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OK I know I have been posting a lot lately but this is a different topic.

I am considering swapping in a RB26 from a R33 and then selling off my semi-stuffed (low comp in one cylinder) engine to make the whole thing easier and cheaper. Is it worth it though?

I know they both have ceramic turbos, and are close to the same power output, but obviously the R33 is newer than my old engine anyway. What other advantages do R33 Rb26s have over, say rebuilding the R32 engine I have?

I am not after a hardcore car, just about 220kw at the wheels.


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the rb26 will shit all over the stock rb20 stronger etc.

but if you have already got a 26 in your 32 then i still would probably swap considering if engine is in good nick etc.

is alround a better engine built for racing.

not a mechanic but from what i have seen and also i have a 32 gtr and nothing will touch you on street with correct upgrades and correct engine tuning

hope this is help

test the 26 you will have some fun.

laters and 220k at wheels you would probably have to detune the engine and turbos lol.

the rb26 will shit all over the stock rb20 stronger etc.
I think he is asking about R32 RB26 vs R33 RB26

I've done the conversion, R33 RB26 into R32 GTR, its rather straight foward.

only differences I found when installing was

-the knock sensor loom has a different plug. (just pull the one off the 32 motor and bolt it on the 33 donk)

-the heater hoses at the rear are larger on the 33 than the 32 (I just made a step down inline brass reducer)

-Also Use your R32 GTR dash water temp sensor in the 33 motor. ( the 33 sensor didnt register anything on the dash)

You will get the stronger oil pump drive coller at least, I think the 33 motor has a little bit more tourqe and hp, thought I'm not sure if its a slighly different cam grind or port desgin? somebody will know...

Ecu will work fine on either 33 ecu on 32 motor or 32 ecu on 33 motor too.

Hope this helps :ninja:


Thanks for the advice guys. Now I have to find a quality R33 engine I guess. What about the turbos? Are they the same on the R32 and R33 (oh and yes I have a GTR already with a RB26 just to confirm)

Spend the money it would take to buy an R33 RB26 on rebuilding your R32 RB26 and it will be better than the R33 RB26 (did that make sense?)

for sure!

If you are talking second hand engines the real difference is a 33 motor is probably younger, but by now I guess you would count both of them as old. The oil drive difference isn't worth paying an extra $2k for :no:

BUT my argument is that for $3000 "change over" I will have a newer-ish engine without the blown ring. The cost of rebuilding could be as much as $10000 at the end of the day. While the engine is out I would spend a bit more and put on an N1 oil pump and new turbos. Then sell off the old R33 turbos and the old R32 engine and turbos (possibly in pieces). This could mean I could have a R33 engine with N1 turbos and N1 oil pump for less than $5000 total price (drive in drive out). To me that sounds better than $10000 block and head setup. Any other comments?

Ecu will work fine on either 33 ecu on 32 motor or 32 ecu on 33 motor too.

One thing I noticed and I'm fairly sure about is the AFM's are different between the R32 and R33. When my R33 ECU died, I bought an R32 ECU because it was all I could find. It worked, but the car chewed through a lot more petrol. Like 22-25L/100km around town, and around 18-19L/100km on the highway. It was running so rich that the whole back and some of the top of my boot lid started accumulating exhaust crap, as opposed to just the rear bumper and some of the back of the boot lid.

A few weeks later I got a PowerFC and noticed that in the AFM menu it has different entries for the R32 and R33 AFM's and I don't see why they would bother unless they're different. Since my car was running way too rich with R33 AFM's and an R32 ECU, I would imagine that going the other way (R32 AFM's and R33 ECU) would be make it too lean. But the knock sensor would probably take care of that so you might not notice any problems other than having less power.

It won't matter if you are just swapping the engines but keeping the rest the same, but thought I would point it out in case other bits are being swapped.

i didn't think there were any major mechanical changes to the rb26 between all three models? am i wrong?

The early RB26 needs a crank collar. It was corrected around '92 or so from what I've read.

R34 cams won't fit in an earlier model.

Can anyone tell me if R34 turbos will bolt straight onto the R32 manifold and exhaust?

Basically I am thinking to get a "tested" R33 engine (complete) then sell off the turbos and my old engine and turbos (maybe get $3500 back in total) then bolt up a set of R34 turbos (yes I know they are still ceramic but they are ballbearing and a lot newer + I dont need more than 12psi boost really anyway). Can anyone see there being any pain involved in this?

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