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To use this on an RB20det, is the wiring harness swap the same as the 25 one, or are there other wires that need changed around?

the rb20 requires more swaps, but all ultimates have the instructions in them and the wiring diagram is idiot proof so just compare RB20 to the loom you are buying in the manual.

I got my EMU today.The good thing: Its version E. Serial number 9027 or something.

The bad: My instruction manuals and install cd got stolen or lost.

I got the instructions already. Found the where to get the software also.

Now some questions.

In the manual it says that I can either run Knock1/Knock2 or water temp/iar temp. So this means that I wouldn't be able to datalog all of them at once, right ?

Another thing. What about the relay switching option in EMU. U can turn on the electric radiator fans with it, no ? And u can have the VCT if u got rb25 running of rb20 ecu, right ?

Edited by robots
  • 2 weeks later...

God damn the day I installed the EMU !!!))

First day I had a hangover and little sleep, installed the emanage. According to the manual ! Engine didn't start. Ripped the baby out, still didn't start. No spark!

2-nd day. Traced the problem - faulty igniter. Changed to a working one. Wow, we got spark now and engine starts.

Did some driving with Innovative LM-1 wideband, good afrs at idle, low load/cruise. around 14-14.7. Nothing under 13 for sure. Hard to look at the thing when driving.

Plugged the emu again. Haha, this time I noticed, that yesterday I didn't even look at the ignition channels chart for the inline-6. Damn ! Thats what fried the igniter.

Engine started, lumpy idle. And damn those afrs! 10-11 on idle ? Wtf ?

Did some driving. Cruise - 10-11. When I step on it it gets better - 13-12. even 14 some times. What is going on ?

I did choose the rb20det and wire it in according to the manual this time ! Didn't give me any errors.

Need help !

Anyone ?

URAS, looking forward to your insight. ))

Edited by robots

Ok. I went to the basement car park to play around with e-manage.

What did I find out.

Started from scratch, like choose the vehicle type etc, like I didn't touch anything, exported the data to EMU, started the car. Was rich. Then I tried to play with I/J map. I subtracted 0.05% or 0.02ms from the revs it was idling at and wow afrs rocketed to 14-14.7/15. I was like yeah, cool, but do I really have to subtract 0.05 from all the load points ? I played around with it and went for a quick 1st gear drive around the basement. Still runs rich everywhere.

I went back to my parking space. Then I opened up the choose your vehicle type menu.

Everything was spot on, accept when I got to the I/J setup. It said I got 260cc inj. I believed that rb20det got 270cc inj. WTF, Greddy ? I changed the inj. size to 270, like I was upgrading them. Left the stock one: 260cc, and put the new one - 270cc. And afrs turned to normal again! Haha.

I went for a quick 1st gear drive with dataloger on again. Seemed to run beautifully, just like stock. Afrs also same as with stock ecu. I was happy.

Then I opened up the throttle a bit and bam ! I got new rev-limiter/or rev cut at around 4-5k rpm ! Car just splutters. I didn't believe my eyes and tried again. Same thing. Went to park the car. I tried to rev it at idle - revs freely to redline on light throttle. As soon as I open the throttle more it cuts the revs at 4-5k rpm.

I didn't have time to stay, so I decided to leave it as it is for now. I got back my stock afrs at idle and cruise and it idles smoothly now. Just need to find out what is causing the rev-cut now !

Need some help, guys !


I will upload a datalog later.


Edited by robots

looks like you're hitting r&r with 3.7v @ 3500rpm

in the boost limiter cut settings, put 3.7v from 3500-4500 and see if that solves anything. it may do it again at around 5500 but we'll deal with that if it comes up. keep an ear out for pinging.

edit: i made you a map for you to try. PLEASE keep an ear out for ping, log data and report back.

p.s. i take no responsiblity if you blow your motor because of this, but i didnt do much to it.


Edited by SECURITY

Thnx, Security. I will try it today later or tomorrow. U just clamped the AFM voltage, right ?

Today I swapped the knock1 channel to read water temp. Now I can do auto-target map and afr datalogging. I will datalog all the stuff and post it here.

Seems so strange. When I put it back to 260cc it doesn't have that R&R. It just runs rich. I will leave all my data here, see if we can get around this problem. So other rb20det guys won't have to hurt themselves so much )).

I do have a frontface plenum, but I doubt its that. It was all good with factory ECU, no R&R. Only rb25 guys know about this R&R word, not rb20s :banana: Haha.

yeah mate, i only clamped afm voltage. with the front facing plenum you may be getting more flow which may max out a normal afm. i mean, another standard rb20 may not see those afm voltages at those rpm because of the usual gear + usual setups. you're running more flow on the standard AFM (im guessing) so maybe it is causing some kind of r&r?? thats just a guess though, the map that i made you should test my theory.

I tried to do some datalogging again. With my LM-1 and Water temp sensor working this time.

Only left 1 knock sensor (knock2).

I see some Knock reading of 4% highest with 270cc inj, and up to 11% with 260cc and running very rich.

When I lift the throttle at 260cc it just continues to backfire until drops to idle. There is no R&R issue with 260cc. Only with 270cc.

Security provided me with the map, with clamped AFM voltages at certain RPM (aka Boost CUT). As u can see it didn't help a lot, but I could over rev the cut and go to redline(go pust the cut, by keeping the throttle depressed longer.)

I can't really understand whats going on. Maybe I should clamp more voltages, datalog it under slow rev up, and add fuel where necessary to avoid lean afrs and knock ?

Appreciate all the feedback!


Edited by robots

well then obviously the afm clamp is working because you've completely overcome the last problem, its just moved to a higher rpm which you couldn't have seen because you couldnt get there!

try this one, ive added more voltage clamp:


Thanks, Joe ! I will give it a go today. Will let you know how it went.


Ok. It didn't really change much. I even tried to clamp 3.7v through all the rev range. And still that R&R/Miss. Maybe its something different ?

I've included AFRs/Knock this time.

Also I got my EMU reading 1point higher than LM-1. LM-1 shows 14, EMU - 15. Did I get my ground wrong or what ? It wasn't like this the first time I connected it.

I think something is a bit wrong with my setup. The only thing I can think of, is I wired EMU ground to the same wire as EMU inj. ground. As id didn't want to turn on(no lights) when connected to factory ECU ground.

Damn. With 260cc I have no R&R problems, accept running rich. ((


Edited by robots

cant you use the 260cc settings but by using the A/F map settings?

like, you'll be getting the emu to tune your injector map to suit your preferred a/f's at every rpm vs. afm point.

Joe, check out my thread at emanage forums. It seems that the problem is deeper than I thought. In inj. drop outs. Need to ground them better.

Can you pls send me your maps to work out my settings ?

Have problems starting the car with 270cc inj. Put back 260cc and fires flawlessly. I will try to do a couple of power runs with 260cc inj. settings. Log A/FRs, Knock, Water temp everything. And see if I will be able to lean the tune out a bit.

Will see how it works.

Updated my EMU with the newest firmware and software. Went to do some powerruns and datalog.

Idle AFRS were even worse than before - 9-10.

Check out the logs, guys. Some really crazy things there ))

Thanks for all the feedback !


Yahoo ! Some good news ! I've reset the EMU. Like I choose the engine, all the stuff. Done everything from scratch ! And ohh my god. AFRs went to normal at idle ! Didn't mess with inj. left it like Greddy programmed.

Gave it some rev - no splutter. Gave it open throttle rev on idle - no splutter ! Haha, was I happy ) Went for a drive with datalogging. No more splutter in 1,2 gear )) 3rd gear had some splutter in 140km/h range. But it wasn't as violent. And afrs didn't drop. Maybe I had little fuel in the fuel tank or it still my inj. earth problem, but it was much better than before )) Haha. I'm still smiling now ))

Still need to source the inj. drop out problem.



What I've noticed is that Greddy have changed the RB20 inj. lag time in the latest update(2.16). It was 0.70ms before, which I think is right. And now its 0.

still confused ))

Edited by robots

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