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Official Sauwa Cruise - Perths Most Haunted Places- Oooooooo

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Good turn out, weather held up at start which was good, still a little slippery but had a great time. was an awesome cruise. The best bit was the end meet point, not only do i work at the Hotel but i live in Lesmurdie so suited me perfect =D got some killer ghost stories bout that joint to!!

Cheers for cruise. great fun.

Well that was good :P Thanks Dan, and everyone else that helped organise and run the cruise. Besides the large number of cars that turned up (making exiting near impossible) i had a great time

I'll be at the next cruise..


Was a good cruise, must have made a lot of money for the starlight foundation judging by how many people came out! The leg from omni to freo was good, apart from the sneaky police with their handheld radar along the route (could see them from a mile away though so np for me there). Then the weather came down, which was fun and with all the fog around made it very spooky especially on those mountain turns... I kept waiting for some local wildlife to pop out of nowhere. Great job at organising this cruise guys (and gals)! Glad to see people actually behaved for once at the meetpoints.

p.s. lol @ the girls in the white 4 door r33 who went past the pub leading people astray, I wonder how far you would have kept going if we didn't stop you :) dw though you weren't the only ones to get lost :P

Good cruise and good turnout. Accidently turned into the graylands hospital, drove past one of the wards which scared the living crap out of the girlfriend coz she saw a mental patient knocking on the windows in one of the rooms hahaha. Other than that good too see alot of ppl were out to support a good cause.

yeah was a awsome cruise and turn out, good work everyone! irekon the best bit was the meet at the kalamunda pub up top car park was so foggy and spooky ha.

only bad news was that i got picked up by the po po for "speeding" 103km in a 70km zone i hardly call that speeding haha

oh well fkn shit tho

3 demerit points and a $250 fine :P

yeh saw lots of cops getting people for speeding. it would have been me but i had new clutch put in last week and only done 250km on it going into the cruise so had to baby the car everywhere which saved me otherwise i woulda been gone

a little too big a turnout for my liking...

didnt even stop at the first meetpoint (after city west), and i dunno where the hell people were going on the second leg... thought i was going to mandurah or something :P

good cruise guys i came past with my supra, i kinda got freeked out by the police presance at the first meet though (thought its gonna be another hillaries) so i parked my car on the street cos a canary would cost me around 3K to get off, this also meant i couldnt stick to the route as i saw a cop with a map and radio'ing the cruise route to other coppers. Made it past the other two meet points but seemed like i was abit late as not many cars were there. Either way it was a nicely organised cruise, and i loved the route. well done.

yo, what mccas man? someone said there's a 24 hours mccas down the road from last stop... can't find~~ end up going Vic Park ones

got breath tested by the tallest cop I've ever seen lol... gota crane up my neck to reach his hands with the breathalyser

slipery everyone went slow, a a tad foggy, I don't like last stop...scrape by front bar big time

its a good cruise met SKY 34, R34GTTSKY and Izad haha thanks sasha good mapping skills :turned: was a bit slippery ehehe did ne skylines get yellowed :P ? i just know a few wrx's got it ! heheeh hmmm im finally a member :) yeah maccas is not 24/7 dine in jimmy :worship: hahaha alright gotta cruise ! cuirse was wicked thanks again dan/nismo/sasha and paul and other s:)...hmmm tooo bad missus's couldn't really get to hang outa the sun roof to do wicked foto's ahh damn weather hahah maybe next cruise heheheh

sky 34 ur front bar doens'tlook too bad aye its repairable :thanks: hehehe hmmmi didn't really see gray lands that well :turned: mayb enext time aye :)



its a good cruise met SKY 34, R34GTTSKY and Izad haha thanks sasha good mapping skills :thanks: was a bit slippery ehehe did ne skylines get yellowed :P ? i just know a few wrx's got it ! heheeh hmmm im finally a member :) yeah maccas is not 24/7 dine in jimmy :worship: hahaha alright gotta cruise ! cuirse was wicked thanks again dan/nismo/sasha and paul and other s:)



was good seein u guys fast eddies*OMG LOOK AT THOSE SKYLINES* asian guys in honda hahaha

n hey at least i made it to the meet point and the end meet point rite?

All thanks goes out to the coimmittee members who spent countless hrs of time organisin it

n wahoo got away with no yellow sticker FTW!

awesome cruise however next time i will make it to ALL the meetpoints:P

Thanks for the great turnout everyone, it sure surpassed all our expectations :banana:

Dan will be coming over here after work, so we can do a money count and draw the raffle. Results should be up a bit after mid-day.

On the whole I think the night went very well, considering the huge number of cars.

With luck we'll have raised a fair whack of money for charity.



hey guys,

it was a great cruise ... great turn out .. crazy so many cars at starting point ... loved it!!!!

sorry dan .. never got to catch up wit ya ( r33 4 door PINK NEONS ) i looked for ya first meetin poiont but i forgot to ask what u looked like ... LOL ... impossible to find someone u dunnno what athay look like. by the time i got to kalamunda pub it was pissing down. maybe just send me my memebership pack out was really hoping to meet everyone :-) BUT i didnt get meet anyone since they were so many cars and people it was hard to find wjo is who oh well next time..

what happened to the raffle i didnt end up stayin till the end ... stupid rain ... but i still got my tickets :-) purple 32 and 33 tickets.

other than that congratulations guys for a wicked cruise!!!!!

Great amount of support ..... it was a bit OMG who are all these people haha. Didn't really cruise with the main bunch but managed to catch up with a few of you at the meetpoints! Been a while since i've attended a night cruise.

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