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Hey Hey Kids,

Can anyone help explain to me how to install my HKS Type 1 Timer in my R32GTST. I have a wiring harness coming tomorrow and I'm really keen to get it in :P I need to know ( i think) where the harness plugs into the ECU, and what other wires I need to hook up. My understanding is that I'll only need to hook up a ground wire with the harness...



EDIT: For those who just read the stupid question at the top - I'm putting together a how-to doco if you're interested :burnout:

I installed my Type 1 timer a while ago on my 33 with the harness. The only thing the harness did for me was hook up the ignition. You still had to find and connect to the park-brake switch and locate the speedo out and tacho out from the ECU and hook into them.

Hope that helps

PS Try and locate a 32 ECU pinout diagram, it will help no end.

The harness should provide connections to 12V, ignition, and ground.

You have to wire extra wires into the ECU: RPM, Speed. The HKS Turbo Timer should come with a ECU pinout that tells you which wires to splice into. You'll also have to hook one of the wires to the handbrake.

That's if I remember correctly :(

King_kw : Not too sure about a harness for Blitz TT. I haven't seen any anywhere.

Can anyone give me the wire number for each of the following on a R32 GTT?

RPM Sensor

Speed Sensor

Handbrake Sensor



I hooked into the handbrake switch staight off the handbrake. If you pull the centre console off the should be a little switch at the bottom of the handbrake lever. At least there was on the 33. Can't help you with the pin numbers for the speed and tacho out off the 32 ECU though.

Thanks jl, I'll give it a go...

Can anyone give me the wire numbers for the 32?

Also, where does the TT harness hook into? I'm guessing the ignition, and I've been told it's easy...but where do the wires/plugs go??



Pulling out my service manual, reveals:

PIN 7 is tacho signal

PIN 53 is the speedo signal

This is when looking at the ECU pinouts, not the harness.

Pin 7 is the fifteenth pin on the top row, from the left.

And pin 53 is on the bottom row, the eighth one from the right.

Hope that helps.


Thanks Zen... As I'm looking at the ECU which side is left / right (as it sits vertically) and are there any markings on the ECU (like Pin 1 to show where counting can begin?

I hooked most of it up last night and took lots and lots of pics, so I'll be posting up a "how to" soon. I was hoping to get away without hooking into the speed and rev sensor wires, but I guess I have no choice. So those 2 wires will get hooked up tonight, and I'll take more pics.

I would have finished it up last night but all of my attention was focused on a gigantic cow (yes as in MOO MOO) walking up the middle of the street in Toombul! I nearly smashed myself up on it :uh-huh: Nothing's funnier than seeing a cow in inner-suburban Brisbane out for a midnight stroll...

I'll keep you all posted (about the timer that is)...


Where have you mounted yours? I have mine on top of the steering column, not sure if I am happy with it there though.

If you want a quick check when you identify which wire the tacho out and speedo out are, take the instrument cluster out and follow the tracks to the speedo and tacho. With a bit of luck you should find the same colour wires at that plug as you saw at the ECU. Thats what I did anyway, I get a bit nervous when playing with the loom from the ECU. If you hook in up there you don't have to run the wires very far either!

Cow in Toombul, very nice! Wasn't on Sangate road was it?


Yeah, I was thinking about splicing into the wires behind the dash as opposed to at the ecu, but Isn't there a couple of plugs that go into the back of the instrument cluster, as opposed to a wire each?

I have attached a pic of where I'm going to mount it. It's not properly fixed ATM, but I'm picking up a bracket tonight to put it in properly. It will actually sit with the face almost parallell with the rest of the dash, not looking at the pssenger as it is in the pic...

Hopefully it will all be good after tonight...

I thought I was seeing things when I saw the cow.. Initially I though it was 2 people walking in the middle of the road who weren't moving as I approached, so I put the clutch in and reved up because people like that piss me off...then I looked again and it was a stinking great cow...INSANE! It wasn't far from Sangate rd...It was on melton rd whcih runs on the other side of Toombul...


Let us know what you think of that mounting position after you have driven at night. I find mine a little bright. It isn't to bad around town because of all of the outside light/street light etc, but if you go for a cruise one night that little blue face can get a little bit annoying. I usually switch it off as the Auto function seems to keep working even though the screen is switched off. Just got to remember to turn it on again before you stop.

At the back of the instrument cluster mine has two plugs, and from there there is a series of tracks which lead off to their various functions, some off which are labeled, much like a computer board, just no where near as fine! You can follow the track from the speedo/tacho contacts to the different pins for the plug and from there determine the wire colour.


I actually pulled over last night on the side of the road waiting for the cops (so I could show them where the cow was), so I put on my hazzard lights and turned the key to off. The timer started blinking counting down - flashing red - blue - red - blue - etc... It was funny to see the cars in the rear view who were caroooozing along hit the skids thinking I was a cop. If we had skylines as cop cars in Aus - I know where i'd be working...

I'll pull out the dash tonight (but on a short timeframe - MATRIX @ @ Midnight :D) and give hooking the other sensor wires up a go.



i have an older HKS Timer and also having probs due to the fact i have no instructions ,can anyone here supply Install instructions web page ? or know if all the installs for HKS timers are the same ?

I'll be putting instructions up tomorrow or Monday with lotsa pics (probably a PDF. I recommend you pick up a wiring harness. call BD4's on (02) 9879-3322 and ask them if there is a Turbo Timer Wiring Harness to suit your model timer. I think that they're all the same. It only differs between models of cars...


yeah ill do that , but prob is i have no clue what type mine is , its not one of the new ones thats for sure , how do i know that i dont allready have a wiring harness with it ? plus it came out of GTS R33 now its going in my car , problems ?

Shouldn't have any problems with compatibility (ie - 33 into 32)...

If you can get your hands on a digital camera take a picture of it and post it up...there's a good chance that someone on the forum has the same Timer as you...

I'll post up pics of my wiring harness with the installation guide... The harness plugs into the ignition plug (???name???) and has an extra plug on it to feed the Turbo Timer...


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