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Today Tonight!

Syde FX

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not sure how many people saw today tonight ...tonight?

well they had a story of "street drifter" and how they are cracking down on them ect ect but all the footage shown was cars drifting on tracks(legally) and a video of a couple of cars in japan drifting down a hill (and acted like this was is aus)

well ive had a more than enough of this shit so lets try fight back, i want to get as many people as poss to send a msg to today tonight and tell them how bad it is they are making out certain "facts" and showing fulse footage!



and msg them...


ps...and peopel mention about the cruise and how much money the "community raise for a good course!!!)

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yeh that was bullsh*t and the fact that the car infront when they were showing the street bit was a skyline means that we are going to get targeted even more. i get told off by people when i am going 40 in a 50 zone. it piss*s me off so i stop and give them a piece of it haha

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i watch that tonight and i couldn't believed they think the footage is from australia. I was thinking about sending them an email saying how they have miss informed the viewer and the footage is in fact from japan and is very old (3-4years old) if i remember right the 1st time i saw the footage it had a title like Drifting in japan initial d style Rx7 vs r32

i think your best bet is to email channel 9 show and tell them about it, as they always run things about how today tonight f**ks up LOL

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i watch that tonight and i couldn't believed they think the footage is from australia. I was thinking about sending them an email saying how they have miss informed the viewer and the footage is in fact from japan and is very old (3-4years old) if i remember right the 1st time i saw the footage it had a title like Drifting in japan initial d style Rx7 vs r32

i think your best bet is to email channel 9 show and tell them about it, as they always run things about how today tonight f**ks up LOL

haha i would laugh so hard if they did that...which they always do and love to do as Michael said.

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can anyone link me to the article or video clip if its on the net? i missed it on tv and ive had a look around on the net but cant find it..

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Anybody who believes a today tonight story could be the slightest bit factual needs to visit a doctor and get their head taken out of their arse. I saw it and thought it was pretty funny, especially the cop browsing youtube to try and convict people lol. Replaying street drifting videos from japan every 2 seconds surely must have been the idea of some new student who has just posted their enrolment forms for a media course.

Dont bother complaining to today tonight, they won't give a sh*t and will continue to air bogus stories to their target audience of old senile gullible people. I'd suggest emailing the chaser's war on everything about it if you want to attempt to get any sort of positive resolution, they love ripping the shit out of today tonight and ACA.

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no point really they just gonna read the things we write to them think that we are just tryin to get them off our backs and then they'll prob just find more stuf fto talk about

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yes, we drift and do burnouts everyday because tires are so cheap here and everyone's not afraid to crash and burn... in fact, we do that even while having lunch and sleeping

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So has anyone e-mailed today tonight or channel 9 or even chasers then? we could at least try? if anyone can provide me with some footage of it so i know what i am talking about i am more than happy to send e-mails through.

I met Dixie Marshall who heads up channel 9 news team, i think thats a great idea. Dont know if it will go to air however might give channel 9 some ammunition if something else were to happen as well. She said that they do like stuff like that :thumbsup:

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whose got the rights to that footage, prob easier if ignition etc sues them for using it without permission. or/and the owners of the exposed cars come forward and sue for multiple reasons

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There are only two ways to deal properly with them:

1: Don't watch it. If the show comes up in conversation tell anyone who is prepared to listen not to watch it. Clearly the stories & the "journalism" on the show are from the bottom draw. In fact how the have the gall to call it current afairs is beyond me. None the less while ever they can get ratings that are in any way acceptable they will continue to broadcast such rubbish. So stop watching. This will both lower their ratings & also stop everyone from getting upset...

2: If you want to complain, you have to do it first to Channel 7. Effectively to complain to the ACMA (Australian Communications & Media Authority) you need to give the broadcaster (channel 7) the opportunity to resolve your grievance. The link is here. http://www.acma.gov.au/WEB/STANDARD//pc=PC_90137

You can also try the Chaser & Media Watch. But this happens all the time & the tv stations have a hide as thick as a rhino's.

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I'd suggest emailing the chaser's war on everything about it if you want to attempt to get any sort of positive resolution, they love ripping the shit out of today tonight and ACA.

Haha i like that idea :happy:

They can go around and drift RC cars around town and then have people dressed up as cops give them speeding fines and impound them :thumbsup:

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I volunteer my RC drift car for the segment :thumbsup:

Seriously, that segment was just utter bullshit.. ".. wherever they are, we'll catch them.. " yeah mate, fly to japan and TRY catch the people so you can hold them accountable to Australian laws.. Top Stuff. Is anyone else disgusted with how stupid our "top cops" appear to be?!?

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I volunteer my RC drift car for the segment :thumbsup:

Seriously, that segment was just utter bullshit.. ".. wherever they are, we'll catch them.. " yeah mate, fly to japan and TRY catch the people so you can hold them accountable to Australian laws.. Top Stuff. Is anyone else disgusted with how stupid our "top cops" appear to be?!?

Surprised? No, not really.

Remember these are the same people who periodically confess they are unable to actually do anything about curbing the road toll.

How long would you keep you job after you told your boss you didn't know how to do it?

Or for that matter completely misrepresented something that it takes all of 10 minutes to verify (ie drifting was in Japan)?

Accountability for both the police & for journalists is completely non existant.

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