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My NA, 4cyl, 1.8L Laser TX3 has 123kw. Celicas are 2.0L as well.

hmmm, what year?

redbook has them at 92kw which seems much more likely.

for the record, 2L s13 silvia na is about 105kw and most cars in this class (including older celicas) are under 115kw

More recent celicas have 140kw which is a bit nicer but the gripe I have with almost all n/a cars is that it takes you all year to actually reach the redline.

No better way to feed your engine than a turbo IMO. n/a is like running along with your mouth open lol :P

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It really is true about how brave you are.

I've driven against my friend in his SSS n14 pulsar. stock except teins, cams and exhaust, dynoed at around 95kw. We havn't dragged, but he let me drive his car and I know without a doubt I can easily beat him on the straight. But we cruised once on the old pacific hwy, I thought I'd go first thinking I didnt want to get stuck behind him, but he was up my ass the whole way to the point where he was starting to piss me off lol. I wasn't exactly slow either, flooring it on the straight and going as fast as i dared around the corners. So on the way back I let him go first and he just took off, he was so far ahead I seriously thought he slid off the mountain lol

A few minutes later I see him pulled over the side of the road, bonnet up. I ask him whats wrong and he goes something's rattling. So we look and it turns out he was pushing so hard that the bracket for his battery was bent out of shape and the battery was bouncing around LOL. He had a whiteline sway bar too, and I just thought fark that is one crazy mofo

All down to driver skill and balls

you just put your foot down in an auto. what the hell does that have to do with 'driver ability'?


shit my R34 is non turbo auto and i have raced new v8s and munched them off the line and pulled away from them..... its all about driver ability in the end...... what the driver is willing to risk to get ahead and to win....... its as simple as that..... obviously the cars power and performance has alot to do with it but having higher horsepower dont mean ur gunna have a quicker car....... like i said my bog stock non turbo automatic 96.5Kw RB25DE has decimated 300+Kw v8s makes me scratch my head to this date but meh.... just driver ability in the end
I dont know if that was aimed at me or not but my comment was purely a who cares if its faster or not He obviously bought a Skyline becasue he likes a skyline and his mate bought a celica because he likes a celica.

Fair enough.

If you didn't buy the Skyline because its a sports car then it shouldn't matter to you that you in your vastly more powerful coupe just got chopped by a dinky old Celica.

Of course, I'd question what about the Skyline appeals to you if not the performance....but that's outside the scope of this discussion.

There are always going to be things better out there than what you have the point I was trying to convey was you should be happy with what you have.

The moment you're happy with what you have, you stop wanting to improve yourself or what you've got (so, no more modifying then). Why would you, when you're "happy"? Like you said, there's always something better so that means you're content with being mediocre.

Not my cup of tea, but horses for courses......

And the gay comment along with the other garbage wasnt really needed was it? Your post lost credibilty the moment you posted that crap!

I didn't start off with the "hairdresser" comments, I just responded to it. Your lack of understanding at how "rebuttal" works in a debate speaks more about your (lack of) credibility than mine.

i have a new outlook on life now....no, really i do......................... :nyaanyaa::happy:

You drive a car with an RB20DET willingly, and think that you're somehow superior to a Celica. You need a lot more than a new outlook on life.

Unless Dr Phil does lobotomies I don't think he's the right person to help you.

Edited by scathing
Not my cup of tea, but horses for courses......

I didn't start off with the "hairdresser" comments, I just responded to it. Your lack of understanding at how "rebuttal" works in a debate speaks more about your (lack of) credibility than mine.

I didnt mention celica's were "hairdresser" cars. Thanks for pointing out my flaw as I have obviously pointed yours out in your inability to read things properly.

you just put your foot down in an auto. what the hell does that have to do with 'driver ability'?


hey man, don't knock his driver ability! You would have to have great throttle control to be able to get that blistering 96.5Kw to the ground without losing traction in every gear and shredding through tyres. :laughing-smiley-014:

You drive a car with an RB20DET willingly, and think that you're somehow superior to a Celica. You need a lot more than a new outlook on life.

Unless Dr Phil does lobotomies I don't think he's the right person to help you.

:laughing-smiley-014: aaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.................. :laughing-smiley-014:

i think u take the posts in this thread waaaaaaaay too seriosuly.....lol

Hmm... I think I just created a shitstorm...

So in the end, if his mouth is where his car is really at and he has a vastly superior suspension setup to mine and he is able to keep 110kw to the road at all times, tehre is a possibility he could keep up with a 240kw skyline with a GT30R and a good tune?...

IMO, Celica's are hairdresser cars, please dont tell me otherwise cause I know of 2 with Celicas...

It really is true about how brave you are.

I've driven against my friend in his SSS n14 pulsar. stock except teins, cams and exhaust, dynoed at around 95kw. We havn't dragged, but he let me drive his car and I know without a doubt I can easily beat him on the straight. But we cruised once on the old pacific hwy, I thought I'd go first thinking I didnt want to get stuck behind him, but he was up my ass the whole way to the point where he was starting to piss me off lol. I wasn't exactly slow either, flooring it on the straight and going as fast as i dared around the corners. So on the way back I let him go first and he just took off, he was so far ahead I seriously thought he slid off the mountain lol

A few minutes later I see him pulled over the side of the road, bonnet up. I ask him whats wrong and he goes something's rattling. So we look and it turns out he was pushing so hard that the bracket for his battery was bent out of shape and the battery was bouncing around LOL. He had a whiteline sway bar too, and I just thought fark that is one crazy mofo

All down to driver skill and balls

Car was an unmodified bone stock SSS back then Khanh hehe running on crap tyres.

Car is very slow on the straight also very slow around corners back then.

Battery tray nuts worked themself loose and started to rattle :D

Edited by ctn
Hmm... I think I just created a shitstorm...

So in the end, if his mouth is where his car is really at and he has a vastly superior suspension setup to mine and he is able to keep 110kw to the road at all times, tehre is a possibility he could keep up with a 240kw skyline with a GT30R and a good tune?...

IMO, Celica's are hairdresser cars, please dont tell me otherwise cause I know of 2 with Celicas...

I honestly dont know where this is going? 2 different cars 2 different drivers. If you both have balls of steel then it would be something to talk about, we dont know what both of you a like at driving etc and if your willing to push your cars to there maxium limit. its to hard to tell. as i said earlier in the thred would you expect so see a stock std ca18 silvia out run a light modded gtr on the mountain? alot of people wouldnt so?? :D

IMO, Celica's are hairdresser cars, please dont tell me otherwise cause I know of 2 with Celicas...

haha so are lancers..

Did you mention you used to own a Lancer? :P


But on topic.. Providing both have aftermarket suspension that is setup correctly it really comes down to who has the biggest balls of them all.

Car was an unmodified bone stock SSS back then Khanh hehe running on crap tyres.

Car is very slow on the straight also very slow around corners back then.

Battery tray nuts worked themself loose and started to rattle :P

ROFL Peter man, i didnt know you read SAU. Get back to PGA.

Yeah its been a year it wasnt bone stock, you had gsd3 tyres on it. and you had that whiteline package with the teins didnt you? You weren't slow man I was trying to keep up

I still think you're nuts

haha alright man you're making me look bad lol

Your car's come a long way since then hey. I like your nismo lsd, kind of weird being on the front wheels though but pretty cool how the wheel flicks back so quick with it.

Anyway no more info lol this aint our thread I'll talk to you later on

I didnt mention celica's were "hairdresser" cars. Thanks for pointing out my flaw as I have obviously pointed yours out in your inability to read things properly.

I never said you did. If you have a look at my original post, I quoted two different people and addressed them together.

Your inability to read properly strikes again.

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