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cops arnt all bad

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cops sux they just go around handing out tickets, once the grill on the car holding my licence plate fell off, so i got fined for no licence plate on christmas eve fair enough but i was busy on the christmas period and got fined again on boxing day, Barsteds.

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my expiriances

5 encounters. (no including random breatho's n stuff like that)

1. Round-a-bout

I got cut off from the left but they chased my cause i locked my wheels to stop from hitting the guy not giving way to his right. Then copt a 'P' plate fine (fair enough, they had to get me for something)

2. 'P' plate again... my fault fair enough. But i barely get hassled if they are down. As soon as they go up i get 'random breatho's'.. random my arse.

3. Writing off my Calais Turbo

The throttle body butterfly jams in the wet and puts me into 2 poles/wall and then puts the car on it's roof. I loose $9,500 and last week i get a summons for 'careless' driving after not hearing anything for over 6m months.

After it went to the wall as opposed to pedestrians/other cars, the officer thinks that is careless ???

4. 'Alleged speeding'

another court summons as i'm objecting. Cops lying as he has no radar to dick me with so how does he know i was speeding (over a 400m piece or road mind you) he said i was doing 100 in a 60. ? ?? he had to do 100 to catch upto me.

5. One night round corner form my house.

threatened to have my car impounded for driving it. This is because there are drags like 2 mins from my house. And i was 'there at the wrong time' GET F'ed. I can't even drive out my own street ????

so 2 fines/2 summons.

And funnily enough BOTH summons are because of the wankers 'thinking' that i'll just thier lying out their ass/abuse of the law go by. IDIOTS! can't stand them.

And people wonder why i hate them. They victimise you for being a P plater or driving a nice car. One or the other.

Oh, and yeah, they are totally revenue minded. Not safety or concerened about the rusty smoke blowing bucket that just over takes you.

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Originally posted by R31Nismoid

4. 'Alleged speeding'

another court summons as i'm objecting. Cops lying as he has no radar to dick me with so how does he know i was speeding (over a 400m piece or road mind you) he said i was doing 100 in a 60. ? ??  he had to do 100 to catch upto me.

Now this is f*cked! If you were going 100 then he would've had to do MORE than 100 to catch you.

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Well when i was driving around Norton St. at the time italy had made their way through to the next round of the World Cup and everyone was beepng their horns and chanting then when i beeped my horn (3 italians in my car forced me to) i got done for "Excessve use of Horn Device"....we all know how dangerous beepng your horn can be!!!

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Originally posted by R31Nismoid


4. 'Alleged speeding'

another court summons as i'm objecting. Cops lying as he has no radar to dick me with so how does he know i was speeding (over a 400m piece or road mind you) he said i was doing 100 in a 60. ? ?? he had to do 100 to catch upto me.

My mate got out of this same situation quite easily,get your solicitor to put the allegant(copper) in the stand.then get your solicitor to throw a tennis ball at you in front of the copper.then solicitor turns to copper and says "what do you estimate the speed of the ball to be travelling at?".copper stands there with dumb look on his face.CASE dismissed!

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I'm gonna use that.

As i'm going to court. No WAY i'm paying 360 and 6 month suspension. Legally is there is a dispute you have to be shown the camera (thats if he even has one) and he didn't show me shit. just said i was doing 100 and that was it!?!?!?

he's on a power trip like the majority of Western side cops.

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Originally posted by R34GTT-R
Originally posted by R31Nismoid


4. 'Alleged speeding'

another court summons as i'm objecting. Cops lying as he has no radar to dick me with so how does he know i was speeding (over a 400m piece or road mind you) he said i was doing 100 in a 60. ? ?? he had to do 100 to catch upto me.

My mate got out of this same situation quite easily,get your solicitor to put the allegant(copper) in the stand.then get your solicitor to throw a tennis ball at you in front of the copper.then solicitor turns to copper and says "what do you estimate the speed of the ball to be travelling at?".copper stands there with dumb look on his face.CASE dismissed!


better still get a cricket ball and chuck it at the coppers head, and then ask him what speed did it hit u in head at??

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the vic rules are a joke - 3kmh tolerence. ADR's require speedo accuracy of +/-10% for cars in australia. so the vic cops are applying the tolerence for 30kmh to all speeds.

i guess it will take someone with enuf money to afford a good lawyer to take it to court and set a precident based on this fact.

ive heard that local wollongong highway patrol here sets there radar units to 10% + 1kmh ie: 67kmh in 60, 111kmh in 100. so nsw cops might allow for the ADR speedo requirements? dunno about cameras though, hope the same rule applies.

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It was 10% here in VIC (for cameras, pullovers, everything) until 18 months ago they decided they needed speeding revenue as the only way to keep the budget in surplus. I thought 10% was perfectly fair and also safe.. now, its all screwed right up..

Doubt cops would radar you and pull you over for 3km/hr but they have the right too under law :P

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O, they do it. I know from fixed camera's people getting done for 64 in a 60.

that's 2 notches on the speedo for gods sake. Not a 10km block.

tell me that you never go over by 3/4 km?

And as ADR allows for 10% then how can you be dicked?

this worly sucks. Dictator Government

bring on 2006. They wont get my wote.


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That 10% inaccuracy for speedo is OVER only, not under, so thats no excuse.

Anyway, you Vics' just voted that clown back in, right? got 3-4 years before you can get rid of them.

How about starting a political party "speed doesn't kill.......the stop does!"

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Originally posted by Duncan

That 10% inaccuracy for speedo is OVER only, not under, so thats no excuse.

its a tolerance % so its all over the speed range +/-. There aint different tolerance for over and under :bahaha:

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Originally posted by Duncan

Umm, I guess you could check the approriate ADRs, my 99% sure understanding is that a speedo cannot read under actual speed, but it can read up to 10% over.

tolerance is a tolerance and a tolerance is +/-.

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