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Yay, even more P-plate restrictions that probably won't make a lick of difference in the road toll.

Following some shocking car crashes and numerous fatalities, the Government has come down hard on P-platers, introducing heavy restrictions and penalties if they flout the law.

Effective immediately, firstyear P-plate drivers caught speeding will lose their driver’s licence for at least three months under the Government’s P-plate zero tolerance program.

Because the War on Drugs and Prohibition has shown the effectiveness of "zero tolerance". Not to mention the stellar effort that "never negotiating with terrorists" has done for world peace.

And God knows that young people never drive unlicensed.

A peer restriction scheme for all first-year red P plate (P1) drivers will be introduced from July and P1 drivers will be banned from all mobile phone use while behind the wheel.

Yep, because the general population strictly adheres to the "no handset" laws and so obviously we can expect good compliance and constant enforcement of this rule.

P1 drivers will only be able to carry one passenger under the age of 21 between 11pm and 5am.


So instead of 4 fooli sik bros in one car, we'll get 4 fooli sik bros in two cars dragging each other. And more under 21's drink driving because they can't run a reasonable designated driver system, and can't rely on public transport to get them anywhere (let alone home).

Can't see any dangers there........

NSW Police will conduct an enforcement campaign targeting P-plate drivers.

Business as usual, then.


The government's last bunch of knee-jerk initiatives were highly effective at killing more people - I can't see these being any better. I suppose it is an election year, though, and won't somebody think of the children?

And to those officers who are potentially reading this, we both know you have discretion in enforcing these hare-brained new laws. I wouldn't presume to tell you how to do your jobs, but I would suggest (as an Australian citizen and a stakeholder in the public road system) that we work co-operatively and reasonably together to reduce the road toll despite the best efforts of the ivory towered geriatrics who are unfortunately making these short-sighted and inevitably ineffective rules. There are some people (like that Maurice character, who Vic police kindly gave said discretion and he unfortunately abused) who deserve to get punished a lot more than what they got, but the "us vs them", "zero tolerance" mentality historically doesn't work. And not all of us are complete clowns.

Edited by scathing
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P1 drivers will only be able to carry one passenger under the age of 21 between 11pm and 5am.

So instead of 4 fooli sik bros in one car, we'll get 4 fooli sik bros in two cars dragging each other. And more under 21's drink driving because they can't run a reasonable designated driver system, and can't rely on public transport to get them anywhere (let alone home).

Can't see any dangers there........

Business as usual, then.


Thats the big one for me hey, I think its being introduced here as well. The second I heard it I thought, do these people even think about the side effects of one choice they make.

And well put bluntly, public transport might be bad down there, but at least it exists, here good luck.

As we all know on here the only way to properly sort the problem is to teach people, and to change thier additude on the road. But as we also know, that costs money, and doesnt really win all that many votes, as 90% or so of the young drivers arent at voting age, registered to vote, or really care.

This country is fast becoming a freaken prison more-so than a free country.

All these stupid knee-jerk laws to situations and not ONE of them is actually dropping road tolls, serious accidents or anything else.

Infact (vic at least) they have gone UP!!!

I guess it works @ the polls initially. And it is election year is it not?

All these stupid knee-jerk laws to situations and not ONE of them is actually dropping road tolls, serious accidents or anything else.

Infact (vic at least) they have gone UP!!!

That's not so, in fact Victorias road toll is down 12% this year on what it was last year at the same time.

12% is 6 people.

Perhaps you should explain your feelings to the families of last years extra 12%

whops, its actually down 5 people.

I do remember @ the start of Feb that it was definately higher.

I'll find the paper and see what date that was if i havent thrown it out yet

[qte]A peer restriction scheme for all first-year red P plate (P1) drivers will be introduced from July [uQte]

If they were really serious about it, they would introduce them effective next week

Perhaps you should explain your feelings to the families of last years extra 12%

:) seriously.. you must be getting old yourself..

"explain that to the families who fall off a ladder each year"..lets ban ladders eh?, or

"explain that to somebody who chokes on a plastic bag"... lets ban plastic bags?

Actually, electricity is pretty dangerous.. better restrict the shit out of that as well

You sound as bad as a damn politician and their "every life can be saved" rubbish propaganda. Yes, ideally nobody would ever die in an accident.. but it will always happen. People have to be accountable FOR THEIR OWN ACTIONS AND DECISIONS, not dictated endlessly by the government restricting their actions in the small hope that it *might* make a difference.

Enough has been done, time to focus on other more important issues in the community that effect a lot more people than road accidents.

It is a fact of life that accidents happen - and now there is no use punishing every single person because of this fact. May as well ban cars altogether and make everybody walk. Safest option yet! hundreds of lives saved!

what a crock..

im with predator.

the only way to stop people dying on the roads will be to stop people driving on the roads..

at some point you have to wonder if the p platers will abide by all these rules. or just not wear p plates (nsw) and hopefully wont get 'targeted'

prevention is better then cure. so why dont we start teaching young people to drive rather then restricting how many passengers etc.

i said a few years ago to mum when we watched these laws get proposed on aca or something i told her. what if the government offered free defensive driving courses if your a p plater and sign up between these dates.

i know when i was on my p's then, and it was offered. i would definatly do it.

People have to be accountable FOR THEIR OWN ACTIONS AND DECISIONS, not dictated endlessly by the government restricting their actions in the small hope that it *might* make a difference.

i won't hop in a car with someone i know who is a dickhead driver. if i don't know what sort of driver they are and i go with them and they are a fool i get out as soon as possible. but since i drive 99.9% of the time this isn't an issue.

as for the death tolls, imagine what sort of restrctions they would bring in on p platers if a semi hit a full bus and there was 2 months death toll in 1 accident....

Geez that is harsh, I do feel sorry for todays P platers.

But I am zero tolerance on Terrorism ect....I wouldnt want to see the result of negotiating with plane hijackers ect. You can't give em an inch, if that kind of action is seen as sucessful in bringing change where does it end.

But on subject I gotta agree..I think the law makers of this land have gone nuts.

Go back 30 yrs and I bet more than a few of these hypocrits where throwing laps in their GT's or Monaros.

Edited by madbung

something that the younger people should know is that back in about 1998/99 the rules for getting your licence changed. under the old rules, during your test you were allowed 3 minor mistakes. then they changed it to 7. this made it rather easier to get your licence. i think even just going back to the old licence testing would make the roads a bit safer.

a girl i knew got her licence under the new rules on the 2nd or 3rd attempt and got about 6 strikes (only just scraped through). about a week later she was driving along the highway with a friend in the car and said "double lines means i can overtake doesn't it?"

now that passenger never drove with her again, and admittedly the driver should've read the learners book a bit better, but she was a bad driver either way. and there are more and more out there on the roads. i know a few other girls that were really bad drivers that still got their licence. they either turn too sharp at intersections then have to straighten up halfway round a corner, or turn too late and barely make the corner. its not only girls though. and a lot of these people end up have minor crashes due to poor drivers, but there is nothing done about them (because they weren't confident enough to go faster than the speed limit and no-one is usually killed).

there is 1 simple and easy way to make the roads a bit safer without bringing in all this crap where you have to do a certain amount of hours driving before you can get your licence (although i think that is a good idea, except for the fact that some people won't have the money to afford it). make the licence test harder. if the test is harder then there will be less young people on the road, and the ones that are will be better drivers (even though they may still do stupid things).


there is 1 simple and easy way to make the roads a bit safer without bringing in all this crap where you have to do a certain amount of hours driving before you can get your licence (although i think that is a good idea, except for the fact that some people won't have the money to afford it). make the licence test harder. if the test is harder then there will be less young people on the road, and the ones that are will be better drivers (even though they may still do stupid things).

But does that really solve the problem? They wont really be better drivers, they will just be the ones that got driving lessons to get taught how to pass the test. Doesnt mean they are good drivers, just means they listened to the bits that mattered to pass the test.

Its just like this 'new' ncap safety testing thing. Damn near on every car is getting 5stars these days on it. Simply because they build the car to get 5 stars on the THAT test as it seems to be the one that will sell the most cars. There are a number of tests/parts of a car that ncap doesnt cover...

i dont need to read it...

if it stop 1 person from getting killed or injury then its good.

edit: i just read it. i think all the laws are good.

Import drivers And P's Drivers need to understand that police have the RIGHT to target YOU! you are in a HIGH RISK group. GET OVER IT!'

drive normaly, deal with cops in a nice way and take it on the chin and get over it!

i love the people that are cool about everything cops do and agree with everything the government/powers that be do.

dont they have minds of their own?

p platers and import drivers arent the only issue, yet that seems to be what were made to believe, if you drive an import, or youre a p plater, youre the devil and should be made an example of at the earliest possible convenience.

getting your licence is far too easy.

theres another problem.

introduce driver education in primary school, adjust peoples attitudes towards the roads while theyre young. introduce driver training as a compulsary high school subject. dont pass? dont get your licence. decrease the number of errors youre able to make. 2 or 3 is more than enough. or atleast encourage people to take advanced driver courses.

you dont need to be re-evaluated until youre what? in your 70's?

yet another problem.

introduce mandatory refresher courses every 5-10 years.

the road system is in such a state of disrepair that you can be the best driver in the world and still be caught out by the roads. (dont know how it is everywhere else, but in sa, its f**king shocking, every road is potholed).

you guessed it, thats another problem. and what do they do about it? fix the roads? hell no! they just lower the speed limit and throw a few speed cameras in.

everything the government does is a simple, yet ineffective knee jerk reaction. oh, a p plater was involved in an accident with 3 passengers in the car whilst being the designated driver after some fun in the town, introduce curfews and passenger restrictions immediately.

government says take it off the street, fair enough, theres one open track in adelaide, 3-4 hours north of the city.

open places for people to take it to before you tell em to get it off the streets.

reward people for taking it to the track, dont f**k em over by placing defect stations at the gates of every event.

dont crash car shows handing out canary's.

i could go on for days and days.

i probably went well off topic there, but seriously, p platers are not the friggen problem. and knee jerk reactions are not the solution.

/end rant.

edit: spelling.

Edited by scandyflick
' date='23 Feb 2007, 06:27 PM' post='2929922']

i dont need to read it...

if it stop 1 person from getting killed or injury then its good.

edit: i just read it. i think all the laws are good.

Import drivers And P's Drivers need to understand that police have the RIGHT to target YOU! you are in a HIGH RISK group. GET OVER IT!'

drive normaly, deal with cops in a nice way and take it on the chin and get over it!

What you MIGHT (I do stress might) not be realising is many of the young drivers die on our roads due to inexperience NOT due to speed, drugs, drinking, 4 mates in the car, etc...

We all know you cant teach experience. But you can give it a bit of a helping hand. Teaching people some better basics, and trying to change thier additude has a better affect. End of the day, the laws will not work anywhere near effectivly enough, or as they are claiming they will. They are a bandaid option to make it look as if they are doing something to save the young drivers (while also attempting to reduce the 'hoon' factor at the same time) especially in an election year.

Whats really annoying not many of these young drivers can vote, therefore making it very difficult for thier oppinion to be heard or at least heard properly.

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