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Hey guys

we all know that buying a new set of rims can be a very expensive experience. but what people dont know, is that painted up stockies look pretty good still on the skylines and they are a cheap way of dressing up your car.

ive seen some threads through the other sections and thought that i would write a quick tutorial on how to do it yourself.

COST: approx $25-$30

MATERIALS: 2 x cans of paint (colour)

1 x primer/filler can

1 x clear coat can

DURATION : 6-8hrs for a great finish

4-6 slightly rushed but good enough


Step 1. Remove your stockies from the car, i suggest putting the whole car on jack stands and doing all 4 rims at once. saves time and headaches too.

Step 2. Thoroughly clean your stockies with degreaser and soap and water to remove all residue from them.

Step 3. After stockies are dry, use metholated spirits or turps to clean the mag. it will give a good base to work from aswell as ensure all crap os off the mag. Now mask up the wheel surround using a ring of tape first and then on top of that place torn up newspaper and stick down. see pictures.



Step 4. apply first coat of primer/filler. i used the septone brand filler/primer available from supercheap auto for about $13 a can. 3 coats are needed with about 10mins inbetween coats. after the final coat allow 1 hour to dry properly and then using a scotch brite pad, give a very light rub over. this will provide an adequate base for the colour.



Step 5. apply first layer of colour to rim. Allow 10 mins between coats, light 1st coat is required and then 2 slightly heaveier coats. allow 1 hour before clear


Step 6. apply a 2 layers of clear to each rim. that will allow a durable finish. again 10mins between coats and 1 hour before putting the rims back on to your beast.


ive had 2 different colour rims now so have pics of the first 1 in black and the second in white will be up shortly once i get enough daylight to get a good shot.

post-31466-1177751943.jpg post-31466-1177751979.jpg post-31466-1177752029.jpg

hope this helps any1 else out in the same boat as i was, strapped for cash, splash some paint on your stockies

haha nice work! was bored out of my mind today. will do this in the morning. one question though, do the stockers have a clearcoat on them? coz mine have white discolouration and slight webbing. i thought it was because the wheel cleaner i was using was too harsh. this is gonna need stripping bak b4 i prime isnt it?

i found with clear coat it left a slight yellowish tinge to the rim, where as a coat without clear was bright white.

preperation is vital in gettin the colour perfect. just use 600-800grit sand paper to smooth the rim and the 3 coats of filler will cover almost all minor scratches so they wont be visible.

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