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Well i decided to pull my ACC valve off last night, basically because of the ongoing cold start issues.

The reason i did was that eaven if i wound the screw all the way in on the ACC valve, i couldn't get a lower RPM then say 600.

SO cleaned it up, pluged it up and all good workes well, the valve was clean, but i still can only get to 600 rpm.

NO i don't want it to idle at 600 rpm, it was just an observation.

I have set the idle as per procedure and seams to hold ok, but if i pull the ACC valve plug off the car will die, i suspect that this is correct?

I have tested the ACC valve with the multimeter and the computer and all work OK, as per spec.

Is there any way that one can test if the ACC valve operation is abnormal.

ALSO found that my Cold start valve is a bit stuffed, if you put it in the fridge it only opens half way, so it is never fully open when cold. I kinda bodged it up to do so, and it work a bit better, but need a new one.

Any idea on cost????????

The car still starts like a dog, leaning more to fuel injectors. I am going to deperesurise the system, and then push compressed air through the system to remove all fuel and see how we go.

Spoke to kutsie and he recond it has to be the fuel injectors.

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well what i have doen since, is to remove all fuel from the fuel rail, by turning the pump off and pressurising it wil air, runnign teh engien untill all fuel was out of the system. There was nooo fuel at all, not a drop.

This morning i connected it all up, including datalogit, and started the car, still went like a dog, the data didn't swop up anything funny, except at cranking the voltage droped to below 8V so not sure if that is BAD????? this happens for propably 400rpm till the voltage pics up, could this be it, couls this couse my cold starting problems.

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