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Hi all, I have some bad news...

Paintball has had to be cancelled due to a lack of interest (I know you were trying to help John), commitment and communication, it has taken 3 months to get to this stage and we have not been able to work things out due to inconveniece for everyone. My apologies for the $25 loss but if it's any compensation daniel and I lost over $100 just buying the VIP passes. ;) Once again, sorry for the loss and cancellation but this was just dragging out way too far and we really didn't have enough committed people for one good sized team. :wave::):(

umm... no

You have told the group it has been fully paid for, whether the group turns up or not. You changed the date and paid the money without consulting the group. You made a judgement call, it turned out to be wrong and I am certainly not going to have a go at you for sticking your neck out and trying.

However now you are not going to run away like a little child that doesn't get their way. Be a man (or woman as the case be it) and follow this through to the best of your abilities. You commited our funds as an agent for a set event on a set date, you can not deliver. Now you are compounding the misjudgement by cancelling instead of offering the day for those who can attend.

That is not having a go, that is the facts as I understand them. Now if I have to pick up the reigns and get a result even a partial result I will. I would however value your assistance.

Several people know how hard these days are to organise, I know Jayce organised some good track days in the past, and the hassle he went through sometimes was amazing, but even if it didn't turn out perfect, everyone who could attend got the best out of the day they could.

I know you have the ability to turn this day around, let me help you.

(Please no childish name calling/blaming in this thread or I'll get shell to lock this thread as well)

Emily have you actually cancelled.. ie. have we lost that date?

either way, couldn't you give John whatever details he needs and lets see if it can be salvaged... better than just giving up and everyone losing their money :)

ps. i still think you're all crazy :wub: .. it HURTS :happy:

OK the Facts... and they are good for everyone.

From The ministary of Paintball:

The booking was cancelled within the 7 day period (thank you Daniel/Emily)

We still have all the money, it is NOT lost

We need to recedule within 7 months

It has been paid for 16 people

If we don't get the whole 16 people they can hold the rest until we use it. ie we can have 2 or more games yea:-)

If everyone (who has paid) is in agreement. I would like to set a date in the future in consultation with you.

If we get any new takers they can pay me and I can refund someone that can not attend. I will be setting a date at least a month in the future and a date that Jayce can attend because he's a cool guy. Apart from that all I'm getting is the game I paid for.

I would appreciate everyone's phone numbers via PM so I can keep you informed as I know not everyone looks at the web site everyday.

Anything can be done if you put your mind to it.



Don't piss off a public servant, likely they know someone

So,people:all is not lost! A heeeoooge thanks goes to JB for wading in with the big stick to make this happen. I avoided getting into E + D's thing when it was paintball round 1,but now there's a clear shot at doing it right,round 2,I'll offer all the help I can. Veilside R33,this should make it a LOT easier for you!So,stay tuned kids;it's on like Donkey Kong!

This is true my friend. I've already dicscussed this with John via PM and depending on the final list of attendees I may or may not come, I'll continue to talk to John about this as I'd certianly like to join ya'll!

Edited by Veilside R33

OK I've been doing a bit of running around and it looks like I've come up with a date that might suit most people, with plenty of time to arrange a day off if needed. It should also be a bit cooler so the paint balls will more likely burst on you rather than not bursting and leaving welts :(

Sunday April 22nd 8.30-4pm

The following is a list that was posted on who had paid acording to the original thread. I did not take the money so can not confirm if you paid extra for what ever reason. We do not need 16 people, the remaining places will be held until another day, possibly Emily and Daniel can organise a day for the NSW group with the remaining places.

SL33KY (Emily & Daniel + 2) Deposits taken

Bluprint Deposits taken

Sinista32 Deposits taken

CeJay Deposits taken

Cef11e Deposits taken

LTSJayce Deposits taken +1 need deposit (this is the last person we need)

Contempt Deposits taken

Veilside R33 Deposits taken

a20089 Deposits taken

James (sorry don't know your screen name) Deposits taken

SKYLVIA Deposits taken

Baconer Deposits taken Paid up

1. If you are on this list and wish to attend please post below

2. If you have a friend who wishes to attend please take their money and give it to me (PM me). I will organise refunds where possible. If I get a group of people from work to take all spare places, I will organise to refund Daniel/others.

3. This will be the only day organised from me, if you don't like it you can talk to Daniel who told you all the money was lost. If you suddenly pull out, the money WILL be lost.

Transport will be on your own, please someone volunteer to pick me up. The location of the field is "Inglara Creek" Michelago NSW http://www.predator.com.au/home.html

Edited by a20089

^^Was supposed to be yesterday :(

Anyway April 22nd sounds good, consider me in unless something comes up in the future.

Also should we bring protective clothing (jeans etc) or do they provide overalls.

dont worry, says they provide camo overalls and a cup :huh:

Edited by Baconer

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