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who do i have to talk to buy the rights for this story to make a midday movie for the american market , i mean its got conflict , 180 turns , money , backstabbing and nudity (well maybe not but my movie will)

Frink, Bullet32, FoX and myself have been known to film events for SAU, maybe we can organise a meeting and you can pitch us your idea?

Perhaps out in front of some trendy Manukavic cafe where all the movie stars roll?

Have your people call my people, ta.

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The issue here isnt about unroadworthy vehicles on our streets. Its about your inability to be honest to those members whom you promised a refund quite a few weeks ago. I also find it hard to believe you claim to have had illegal mods put on your car without your knowledge.

Stop using your defect as an excuse, grow up and give people back whats rightly theirs.

Im just glad i didn't participate in this venture when the idea was first throw up in the air, i feel sorry for all the people who are getting screwed over, i doubt any of you will ever see ur money, except the 4 mentioned above, although i wouldnt be holding my breath either. Chances are her rego is due...

I am sorry that we all can not be as perfect as you! And what inb gods name has it to do with you. Extra people getting invovled is what really made this a sh!t fight if i remember rightly you have stirred up quite a lot of trouble on here within your first few weeks of being a member.

Also for your information (seeing as you are so nosey) the money for the deposits will be refunded to shell and the information that i have already recieved for the few people who did give me their information and details will be forwarded on as well.


Also the car was engineered when Bought it and I was told it was fully engineered so the parts that were illegal I didn't know as I am new at this whole turbo performance thing.

So as i said before unless this involves you directly mind your own business!!!


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I am sorry that we all can not be as perfect as you! And what inb gods name has it to do with you. Extra people getting invovled is what really made this a sh!t fight if i remember rightly you have stirred up quite a lot of trouble on here within your first few weeks of being a member.

Also for your information (seeing as you are so nosey) the money for the deposits will be refunded to shell and the information that i have already recieved for the few people who did give me their information and details will be forwarded on as well.


Also the car was engineered when Bought it and I was told it was fully engineered so the parts that were illegal I didn't know as I am new at this whole turbo performance thing.

So as i said before unless this involves you directly mind your own business!!!


Now now Emily, everyone is entitled to their opinion, whether they are involved or not. For anybody who doesnt know you personally, they can certainly get a grasp of certain things about you just by reading this topic. You lack of knowledge in relation to the car you bought again, is your problem and no one elses..

I may well have stirred sh*t in the past, but if it came down to either be known as a shit stirrer or a liar (like you), i know which one id prefer. :)

If only you put as much effort trying to refund these peoples money as you do to log on and respond, you wouldnt have this problem.

Edited by 350zon20's
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I think shes right to tell you to STFU, its got nothing to do with you and everyone else is managing fine without you butting in. So sit the fk back down hero.


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Thank you to those who agree i am sorry for the shit that has been caused and i am rectifying it now in the best way possible by an unbiased third party.

Thanks to shell for agreeing to helping with the resolve and the money and details will be sent to her asap

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This is a public forum.

You have made yourself appear untrustworthy and unreliable on this public forum.

Because of this, everyone who views this public forum is allowed to make their own opinion - and voice it - on this public forum.

Your reputation is at stake here - The more you push back, the harder it will be for you to have a good reputation.

What you have done with Shell is a good idea, it separates you from the people you owe money to slightly and involves someone who is considered trustworthy by many on this forum.

You can still save face here. People might complain eternally when they get poor service, but they also speak highly of people who go the extra mile to make things right.

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Well, I'm done.

Normally, I'd see something through, but this is getting ridiculous. I've had a gutfull of Emily and Daniel's deception, excuses and general dribble. It is a big deal in that we've all been conned, even if it is only $25 each that we're out of pocket. I've been in contact with some very helpful members of the Australian Federal Police, and it'll no doubt make the offending parties happy to know there's really nothing the Police can do. It's more a civil thing, I'm told, so it really isn't worth my time nor expenses to chase these weasels otherwise.

There's been a lot of chest-thumping from both sides of the fence, with very few people holding a clear mind all the way through this garbage. I cannot see my deposit being refunded, even though my name is one mentioned for extra care and attention. If said money ever appeared, I'd still be thankless to these two, as it's gone past these sort of civilities in my eyes.

Emily, do not bother PM'ing me with further dribble. I don't require nor want ANY response from you or Daniel; my mind is set on this. I can see you working yourself into yet another lather to post something that appears sharp or witty; save your fingernails, for even your keyboard is growing tired of this. I wont be responding, so if you decide to say anything, it'll be for nought. :P Goodbye,liitle people.

To the rest of you, I say good luck. For future events, especially anything I have involvement with, you will be better looked after!

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Seeing as I am off work recovering after having my 4 wisdom teeth out yesterday, I have transferred the money from my personal account to Shell's. Once I have confirmation the funds have cleared I will PM her your bank details (those who have given them to me) for her to distribute the funds accordingly.

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Cant we all just get along?

hehe would be nice hug.gif

well! everyone will be happy to hear that the funds have cleared in my account, so once i get the details from Emily I can get this sorted out. I will be in touch with everyone involved :)

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The refund has appeared in my bank account for myself and James.

Thanks very much to Emily & Shell. :)

Edited by Bluprint
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