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Please Help, Need To Get A Wrc Done In Vic For Defect...

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Hi all,

As most of you might already be aware of my situation... long story - short... my car got defected, I have fixed up all the mods - or de-mods shall me say... now all I need is a good, reliable, reasonably-priced and 'lenient' place to get a RWC for my car...

Can someone please recommend or let me know who in VIC can help me with the above??

I live in the Western suburbs of VIC... but am willing to travel anywhere it takes...

Please advise ASAP... I am planning on getting it done, like, this week as I got a long trip ahead, so if you can help, it would be much appreciated...


I have fixed up all the mods - or de-mods shall me say... now all I need is a good, reliable, reasonably-priced and 'lenient' place to get a RWC for my car...
Doesn't sound like you have fixed up all your mods/issues :closedeyes:

If your defected champ they will go over it with a fine toothed comb............Its the guy who is giving you the RWC ass on the line. He can be fined and lose his license with vic roads to be an a ccredited RWC giver outrer.......

I suggest harden up and take it back to stock if you plan to drive the car on the road :closedeyes:

I know too well about this stuff. I have had a mechanic i know lose his vic roads license twice for letting things go.

The thing is if you know that your car is un-roadworthy then you are also the one committing the crime and could get in shit too.

Hi all,

As most of you might already be aware of my situation... long story - short... my car got defected, I have fixed up all the mods - or de-mods shall me say... now all I need is a good, reliable, reasonably-priced and 'lenient' place to get a RWC for my car...

Can someone please recommend or let me know who in VIC can help me with the above??

I live in the Western suburbs of VIC... but am willing to travel anywhere it takes...

Please advise ASAP... I am planning on getting it done, like, this week as I got a long trip ahead, so if you can help, it would be much appreciated...


how bout telling us what exactly did u get defected for?

maybe we need 4, where is AnDru?

EDIT: put capital 'D' in.. i only had to scroll (wheres wallty) back 1 page and saw about 5 threads for him.. and yes i ams quite smahed

sorry been a bit slow on the forums lately, ill try pick up my pace :cheers:

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