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Well have just done a bit of an upgrade to my pentium 4, clocked it to 2.6 and am now running a nice new Nvidia 256MB 7600GS and its playing games a lot nicer!

So being the strategy game addict I would love for you to post what your favourites are, for me and other strat lovers!

Mine in order

1. Age of empires 3 + War chief expansion

2. Warcraft 3

3. Command and Conquer 3

4. Supreme Commander

I rank them in order of playability and also graphics, the option in AOE3 is far superior to the other i feel and generally a better outlay. Warcraft 3 i placed 2nd as the graphics and playability are still very high end for its time. C&C3 and supreme commander.... well supcom looks like a atari game from the 70s when your on wide view and command and conquer doesnt give me enough unit choices.....

What do people think of the warhammer games? do they rank up there with these 4?

Also am a lover of Diablo 2 and have been told to get titan quest for all you diablo 2 lovers apparently its very similar with better graphics and gameplay (even though it aint a strat its still good :-) )

This could become a good info base for strat lovers like myself, would love to hear your suggestions and thoughts!

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Hmm well I am a fan of the Dawn of War series so I would give them my vote... once you get the 2 expansions there are sevaral different races and units to have fun with...

Another good strategy game I thought was Company of Heroes... based on WW2, just the way the units and special abilites worked with the destroyable city was really fun :)

If you like diablo II then maybe Neverwinter Nights 2 might also be worth a try... similar kind of game but a bit more complicated in the way you choose a character type and develop it... much better storyline and such though :P

WC3, been playing it on and off since beginning of '04.

Its picked up a lot on Lordaeron server since the season 5 started which is good. Was a bit dead before that because of WOW, but a lot of decent players are back on now which has heated it up a lot thank god. :P

Also the BA and AUS-1 servers are back online if you want a more responsive game. Most of it is just custom stuff though.

Although its not outright strategy all the time, there is bit of a luck element aswell sometimes depending on the timing of things

Big C&C fan, I hated Generals, but C&C 3 feels a lot like RA2, which in my opinion was the greatest game of the Command and Conquer series..

I was a big Total War fan, I played Medieval Total War to death, bought Rome Total War and the expansion, I did a bit of 'nerd' stuff too, due to me being a history student, I help a few modifications with geographical and historical information... Still, I got sick of it, and even though my private and unpaid efforts nearly landed me a job with Creative Artists in Brisbane, I decided to give the series the flick after Medieval II Total War was released...

Other strategy games.... I played Civilizaiton III and 4 for a long time, but time restraints put a halt to that due to the massive time required to enjoy the game... I simply cannot invest this time anymore...

Big AOE II fan, in fact, me and my mates still LAN it from time to time, but it is feeling its age though...

Awesome responses there, might have to try and get osme new games then, Awesome work MarcoR34, so i take it then that you remade some of the units etc to recreate how they should have looked in history?

Cheers Brett am going to go out and check out some of these new games similar to diablo 2 that you were talking about.

Have started getting more into the C&C3 campaign now which is getting a bit more exciting.

How do you all compare war hammer to C&C or AOE3? are the graphics and gameplay as smooth? as Many unit choices? Have been recommended by the guys at EB games to get the warhammer series as well.

I love The Dawn of War series....but I used to play the table top Warhammer 40000 game as a kid so it is mostly a nostalgic choice lol

Anyone tried the newer game from the same people based on Warhammer rather than Warhammer 40K? (I forgot its name)

You mean Warhammer Mark of Chaos... the newest one based on the Warhammer Fantasy ( I am a tabletop wargamer too :P )

I have played it briefly... looked like it had some real good potential but my version crashed... alot. But downloading the latest patches might help solve that..

You mean Warhammer Mark of Chaos... the newest one based on the Warhammer Fantasy ( I am a tabletop wargamer too :) )

I have played it briefly... looked like it had some real good potential but my version crashed... alot. But downloading the latest patches might help solve that..

Thats the one! I went to buy it yesterday but they didn't have any:(

How do you afford cars AND Gaming? Expensive little bastards :P

Awesome responses there, might have to try and get some new games then, Awesome work MarcoR34, so i take it then that you remade some of the units etc to recreate how they should have looked in history?

Everything, units, cities, wonders of the ancient world, battle formations and heaps of other things.....

I've worked on more than one mod tho, I used to help with Rome: Total Realism, Europa Barbarorum and now I'm working part time to help Chivalry: Total War and Invasio Barbarorum.

Invasio Barbarorum is based around the fall of the Roman Empire, the Rise of the new second Persian Empire and massive hordes, Huns, Franks, Vandals, Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Slavs and a slew of other factions. Chivalry is based on the original Medieval Total War, set at the end of the 11th century. The Byzantines have lost most of Anatolia to the Seljuk goat lovers, the Normans have control of Sicily, the Moors are in Spain and the 1st Crusade is about to start... If you still play Rome: Total War, I'd reccomend any of the above modifications...

I tried Civ IV but got turned off cause there appeared to be a turn/time limit... I like to be able to take my time.. develop my armies and slowly expand... It certainly didnt meet my style of gameplay :)

Try playing on the epic game setting....

BOOOOOARING!!..... I have tried some of these!

Try an action thinking mans game: TRIBES2 :blink:

Its NOT Tribes Vengeance rubbish, or little boys HALO, but it is like UT only better and when you play you know your alive, or dead as the case may be!

Sorry just my T2 cents worth :w00t:

Supreme Commander - multiplayer games go FOREVER!!!! 6 hours in we got in a stalemate against the AI and nuked our allies :)


Company of Heros

Total War Series best ever RTS

Oh, Forgot Company of Heroes, close to being one of the best RTS's ever.. Up there with AOE2 and Red Alert 2....

Total War is good and bad in a way, great concept, and now the graphics are awesome, but it is very glitchy and has more bugs than a locust plauge...

TW isn't exactly RTS per se', but more a 'grand strategy', not exactly Hearts of Iron stuff, but it is neither here nor there, it is really its own genre...

I really should try spending more time playing total war, i bought it from the shop, loaded it, went to scrimage fight or something didnt like it and have had it in the cupboard ever since, ithink there is a lot more gameplay to be had and I reallly should play it more.......

Judging from everyones feedback on it I think its best I give it another go :-)

OK so now my new wishlist is:

Warhammer mark of chaos

Company of heroes

  • 2 weeks later...

Just saw some awesome footage for a game that looks like its coming out in the next 12 months or so its called "0 AD" (Zero A.D.) Its quite similar look to age of empires three and warcraft three but the graphics were like nothing i have seen before in a RTS the water reflections on the clip was just perfect!!


Check out the link, its really interesting as they are talking you through making the game all the historic info etc. on the site. Down load the preview and check out the water :-)

MARCO 34GTT - You will love the historic info they have put into this!!

My favourite would be a different sort compared to u guys. Ogre Battle on Super Nintendo :O would be my favourite.

Really dunno how to explain it, id say very similar to Warcraft and the such but battles are switched into turn based affairs, characters have alot more depth and story is much greater/has a proper story.

Click 4 PICS

Very close second is Final Fantasy Tactics on PS1(Soon to be remade for PSP), more of a grid/chess based game. But once again I like it over Warcraft and such cos it has a proper story and characters have more depth!

Click 4 PICS

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