i [we all] do at work every day. As for the other comments, they have no merit in this discussion, all is illegal and if you get pined for it live with it, its your own fault, that is what Paul is saying. Two, the police are just doing their job as they have been directed, just like your boss tells you what to do. That said, even though they are not wrong in defecting vehicles, it is the means in which they choose to do it. Targeting legal organized events. They are hypocritical, they say they want these kinds of events off the street, but then go and target these events that are infact off street, deterring people from attending legal events in the future. Essentially driving this activity underground. Maybe start at the begining and read again.

illegal mods aside...

if undercover officer A tells you that he has a illegitimate 42" plasma Tv for sale for $200 - you would probably buy it for your gf/bf/self/mum/granny.

the next day officer A rocks up with his uniform on and busts you for buying illegal merchandise...

anyone see the relationship here?

Its wrong that they are luring you to one place only to bend you over once u get there.

The only thing i can see happening out of this is that people will take their chances on the street being idiots cos they know if they attend drag tag they're gonna get done anyway.

i dont want to hinder the hoon/police relationship but cmon, this should be fairly obvious.

Smartest thing said in this thread.

I just watched yet ANOTHER Today Tonight story on hoon behaviour and the only "performance" car I saw in their footage was a Subaru WRX...only problem was IT WAS AMERICAN FOOTAGE?!?!

And if I hear "Illegal Drag Race" one more time I'll scream. There's no such thing.

/end rant

LoL f*king today 2nite... i was watching that, they had a dude in an integra pulld over and gave him a canary... then 500 mtrs down the road there was a car accident, no one racing just some dick that can't drive...

one bloke had his car towed away, a xr6T and he said to the camera "you people make out like i was doing doughnuts in the middle of pricess fwy" WHICH THEY DO.... f*krs... making everyone scared and dramatising is all the media is good for....

and yes they said illegal drag race around 5 times at least lol

TodayTonight mentioned that Police are undergoing a "Mega Blitz", no doubt there will be more low acts like this.

As some have mentioned earlier, its just a statistic stunt. Their stats will show more cars defected/fined but not show how they did it.

Sitting outside events just builds up their numbers quickly and easily and cops can stand by their stats to show they are actually doing something when they in essence may be causing a larger problem in the future.

It's funny how TT showed a report on hoons today when so many have written to TT to show their view on BBT

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