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so... having read more of your posts, you're not wrong on the technicality...

... but you may require the services of a LART. Chill, and if you truly think

you've been wronged take it upstream. There are appropriate ways of making

a point :P



i dont know what your complaining about,

this forum is a free service that is worked on very hard, all the admins work their guts out maintaining these forums even thought they have jobs, families etc

if you disagree with the rules or with the way something has turned out then as Blitz said take it to pm, dont try and humiliate them by saying they are abusing their power as admins :(

i dont know what your complaining about,

this forum is a free service that is worked on very hard, all the admins work their guts out maintaining these forums even thought they have jobs, families etc

if you disagree with the rules or with the way something has turned out then as Blitz said take it to pm, dont try and humiliate them by saying they are abusing their power as admins :(

i dont see the point in maintaining two threads. What i'm saying is that there is no rule saying what i've done is wrong and i was asking people if they thought it was a big deal to have a url to another page o the same site. I'm not debating whether the admins work hard or not. Why is everyone missing the point besides saliya??

is it so hard to understand?

This is really blown out....

Technically you are right, but the admins are technically right as well. But ultimately what the admin says goes they are enforcing the rules and obvioulsy have concensous on the meaning of the rules. I don't see any other admins backing up your case.

why don't you just calm down, FFS it is only a post.

the only thing that admins do that shit me is when they change your post (to something insulting about you), or user details (also to something insulting). i have had both done to me and there is no way to find out who it was. when they change a post that was insulting to filter it then that sok, but when it isn't rude and they make it insulting, thats abusing their power.

Edited by mad082

Yea just chill dude - you can argue til you're blue in the face, the mods arent going to turn around and say "my bad" and shit. You both have valid points, in the end - who do you think is gunna win this argument?

Hey... you have listed the 32 for sale in the "general whole cars section" 4 times now...... the 1st on the left open because you have info on it, the second was closed because it was a link, the third was left open because it had info in it, the forth was closed because it had a link. Do you see a trend happening?? I dont see it as an abuse of power, because wouldnt they shut all your threads? Plus why do you need 4 threads? are they different cars? I would have done the same thing if you were on my forum.

Edited by Mr Sniper911
the only thing that admins do that shit me is when they change your post (to something insulting about you), or user details (also to something insulting). i have had both done to me and there is no way to find out who it was. when they change a post that was insulting to filter it then that sok, but when it isn't rude and they make it insulting, thats abusing their power.

If this happens then notify us. We have logs we can look up.

Ps it wasnt me :D

i dont know what your complaining about,

this forum is a free service that is worked on very hard, all the admins work their guts out maintaining these forums even thought they have jobs, families etc

if you disagree with the rules or with the way something has turned out then as Blitz said take it to pm, dont try and humiliate them by saying they are abusing their power as admins :D

Thank you for those kind words Sam :O

Its good to see that some people notice.

the only thing that admins do that shit me is when they change your post (to something insulting about you), or user details (also to something insulting). i have had both done to me and there is no way to find out who it was. when they change a post that was insulting to filter it then that sok, but when it isn't rude and they make it insulting, thats abusing their power.

As Dan said above, this is NOT on.

If this happens again, feel free to pm me or Prank and whoever is responsible for it will be dealt with accordingly.

We do have logs and can track who is behind it.

another example

Of you being put in your place like you sorely need? Or is it another example of the big, bad admins ganging up on you to make your stay at 'Club SAU' difficult?

In this thread you're guilty of name-calling, harassment and abuse. If someone was doing it to you they'd receive the same warning.

Here's a tip: Don't make an argument quoting rules you're not prepared to stick by yourself.


You know what RRR32_GoDziLLa I'm the last person to be sucking up to an admin, for example I think R31_Nismoid should go feast on a bowl of dicks, but Nick (Blitz) and everybody else are right in this case and are only enforcing SIMPLE, SENSIBLE guidelines that everybody else seems quite capable of following, so what's your problem? Are you unable to get that thick head of yours around these simple little tasks??

Follow the for sale rules or shut up and sell your crap elsewhere. Simple. End of discussion.

You've spent more time arguing on here, when you could've spent all of this constructive time making your sales threads look more appealing. Worry about selling your car, not how many threads you can create about it...

Edited by SAM916
You've spent more time arguing on here, when you could've spent all of this constructive time making your sales threads look more appealing. Worry about selling your car, not how many threads you can create about it...

LoL...true! :)

the only thing that admins do that shit me is when they change your post (to something insulting about you), or user details (also to something insulting). i have had both done to me and there is no way to find out who it was.

I've spotted a few regular name changes of threads in certain areas, i never know if it's the thread starter doing it, or someone else.

I've previously had my personal details changed by an admin, (the "care bears" incident for example) as have many others. Some people can find the intended humour, and others don't think it's funny, but really, nobody should be altering anyones personal account details unless there is something which NEEDS to be changed. (porn, threats, rotten links, inappropriate stuff)

If suss things are happening to your account or posts/threads, report it.

If you report the post in the area where the "offence" occured, the notification of the post report will go out to the person who moderates the area... in cases like this, it's most likely that the person who has modified your post will also be the one to receive the notification that the post has been reported, so they can choose to ignore it... if you have concerns about this, take it up directly with another mod/admin for your own peace of mind, and to ensure that it IS actually being dealt with.

You've spent more time arguing on here, when you could've spent all of this constructive time making your sales threads look more appealing. Worry about selling your car, not how many threads you can create about it...

....... in the meantime, this thread has had over half a thousand views, pretty good publicity for the sale of the car. :)

You know what RRR32_GoDziLLa I'm the last person to be sucking up to an admin, for example I think R31_Nismoid should go feast on a bowl of dicks, but Nick (Blitz) and everybody else are right in this case and are only enforcing SIMPLE, SENSIBLE guidelines that everybody else seems quite capable of following, so what's your problem? Are you unable to get that thick head of yours around these simple little tasks??

Follow the for sale rules or shut up and sell your crap elsewhere. Simple. End of discussion.

And once again you cant resist dropping in an attack.

Next time im sending you packing. Last warning.

Keep your issues to yourself, or take them up via PM

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