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just dont like seeing imports get cut up :)

What? Even little peashooter Kei cars? Thats dedication... :P

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Ok, I'll add a few myself...

Some buddies and I went to a Yakult Swallows baseball game a few weeks back, and when we got to our seats, this is what we saw in the row next to us. (FYI - The guy woke up, but only about an hour after the game started.)


This is from the Taiko festival at Narita last month...


Not too rare but still interesting to see: An Autozam Mazda AZ1 in the carpark at Tokyo Auto Salon 2007.


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An Autozam Mazda AZ1 in the carpark at Tokyo Auto Salon 2007.

Now thats a Kei I'd hate to see get crushed...

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This is from the Taiko festival at Narita last month...


Not too rare but still interesting to see: An Autozam Mazda AZ1 in the carpark at Tokyo Auto Salon 2007.


You dont really notice it while there.... but some of the traditional stuff they wear looks soooo funny!!

And that is one FuNkY car! Auto-ZAMMMM

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I live near Mr Mt Fuji. Someone buy me a camera and I'll take some good shots. Until you do, you'll have to be satisfied with shots from my phone.

From the beach next to the port in Numazu, Shizuoka.


From Mikuni Touge(my local), Yamanashi.


Across Lake Saiko, Yamanashi.


From Oshino, Yamanashi.


From my carpark, Yamanashi.


From Lake Kawaguchiko, Yamanashi.


My school, Yamanashi.


And my car. Ghetto 180 Racing's founding member.


(Pete, that is the spray can black hachi (RIP) on the right)

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Just some pics I found in my photo file...

This is Honda's 'TORABAI' (Trunk Bike). It was designed basically as 'the worlds first simeltaneously designed car (1982 Honda City) and bike (Torabai) combination. The whole idea was that the 'trunk' of the Honda City was the 'Garage' for the bike... ie: it doesn't take up any space. The Torabai could be brought as a stand alone bike, or as a 'CAR-SET IN' (Torabai + Honda City) or in other words, a Happy Meal with bonus toy. The Honda City was pretty small as it was (the whole rear of the City was designed to accomodate the bike), having a bonus mini bike in the back for those romantic excapades down a deserted beach just made the whole package unbeatable. The Torabai had a 50cc 2-stroke engine which put out 2.5hp, just 64.5hp short of it's rolling garage home, with a 70.0km/1L fuel consumption.


lol... who was the photographer? It takes balls to get men to pose like that...


Some people were gutted when they found out their spare tyre was replaced with a Torabai. yes that girls Torabai is doubling as a coffee table...


Comes in 3 fashion colors.

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lol... who was the photographer? It takes balls to get men to pose like that...


Those aren't men--that's Madness! What? You don't remember that crazy English ska-pop group that had a few minor hits ("One Step Beyond" and "Our House") in the early 80's? I'm seriously disappointed in your lack of trivial 80's knowledge. :(:wave:


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This is the view from my back balcony. It's my first ever panorama attempt... lol


Kobe Gakuin Uni Port Island campus.


...and another of the Uni's 'Harbour Wing'. It was only just completed earlier this year.


Portopia Hotel. When you read the English sign, you think 'Por-TOE-pee-uh', as in 'Utopia'... but the locals say 'Poooooorto-PEE-ah' which actually was supposed to mean 'Port Pier'... there was an Expo called 'Portopia '81' held as a grand opening of the island in 1981 hence the name, but any remnants of that are long gone and has made way for an extention to the island itself so yeah, it's in name only now.

All pics were taken with my Sharp 910SH mobile phone.

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Anyone who uploaded attachments or linked from the SAU gallery should re-upload them if they want to see them again... I was told the problem was being worked on but I wouldn't hold out for it anytime soon.

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  • 16 years later...

Inside and outside ESCON Field in Sapporo in Hokkaido






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Posted (edited)

Japan has won 3 Baseball world championships, the most recent in 2023. They're pretty damn good.
The two guys in the mural on the wall in the last pic are Darvish and Otani, both of who play in the MLB, both played for the Hokkaido Nippon Ham Fighters team in their pre-MLB days. ESCON filed is the Fighter's home stadium.

There's a micro brewery inside the stadium as well, first time I saw such a thing... Had a beer then was told it was made right over there --> 


Edited by Rezz
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