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Hey guys

Im looking to sell my car and then I will be in the market for a new car. I have been looking at some import sites and there have been a few Galants comming up. After doing some research they look pretty damn good on paper (V6 2.5L TT 4WD) and I was wondering if any1 has driven one and also if they can be complied in Adelaide yet?


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dont let compliance in naother state seem a hassle quite easy both my last imported cars had to be complied elsewhere


Yeh I guess so, the Galant would be somethin pretty different, I think its worth a shot. Can anyone tell me the name and maybe website of the place that in QLD that can do the compliance as the link posted wont work for me.


Just get the importer sort it all out and thell them you want it delivered to your adress in SA! Let them do the running around as thats what you pay them for!

Yeh thats what I would do, dunno if I will go through who I did last time though. Is there any good importers locally that dont want an arm and a leg for commision?


They look tuff as!

My brother-in-law has been looking at getting a legnum for a while now. He's still toying with the idea but not yet convinced he can afford it etc. Parts would be a major issue for him.

But they are now available for full compliance in australia so he's very tempted right now :wave:

I reckon they're a very nice wagon, probably the fastest (maybe even the best?) sports wagon in its class/price range among the japanese imports - I'm mainly comparing to the Nissan Stagea RS4 (260RS would eat it up) and the Subie Legacy. The Legnum interior looks pretty plush but I still think the exterior looks way too much like a magna wagon. Still, my brother-in-law owns a magna sedan now and is a big mitsi fan so its a step up from his current car in any case.

Things I like about the legnum are the interior, performance, and I'd imagine they'd handle pretty well too.

Things I dont like are the 4WD system, its just a fixed torque split ratio, and has a front bias (engine is east-west, like most(all?) mitsubishi's and therefore it drives the front wheels primarily). Sure it works, but the stagea/skyline GTR/GTS4 awd is a far superior system.

The looks are ok, but not really my cup of tea. On the whole though I'd have to say - very nice wagon choice :(

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