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Happy Birthday Dee - Drinks On Sat Night So Come On Down

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hey thanks again everyone.

great to see some of you will be heading down, that's awesome. It will be a huge night of drinking and fun!

If you can't make it, thanks anyways for the birthday wishes. :sorcerer:

If you can make it, I will see you all then! Thanks again guys!

yea Happy b'day Dee, whoever u are..

Im going to switch satday evening for Someone' else's b'day.. How am i gonna know what all u nappy heads look like?

it will be wierd if i walk around asking everyone if their SAU members, actually ive got an idea. ill say a code word when im at the bar ordering a drink, ill say "SAU" queitly and if your at the bar. youll know im part of the crew... anyhoo.. i have to add..NO KNOX OZONE "CHAPEL STREET RUNS" plz!!! you will make yourself look like a tool! :P

I have to agree with Mav, another fantastic evening.

My apologies I could only do a guest appearance... (only stayed for 30mins) but was great to catch up with everyone.

Dee, hope you had a very very happy birthday evening, Im sure you did.

All the best until we do it all again next year.

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