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Tribute To A Lost Friend - A True Skyline Enthusiast.

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I also agree with GTST, while lamenting the loss of his friend yesterday he is out racing on public roads doing the exact same thing that cost his friends life. Get off the road before you kill someone moron!

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These "skyline enthusiasts" are the ones that give the rest of us a bad name. Street race and you're a bloody moron. While its sad to see someone lose their life so needlessly, I really don't have any sympathy for anyone who can be so wreckless and put innocent bystanders in danger for a little adrenaline rush.

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These "skyline enthusiasts" are the ones that give the rest of us a bad name. Street race and you're a bloody moron. While its sad to see someone lose their life so needlessly, I really don't have any sympathy for anyone who can be so wreckless and put innocent bystanders in danger for a little adrenaline rush.
"Amen" to that.
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Um, we are all Skyline enthusiasts. Whether you like it or not.

Thats like saying we're all road users whether you like it or not, even if we break the law repeatedly and have been fortunate enough not to get caught yet. Unfortunately alot of street racers get taken off the road when its too late, this is a good example of that.

I have no problems with people enjoying their cars, we all love them or we wouldn't be here, however we have a responsibility to everyone around us to use them responsibly. Unfortunately its incidents like this that tear apart families, kill innocent people, give creedance to the skyline stereotypes, raise our insurance premiums etc etc. Save the racing for the strip or track, and maybe incidents like these can be avoided and the roads can be safer for all of us.

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These "skyline enthusiasts" are the ones that give the rest of us a bad name. Street race and you're a bloody moron. While its sad to see someone lose their life so needlessly, I really don't have any sympathy for anyone who can be so wreckless and put innocent bystanders in danger for a little adrenaline rush.

im sure you have had times when you give your car a bit of go on the road..in which case yo have gone pass the speed limit

everyone has

stopping pretending to be so f**ken innocent

the moral of the story is to educate people, stop people from doing it...so that innocent lives can be saved

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im sure you have had times when you give your car a bit of go on the road..in which case yo have gone pass the speed limit

everyone has

stopping pretending to be so f**ken innocent

the moral of the story is to educate people, stop people from doing it...so that innocent lives can be saved

Mate I can honestly say I have never raced someone on the streets. Have I sped before? Yep, but nothing like the scenario suggested on local streets.

The point of the story is, that the original poster has posted this message of don't race on the streets, and clearly by some of his other posts, has not taken his own advice. We cop a bad wrap from the cops and general public, based purely on the cars we drive. It's incidents like these that give them good reason to give us a bad wrap.

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for every person that has posted their thoughts on this matter regarding the loss of your friend, there is probably about 50 or so others who read and haven't known how to put their thoughts onto the forum, so think about that!

as for those posting nasty comments, you don't REALLY think like that you're just looking to cause uproar, please leave these thoughts in your minds, it's not necassary, there's a time and a place!

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his choice to race im sorry to say but why r u glorifying his death??? im not tryin to cause an uproar just stating the facts.....

instead of typing up ur accout of his untimely death in as much detail as u can remember as though tryin to glorify ur friends actions... just type a shourt post explaning what ur meeting for but not the gloified details

sorry to say i have no respect for ppl that street race although i have also raced on the street i am not being a hypocrit ive seen smashed skylines and seen the dead guy in the seat the engine where his shins were suppose to be im over ppl trying to organise cruises for these ppl... anyone wanna flame me for what ive writtin feel free ive said my peice and will stand by what iv writtin ... tony

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I am not going to preach, I am not going to pretend I am innocent of street racing when I was younger.

To the people having a go,

Try the backspace button, It will remove your unneccesary comments and allow you to go through life with less people knowing you are an asshole. That's a positive for all.

As I am writing this (with much use of the backspace button) some nutbag is ripping it up in my 'hood, just as well my son is in his bed.

Sometimes it's best to shut the f**k up and have a little respect.

Try listening with your ears not your mouth.

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