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That being the case, then those who ask 'where can i go to get this' or 'where can i get this done', etc would also be a result in advertising businesses which in turn deters people away from club/forum sponsors.

its much of a much really where removin a thread of mine based on complaints and advertising would also result in those advertising 'non forum/club sponsors' threads/post as well.

Im a little lost on this???

But if you asking about advertising within a thread asking where to get something done, they is rarelly a problem.

Only a complaint would spark any action.

If your asking is it ok to suggest a workshop without getting in trouble or if you can refer people to your service traders thread, then the answer is no you would not get into trouble. In fact in encourage you to offer advice, thats what SAU is all about...

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let me refer to this thread


this thread alone is purely advertising another company which isn't a site sponsor not a club sponsor.

in fact, he's advertising a company exactly like i was doing except he's highly recommending this company which i wasn't doing nor allowing in my thread which means, he's gone one step further.

so, what i mean is that if a thread such as mine is complained about in terms of advertising other businesses that are not site/club sponsors, shouldnt action on any threads then created by others soon after also receive the same actions that mine had been given?

if my thread is detering people away from site or club sponsors, clearly the above thread is also doing that.

Im a little lost on this???

But if you asking about advertising within a thread asking where to get something done, they is rarelly a problem.

Only a complaint would spark any action.

If your asking is it ok to suggest a workshop without getting in trouble or if you can refer people to your service traders thread, then the answer is no you would not get into trouble. In fact in encourage you to offer advice, thats what SAU is all about...

to answer this.

i'll give you an example.

a noob comes on here and simply creates a thread asking "hey, i need my car tuned and all this stuff installed, where do i go?". What do people usually do? well, they clearly refer them onto workshops that they've used.

Instead, what should be happening is that people should be refering them onto site/club sponsors.

As a result of people not doing this, meanin they refer them onto places that aren't site/club sponsors means that they are advertising a business that isnt a club/site sponsor which in turn is detering people away from site/club sponsors which has been pointed out that is what my thread was doing which ended up gettin closed cause of 'complaints' of such things explained here.

let me refer to this thread


this thread alone is purely advertising another company which isn't a site sponsor not a club sponsor.

in fact, he's advertising a company exactly like i was doing except he's highly recommending this company which i wasn't doing nor allowing in my thread which means, he's gone one step further.

so, what i mean is that if a thread such as mine is complained about in terms of advertising other businesses that are not site/club sponsors, shouldnt action on any threads then created by others soon after also receive the same actions that mine had been given?

if my thread is detering people away from site or club sponsors, clearly the above thread is also doing that.

Yes, point taken however no one has made a complaint about the above thread...

Also your thread was not only complaint about by sponcers/traders it was complained about 2 or 3 members saying they felt uncomfortable about advertising certain workshops as they had bad experiences... So we cant add or delete traders based on what people say. If its a list then it needs to be complete or not as all... So what im saying is if its in the phone book then all business should be given equall opertunity... However what do we do when a know workshop is on a sh1t list, do we reove it based on someones opinion or do we leave it there and then that person gets upset about it...?

It was a loose loose situation hence its closure...

Said that, if someone were to complain abotu Azzurra thread then id look into it...

a noob comes on here and simply creates a thread asking "hey, i need my car tuned and all this stuff installed, where do i go?". What do people usually do? well, they clearly refer them onto workshops that they've used.

Instead, what should be happening is that people should be refering them onto site/club sponsors.

Ok, yeah i guess thats the beauty of forums...

Anyone can suggest anything or anyone to conduct a service and give that company/person a good or bad review...

Yes sponcers are great and they get their value from work of mouth business and most then give back to the forum...

Slide as in example, he has recieved allot of business from SAU users and he is now a sponcer and business trader, oh and a top bloke :shameless plug:

But yeah, thats forums i guess. No one would be flamed for suggesting a non-sponcer...

If they offer a great service or do a great job then tell the people of SAU about them. Its then up to the club execs and forum admin to approach them for sponcership if they become really popular and can offer each other something usefull...

Hope this helps... :P

It was a loose loose situation hence its closure...

Ok, so wouldn't it then be best to work on the creator of the thread (my thread) to which we can possibly work out a way to inform people of other people's problems that they may of had?

And as for the whole 'whitepages/yellowpages' thing.... my thread was being updated purely based on those providing contact details from other users. I nor does anyone have time to ad a million businesses to that list so, doing it over a long period (months/years, etc) would of worked out and if a business was to close, then those who actually called that business or went to the workshop/business address i'd be sure that they would inform us they no longer exist and in turn i would remove it from the list.

I think what mods/admins need to start is working with the users on threads in discussing the thread further with them about how to resolve/fix any issues before actually closing it.

As we've seen many times on here, closing or just deleting a thread without any reason pisses them off through the roof. Working/discussing with the user before any action is taken is a better way of dealing with such things.

It's not the mods/admins that make this forum... its the users who in turn post up everything and donate to it. The mods/admins are here just to help make the further that much of a better place to make for everyone.

Hi Guys,

A few questions / comments if I may...

1) Subforums and Sticky Threads, can they be used more OR a little better?

- A number of States have a "Workshop / Wreckers / Import Dealer" Sticky Thread. I think John's (Mr-Toy33) thread was a good one. A great place for noobs to check out who's who in QLD. BUT it sould ONLY list places, not a general discussion. Check out VIC, WA, SA, ACT

- Whoretown - Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Central and Noth Qld - stick them ALL in a subforum... I think it's VERY hard for groups outside Bris

- FAQ, Welcome Noobs, etc... maybe put all of this in a subformun as well.

2) Statistics,

- It would be great to see an Average of posts Per Day in the QLD section. Compare this with the average posts in whoretown...

- Images in posts - Alot of OLD Tue night Dinner and Cruise posts have 1 or more images... DELETE them after a month??

3) Closing Threads - Event Threads are still open for events that happened months / years ago. I can still post to a New Years Eve thread.

- Can ALL Event Threads be closed x days after the Event (1 week MAX)

- In the Member's Events, we have threads March, April, May... you read the thread to find that it's 2006!

Mods good luck! not an easy job!!

I can see where Noel and the other guys are coming from. Noobs need to be welcomed. :P


Well it works the way it is atm either let people have an active role in the forum by letting them suggest places to go...

Or you can point them in the direction of your thread, thats why i left it there. So you can use it as reference...

As for a even bigger list of places to take you car, you need not look any further than below...



The work is done... Let sleeping dogs lie...

Lets keep this thread moving...

1) Subforums and Sticky Threads, can they be used more OR a little better?

- A number of States have a "Workshop / Wreckers / Import Dealer" Sticky Thread. I think John's (Mr-Toy33) thread was a good one. A great place for noobs to check out who's who in QLD. BUT it sould ONLY list places, not a general discussion. Check out VIC, WA, SA, ACT

- Whoretown - Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Central and Noth Qld - stick them ALL in a subforum... I think it's VERY hard for groups outside Bris

- FAQ, Welcome Noobs, etc... maybe put all of this in a subformun as well.

2) Statistics,

- It would be great to see an Average of posts Per Day in the QLD section. Compare this with the average posts in whoretown...

- Images in posts - Alot of OLD Tue night Dinner and Cruise posts have 1 or more images... DELETE them after a month??

3) Closing Threads - Event Threads are still open for events that happened months / years ago. I can still post to a New Years Eve thread.

- Can ALL Event Threads be closed x days after the Event (1 week MAX)

- In the Member's Events, we have threads March, April, May... you read the thread to find that it's 2006!

Hey Chris...

Thanks for the feeback...

Firstlly let me address the questions above...

1. The thread John created cause too many complaints and sparked a huge disagreement... Yellowpages offers an unbias opinion in alphabitical (spelling) order, this thread he created was to provide phone numbers and address. Which is something that the yellowpages does but with ever listing in Brisbane not just a select few. Also the biggest complaint was about a club sponcer by the members, so what do we do. Ditch the listing or promote the listing...

The forums is separate to the club and for that reason i refer back to the forums guidelines... This thread cause too much heat for its benifit hence it was closed. But as i said its not mived so it can be found quite easily with a search and or a point in its direction with a copy paste of the address...

Whoretown, there is only one whoretown in qld. All regions of qld should put off topic posts in whoretown always...

NSW sections is an example of too many sticky topics, its take 3 scrolls of the mouse to get to the content and past the stickys...

Also ill ad here i never want more than 4 sticky topics in the qld section at any one time. However in saying that there will be times when more are needed. However is its not essential that it will be un-sticked again...

The noob section is only a trial, we will test and see how it goes...

2. Stats, will have to contact Squizz about this...

3. Events, I dont close them simplly as they generally just drop off the page and dont ever cause any hassles.

Also they are great for reference and if someone has a question about past events they can post them up in that topic rather than starting a new one...

Closing the topic has no benifit other than stopping people from posting new content to the thread, so it saves nothing else...

This help???

let me refer to this thread


this thread alone is purely advertising another company which isn't a site sponsor not a club sponsor.

in fact, he's advertising a company exactly like i was doing except he's highly recommending this company which i wasn't doing nor allowing in my thread which means, he's gone one step further.

so, what i mean is that if a thread such as mine is complained about in terms of advertising other businesses that are not site/club sponsors, shouldnt action on any threads then created by others soon after also receive the same actions that mine had been given?

if my thread is detering people away from site or club sponsors, clearly the above thread is also doing that.

From my understanding, John, the club does not currently have any sponsors that specialise in Suspension work (feel free to correct me if i am wrong), so i am hardly 'stealing' business away from them.

if you want to have another dig at me, go right ahead mate, as you obviously still have something you want to get off your chest from the other night?

From my understanding, John, the club does not currently have any sponsors that specialise in Suspension work (feel free to correct me if i am wrong), so i am hardly 'stealing' business away from them.

if you want to have another dig at me, go right ahead mate, as you obviously still have something you want to get off your chest from the other night?

No, no problem at all from the other night.

Simply making a perfect statement that a thread such as mine got closed for the same activity that your doing.

Though your not deterin anyone away from a club sponsor, you are detering people away from a site sponsor.

Perfect example is ISC coilovers (i think thats what they are called) and also business traders who also sell suspension.

then to further go on, the thread is also detering people away from using our club sponsors who can install this gear for us.

All in all, what im saying is closing my thread but not yours yet they both carry out the same reason and/or purpose to some degree can be found to be a bit unfair.

All in all, what im saying is closing my thread but not yours yet they both carry out the same reason and/or purpose to some degree can be found to be a bit unfair.

So are you saying lets close everything in qld???

I could pick something wrong with many threads but I see the benifit of some...

Jasons thread has had little intrest its about to drop off the first page, it is not a reference list...

Nor has it had any complaints that hold water...

Jason has pointed out something most of us were un aware of and I dont see him getting anything out of it personally...

There is nothing wrong with pointing out this fact John, your missing the point as to why yours was closed...

If your making a reference list you need to include everyone with an un-bias opinion, ie cut and paste the yellowpages...

If we start deciding who and who does not get into the list then we would be doing the wrong thing...

Plus the yellowpages is updated everyday, it has thousands of listings and there is no need to double up on a resource that is already free...

So in short, Jasons topic is different to your reference guide... You reference guide and the one made before it were both closed and were closed for the simple reason of heat and that fact that its not needed. You can point as many users to as many places as you like, but at the end of the day the reference list was ment for phone numbers and names, not recomendations and like i said the yellowpages already covers that and I dont get any compalints about the phone book... :P

Like I said "Let sleeping dogs lie"

i don't know how to search so could you define useless for me?

http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=useless :happy:

Serious side: If you dont yeild a result then post the question and ask if others can point you in the right direction...

You may not be using the search function correctlly, or someone may have the answer for you there and then...

Dont stop posting questions, just use common sence...

The biggest complaint I personally have is post your topic in the right area...

What i mean is;

By posting a topic in the general qld section about what turbo to choose you are not going to get the information you would get if you posted the same topic in the Forced area of the forum... Also by doing a search as bigger result is yields you will get the idea of what section the info your looking for is in...

(hot tip from col, better write that one down :P)

Hey Col,

Thanks for the reply... I'll comment on your reply and leave it at that

Firstlly let me address the questions above...

1. The thread John created cause too many complaints and sparked a huge disagreement... Yellowpages offers an unbias opinion in alphabitical (spelling) order, this thread he created was to provide phone numbers and address. Which is something that the yellowpages does but with ever listing in Brisbane not just a select few. Also the biggest complaint was about a club sponcer by the members, so what do we do. Ditch the listing or promote the listing...

The forums is separate to the club and for that reason i refer back to the forums guidelines... This thread cause too much heat for its benifit hence it was closed. But as i said its not mived so it can be found quite easily with a search and or a point in its direction with a copy paste of the address...

As a new person, the FIRST questions I wanted to ask was related to Importer, Workshops, etc. Where should I go...

- I agree, it has to be listed CAREFULLY (guidelines followed) - Highlight Sponcers, then list the rest... Can we look at what has been done in other states? Get a good format that works. Mods control this 100%. eg if I post a 'here's a good workshop', it's added to the master list by a mod, and my post is deleted.

- Yellowpages is too generic. To be honest, I have never looked at the yellowpages for anything skyline related.

- I think this list would really help everyone...

- each listing should have a 'Referred by' - One of the Rules, if you have a question about the place/company, you PM the person that referred them.

Whoretown, there is only one whoretown in qld. All regions of qld should put off topic posts in whoretown always...

NSW sections is an example of too many sticky topics, its take 3 scrolls of the mouse to get to the content and past the stickys...

Also ill ad here i never want more than 4 sticky topics in the qld section at any one time. However in saying that there will be times when more are needed. However is its not essential that it will be un-sticked again...

The noob section is only a trial, we will test and see how it goes...

Agree, scrolling through 10 sticky could be a pain. That's why I say Subforum. put all regional whores in a subforum. another one for Noobs, FAQ, Who's Who (workshop/importer) listing.

2. Stats, will have to contact Squizz about this...

would be good to know!!

3. Events, I dont close them simplly as they generally just drop off the page and dont ever cause any hassles.

Also they are great for reference and if someone has a question about past events they can post them up in that topic rather than starting a new one...

Closing the topic has no benifit other than stopping people from posting new content to the thread, so it saves nothing else...

I hear you... but if you go to the Member Events, you don't need to go too far back before you hit 2006 Events. There are a number of Event listings without dates. eg. Test n Tune, etc... just a cleanup more than anything.

Closing them will stop people posting to them OR reading them unnecessarily (if not dates are specified). I think MOST should be closed BUT, some could be deleted. eg Tue night dinners more than 1 or 2 months old. do we really need them?

** If we are worried about conserving space, bandwidth, etc... a cleanup could help.

Delete post in whoretown more than 1 month old could be another place.

anyway, that's it from me! thanks again for the reply.

the only issues i have with the QLD section are:

- general threads being posted here that would be better answered in other sections (eg forced induction)

- the pointless thread at the top titled "whoretown".. seriously, there is a wasteland section of SAU, i don't see why it couldn't be put there, or its idle chit chat reserved for MSN or an equivalent. SAU isn't a chatroom, its a forum. yes i understand there has to be relationships built but posting "how's your breakfast?" just seems like going nowhere... if its a topic related to sklylines in queensland then it deserves its own thread, don't post in the wasteland for no reason. seeing people with 5000+ posts used to be that they might know a thing or 2 to help you out, but it now just means they are a post whore.

note: not have a go at anyone at all in particular here, just putting forward my general point of view.

i have praise for the mods because it can't be easy always being seen as the mean ones. they have a job to do and they do it.


Thanks Chris

The workshop thread is dead and will remain that way, it was voted on and the trouble it cause ws not worth the benifit...

Way too many complaints, for eveyone who liked it there was a person who hated it cause they didnt get the thread their way...

The benifit tho is without the thread it promotes dicussion of workshops and constant user interaction with other users... So its ultimatlly a good thing...

Its great to see a thread froma new person asking "Hey where is the best place to get a thingy me bob"... Its sparks discussion... :P

I hear you... but if you go to the Member Events, you don't need to go too far back before you hit 2006 Events.

The member events is something you will have to talk to the events execs about...

I have nothing to do with that anymore, other than being a member like yourself...

It is cluttered, however I like the general event section the way it is cause it helps with repeat events like the sunnybank meets.

So the first thread can be updated and the title can be updated with a new events details and then bumped so all those who attended and registered intrest they can get the info emailed to them instantlly... So its a good thing also...

- general threads being posted here that would be better answered in other sections (eg forced induction)

- the pointless thread at the top titled "whoretown".. seriously

Thanks Warren

Yeah I pointed that up just above... Threads in the wrong area will attract the wrong attention...

As for whoretown, its been around before the main whoretown, its all about relationships and bonding with other friends...

Most post in there from work and its good that they post their pointless stuff in there...

Whoretown is one of those things that is used by some many that it cannot be removed, its a good resouce otherwise with out it we will get general chit chat threads in the qld section...

Whoretown was taken away late 2003 and threads started poping up like "Today 13/10/03 - What ya doing" and these would be used as like a daily whoretown... Most eneded up in the bin but in doing so it cause too many waves and more people were upset...

In short its like the bread and butter SAU QLD is built on, I mean to says its better being posted in there than 30 topics a day starting in the general section...

I can see both sides. Everything basically has been said that there is to say, so as a noob, all i do is read thru piles and piles of pages of info.

From my point of view there is no need to post and ask questions and 'feel like part of the community.'

Whats the point? Read this thread, all your questions will be answered etc etc etc.

But at the same time, i realise that the old schoolers will have seen and heard it all a 1000 times before.

So how can this continue onwards?

Just my 2 cents.


But at the same time, i realise that the old schoolers will have seen and heard it all a 1000 times before.

So how can this continue onwards?

Hey Chris

If i was so sick of seeing the same threads id leave... But im all abotu people Chris, im here to help people the best way i can...

This is all about posting the right thing in the right area, doing a search shows you have tried...

Generally you will find what your looking for, before needing to ask a question or you can add a reply to a previous topic to enrichen the threads material...

By all means post a question just be sure you will recieve many replys saying do a search or this has been covered, just go with it and wait for the right info to be posted. If some one says do a search and you have, maby you can ask them to do the search seeing as how they could find it and you could not and this will point you in the right direction. The search function is pretty simple to use once you know how but ill admit it can be hard for people new to it. So any help needed dont hesitate to ask, thats what im here for...


Sorry to pull the pin, but im busted... I need some sleep and ive been on here for about 5 hours straight now... Time to pee and go to bed... :P

PS. Go easy tomorrow, the mods will answer any questions just be sure not to get into attacking each other. This is a forum not a keyboard war, im open to anyones opinion and would love to hear it, thats what forums are all about... Feel free to vent your consirns as its the only way we can make improvements to the area and try to make everyone happy...

Just consider when suggesting something that the majority would be happy with the idea, as if its going to cause heat its not going to fly... :ninja:

Good night :happy:

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