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2 Fast 2 Furious Drive in Night.


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No we haven't,,,but I'd hate to get all the way out there on a thursday night and get turned away. Mel and Mont wouldn't talk to me for a week. It's cool,,,you guy's do Blacktown,,,,I'll bet I'm not the only Skyline at Bass Hill,,,,.Printing out Membership forms as I type.


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Yup fatz... beer was mentioned. I was thinking maybe either Friday 13/6/03 (Charity Cruise next day) or Tuesday 10/6/03

Any prefferences?

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Ya know, every day I drive past that drive-in on the M4...

and I say to myself "I'm gonna go there one day in the skyline - see how the 4.1 sounds"...

then I say "probably flatten the battery in 20 minutes and have to call NRMA"...

and have never found a reason to go...

but this idea takes the cake...!

One thing...Do we need to bring our own booster batteries or are we gonna hook em all up together like Ali G did ?!

Would love to see the collections of Neons...

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just thought id pop in to my local drive in tonight guys and see the manager...turns out he manages both of them (bass hill and blacktown). talked to him about it and he said that the movie starts this week and will run for 2 or 3 weeks. he also mentioned the cost of $13, but said if we get a decent turn out and i can let him know that we are coming he will do $10 each. i thought that sounded pretty fair.

Personally i prefer bass hill drive ins and think it a bit more central to everyone but im no position to hi-jack the thread and start organising stuff =P

id probably suggest not going on the long weekend too as many people may be going away or have family stuff...

anyways that about enough babble from me, i spose someone will let me know what to do as i have the Managers phone number and can get a measly 3 bux off but hey...its a free drink or something.



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Originally posted by RXB05S

just thought id pop in to my local drive in tonight guys and see the manager...turns out he manages both of them (bass hill and blacktown). talked to him about it and he said that the movie starts this week and will run for 2 or 3 weeks. he also mentioned the cost of $13, but said if we get a decent turn out and i can let him know that we are coming he will do $10 each. i thought that sounded pretty fair.

hi andrew, i was wondering if u have that manager's phone number? coz we got quite a number of ppl going to the drive-in to see 2f2f and we wouldn't mind getting some sort of discount too... we have about 45ppl turning up...

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is friday included in the weekend?

3 bucks sounds like a bargan to me... and fatz I believe if dom is driving then beer is allowed!

I have one response for Friday... any others?

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i havnt been to a drive in since the 70's, do they still have the old speakers that hang on the side window?no external aerial on gtr,

would like to bring the beast out in the cool air though.

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Na, no little speakers any more......This is the 21st century...

You turn your FM radio into the freq. that the Drive In, transmit on..

So you could listen to the movie going on behind you while you watch your movie.

**Inner Monologe***

That's a pretty stupid idea when you think about it.

** /end Inner Monologe**

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Okay I'll relent,,,,but only if you guy's are doing a Friday or Saturday night....Tuesday's suck. A Saturday Night would be even better,,,We could get the Club's President to come along with his better 1/2 and have a get together afterwards.

If fatz is drinking Beer then we are there,,,. I was so hoping you lot would do Bass Hill,,,,oh well shit happens hey. Fatz we are drinking VB Hey,,,No girl Beers.

Whats wrong with this Saturday Night???.


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Originally posted by RXB05S

yeah just let me know when you are definaly going and i will give him a call and let him know.

yes friday is included in the weekend where feature shown last.

which friday were you thinking of going?

we r thinking of going on thursday (tomorrow) watching 7 30pm session... around 40-45ppl turning up.. can u contact him for us or if its too much hassle u can just give me his number... :D thank you :)

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