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i phoned sliding performances couriers: couriers please, and i asked them if my turbo was sent out from qld on monday. they told me i should have had it by wednesday at the latest delived to victoria. im furious. i need a tracking number. DO NOT. I MEAN DO NOT DELETE THIS THREAD!

Edited by R33GOD
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Care to explain Ivan? I've never had a problem with my dealings with Aaron and neither have a tonne of other people on this forum so I wouldn't go making any accusations.

never thought i'd say this, but I agree with Stan

Your turbo is 1 day over due by the sounds of it, i wouldn't be ranting and raving just yet.

Another vote for Slide, I got a garrett off him within a week. It's a mail order [OK courier, same shit different bucket], you have to be patient. Its a a fact of life and no amount of ranting and raving is going to change that.

My comment refers to the fact that one thread that was started yesterday(?) has already just vanished, a second was started again today and that also went bye bye, but has since come back again. And comments have been edited.

Nothing againt Slide i know several people who have dealt with him and had no complaints. I just find the it slightly unsettling that threads keep disappearing and coming back without any reason. So just take it easy and dont start contorting the meanings of my comments

The last thread was moved to a Moderators section because defamatory remarks were made by more than one person about a business trader on SAU. If this thread goes the same way, it too will be removed.

OK - if anyone is waiting on an outstanding order from Slide, please post in this thread.

Anyone else who isn't involved, please refrain from making any comments.



i think that will be a disaster waiting to happen. Leave it up to the mods

I waited 3 months for my turbo.

the deal was I wasnt in a hurry for it, so every time we chatted via msn or pm Aaron would inform me that mine was next and id say nah its all good, take it easy, no rush, no rush whatsoever.

one day he reported that no, mine was on top of the list no matter how many times I said no rush, lol

at the end of the day, you'll ALWAYS get what you paid for from Slide, in a very professional manner. awesome bloke

dont stress is all I'll say.

im only carrying on cause it was promised to be sent out over a week ago. and as i havent dealt over the internet before im just worried, thats all. you have to see where im coming from here

Edited by R33GOD
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