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Hi all

this is mostly for SAU NSW members, although we are a new club and some questions are not totally relevent...

This guy must have got my details from the CAMS site, and he is asking for help for his major assignment. I thought I'd post it up here, and if anyone wants to help him out...I'm sure he'd appreciate it. Please just copy n paste the questions along with your answers into an email and send to [email protected]


Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Daniel Connor and i am a year 12 student from Coffs Harbour, NSW and i have a great passion for cars. I am currently studying Society and Culture and am in the process of completing my major assessment - Personal Interest Project.

For my project I am looking at the significant changes in Australian car clubs over the past 20 years. I am searching for reasons for these changes, and the affects the changes have had on the car club community in Australia. I was wondering if you would be able to complete this small survey I have attached. This survey will help me greatly in my research.

The more I am able to get the better, so if you know of any other members who might fill one out, could you either let me know, or you could forward a blank one through. Also, if you have any other information that might be of interest to me, I would love to hear from you.

I would be glad to send you the findings after my research is complete, let me know if your interested.

Thank you so much for your time.


1. How long have you been a car club member?

i) Less than 1 year

ii) 1-5 years

iii) 5-10 years

iv) 10+

2. On average how much time do you spend participating in club activities?

i) Once a week

ii) Once a month

iii) Once every few months

iv) Once a year

3. How much time would you usually spend preparing for these activities?

i) 5 – 7 days a week

ii) 3 – 5 days a week

iii) 1 – 3 days a week

iv) Less than once a week

4. What influenced you the most in becoming involved with a car club?

i) Family

ii) Friends

iii) Other

5. How do other people not in the club usually react to you, when they find out you are a member?

i) Positively

ii) Negatively

iii) Neutral

6. Do other members of your family support your passion for cars?

i) Yes

ii) No

7. Do you think the media (e.g. newspaper, TV, radio) support and encourage car club activities?

i) Yes

ii) No

8. Do you think car club interest and membership is likely to increase over time?

i) Yes

ii) No

Why/why not?

9. Have you noticed any changes in membership/outside attitudes to car clubs in the last 10 years?

i) Yes

ii) No

If yes, what changes?

10. Do you interact with other car clubs?

i) Yes

ii) No

If yes, how?

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