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Current Skylines Australia Nsw Members


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Hi Administrators, Moderators, Donators and other Functionators can someone tell me if you have small and large labels in stock to send me if I was to become NSW member? Also do you have any other stripes (side) available or who could make one for me (R32)?

I have been registered for a while, However I don't post a lot as I find a lot of threds to be childish and plain stupid. I'm not saying the whole site is waste but u don't cater for older members like myself.

On the other side there is heaps of good info about the skyline eg. tech stuff etc...Just something you should perhaps look at?

Keep up the good work.

Dave :P

Dave your not old.. im sure most of the people are alot older then you are :(

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Dave your not old.. im sure most of the people are alot older then you are :P

Thanks for making me feel good DIF. What I mean is I have nothing against younger crowd or what they post on this forum (15-20) but it's just not my thing if you know what I mean. Anyway no big deal about that just my personal opinion nothing else. I want some stickers for my second wife (R32). :(

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Thanks for making me feel good DIF. What I mean is I have nothing against younger crowd or what they post on this forum (15-20) but it's just not my thing if you know what I mean. Anyway no big deal about that just my personal opinion nothing else. I want some stickers for my second wife (R32). :(


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Hi Administrators, Moderators, Donators and other Functionators can someone tell me if you have small and large labels in stock to send me if I was to become NSW member? Also do you have any other stripes (side) available or who could make one for me (R32)?

I have been registered for a while, However I don't post a lot as I find a lot of threds to be childish and plain stupid. I'm not saying the whole site is waste but u don't cater for older members like myself.

On the other side there is heaps of good info about the skyline eg. tech stuff etc...Just something you should perhaps look at?

Keep up the good work.

Dave :D

Hi Dave

How could we better suit you? You tell us and we'll see if we can make it happen

By the way, we have some "older" members who come to events quite often :(



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Hi Dave

How could we better suit you? You tell us and we'll see if we can make it happen

By the way, we have some "older" members who come to events quite often :(



Thanks Steve, really no big deal about that, Perheaps I should join in the next cruise or something like that.

Anyway, Do you have in stock large and small stickers? Also how do I get some side stripes in gold? :P

Thanks a milion


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Thanks Steve, really no big deal about that, Perheaps I should join in the next cruise or something like that.

Anyway, Do you have in stock large and small stickers? Also how do I get some side stripes in gold? :)

Thanks a milion


Um, i think we have stickers in stock, when you sign up you can choose one for free then, and each other one is a small charge to cover postage etc :)

Stripes in gold? We dont have them as a club product sorry, but if you're just looking for generic ones, try the group buy section - i think there's a thread on stickers in there :)

Im getting my baby gurl R-32 imported i live on the northern beaches does this car club do many cruises near me or located close by mine? if so i may joine boys n girls! :D

Sure do :)

There's events all over the place

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lol the grumpy old people just don't post all the time :P come along to some events like the bathurst weekend where we are racing, not typing :rofl:

Even old people make childish comments.

Fleebendorf!!!!111one hahahahehathe9rwtu q39-4ut eqrerhh gf sjsdf

Also bet you're not the oldest.

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b-man if you want to renew just let me know :D it has been months though and i gotta have a cut off point somewhere :blink:

PM sent Shell - sorry for the lateness... how rude of me.

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