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huge subaru crash.....


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I agree with 900ss and Bozz... The government did nothing but encourage people to speed in order to generate more revenue for them! I do not think these kinds of accidents shall happen should the government give out a proper driver-training program in the first place.

It is easy to see that they are not solving the problem for our lives, but they are solving their own financial problem at this stage. If I am not mistaken, the statistics show that more camera does not lower down the number of accidents, they just increase revenue.

Now, where is RACV? I thought they are there for the benefits of us, as motorists, not for the government... Correct me if I am wrong.

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well i think p platers shouldn't be allowed to drive a turbo car

no offence to u p platers.

but its u guys that are giving us a bad name.

and yes i know thats its not all of u that give the bad name .

but somthing must be done. or we will all loose out in the end.

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P platters should or shouldn't, Raza? I think you mean should not be allowed to drive a turbo car.

On the other side, I think it is not fair to catogorized people by their age when it comes to this. I know a lot of P platers who drive performance cars and drive it like they should... i.e. wiser than most adults in an ordinary car.

It's just that the cops need a scape goat. They can't put it on the P Platers, there are simply too many of them. So, instead they put it on us, assuming every young driver who drives a performance car is as reckless as morons behind the wheels. Easy target...

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I see they blame the accident on unexperienced drivers and speed.the rumour i heard last night form a bloke who knew william was they found in excess of 50 used needles in the wreckage.could have drugs been a factor?.maybe this is bullsh!t or the paper forgot to mention it so they have another case to make all us p platers drive daewoo's

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oi, nothing wrong with driving daewoos.

point is, most cars can reach 200km/h these days. Do you ban all P platers from driving? Have to get experience some how.

The real shame is accidents like this get used as reason top introduce more knee-jerk laws.

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Thing is he good have been whacked up on ju ju, or whatever else.. nobody know the full story unless they know them. Unfortnately everybody who seems it just sees one thing.. young guy driving fast car killed.

There is only so much they can do.. Fact is young people will always die on the roads. only solution is to ban people to get their license till older - which they won't do.

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that stack happened out side my mates place near da cro church in arrder he heard it and shit bricks

thought it was his brouther in his mates rexy that thet took out not 2 hours ealier...he couldnt make out what clour the car was cause he felt sick from hearing the rexy then a big bang crunch bang bang rip.. poor bastards .. that road is ****en... i know guys that doing 80 have span out from hitting pot holes.. me my self once hit a hole at 60 in my ed and near hit a pole... its very dangerous i can imagine at 150.. they wouldnt of last long...

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Originally posted by Zdenko

that road is ****en... i know guys that doing 80 have span out from hitting pot holes.. me my self once hit a hole at 60 in my ed and near hit a pole... its very dangerous i can imagine at 150.. they wouldnt of last long...

That road is not far from my house and it is a shocker. All the roads around there are sh!t. RIP to those guys. I feel sorry for their families.

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how bads da road..

have u tried turning of that round left into one of those side streets...


half the time u end up side ways even doing 40kmh

my mum even did it once and she shit bricks

my mate once feeling a lil accelerator happy went hard around a crn there

ended up threw a fence

.. friken dangerous it kinda goes down hill as as u turn so i dont know about downforce or anthing

but im guessing u get alot of understeer

somthing needs to be done about that area

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Originally posted by Zdenko

how bads da road..

have u tried turning of that round left into one of those side streets...


half the time u end up side ways even doing 40kmh

my mum even did it once and she shit bricks

my mate once feeling a lil accelerator happy went hard around a crn there

ended up threw a fence

.. friken dangerous it kinda goes down hill as as u turn so i dont know about downforce or anthing

but im guessing u get alot of understeer

somthing needs to be done about that area

Something does need to be done. When cars are parked on that road you there is no room, they should widen the road a bit and fix the whole thing (ie resurface it).

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That raises a pretty good point actually: often the road is to blame as much as the car, if not more so. They never really put much emphasis on that, because they know they're gonna have to spend millions upgrading it if they say the road was to blame. Just blame the car and young guys, so much easier :P

Problem with the rexes is the false sense of security.. guys reckon coz they are AWD they're never gonna leave the road.. well guess what they can.. its more difficult, don't mean it can't happen.

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OK guys, I've found out the info about the crash...seems like it was a young vietnamese guy that got the WRX as a gift as a present from his mom. Then I heard that he went to S.A with the car with to bring his cousin back from S.A (I think) he then was showing off the cars power on that bumpy road when he lost control.....Well, thats the info that I got from a friend close to the drivers mom. She is very depressed @ the moment and I'm not gonna post anymore about this.

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no.. i think when goin for your p's

people should be taken threw some sort of adavanced driving course and must pass that b4 they get there license

b4 i got my p's

i was bush bashing around since i was 13 at my uncles farm in yarawonga with one of his many shit boxs gemini toranas.. not saying i was da best driver when i got on my p's

but atleast i knew how to handle over steer and had some idea how to drive

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