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driving to work this week in my skyline i am finding that people are very rude when it comes to letting you in and cutting you off by being smart asses. In the last 2 years i have owned an xr6 turbo and xr8 but had non of this problem.

What i want to know is what why do they do it to people who drive imports, i had the same problem with my 32 gtst and WRX. You see on the news and Today toight about hoons well how about the people whop are true car enthuists who get abused just for driving normal

Ahhhhhhh that feels better

Does anyone else have this problem

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haha well an example was a clown in a 206gti this morning, he was driving normal until i went past him in peak hour doing 20kph and then as soonas he saw me he startyed driving like a tool driving up my arse, overtaking and cutting in

i see this alot everyday

Lots of rude people in Sydney generally. Twice since I've lived here I have stopped for a red light and a car behind me in my lane has decided there is enough green left in it to scream around me and through the intersection, or in one case, just to line up in the intersection blocking all the traffic going in other directions.

Often on my motorbike I am pootling along at about 40km/h through traffic doing about 10km/h and they see me coming and move over so I can't fit through. One time a guy in a 4wd actually tried to knock me off the road deliberately.

I don't let people in if they overtake 1-8 cars in a lane that doesn't go anywhere then try to jam back in the lane they were in but if the lane is naturally ending I always make room.

What about in the city when pedestrians just walk across the road against a red man and expect you to just wait?

i hate the ppl that speed up after you overtake them ..

always get them on the way to work on epping road, I overtake some one, get back in the left lane then they speed up again get past me go back to the left lane then slow down again. Then there are the f**kers who stay in the right lane when going slow that shits me to tears

the one i love the most is when ur doing 60/70kph on a straight stretch and some retard pulls out from a side street doing 0.5kph.

thats the best

one time at leichardt (retard central) i pulled up to reverse into a parking space, (blinker on, slowed down to signal my intent as i approached the space), and the ever so thoughtful bus driver pulls up about 3 inches from my bumper. traffic backed up behind him. needless to say, i thanked him ALOT.

sydney bus driver rock :( almost as good as the cabbies

except for slow drivers (40 in a 60 zone is slow) i dont really find any of this... but im always curtious and letting other people in...

although, yesterday... trying to turn off a main road, there was a lady infront of me, first in the line... there were 3 obviously large gaps, and then a massive gap where the lights had turned red... and i dont mean big for a sports car, i mean big BIG! gaps... i gave her a toot on the first one, gave her a longer toot on the second one... then realising she has her inside light on, leaning over to the passanger side, doing god knows what, (it looked like she was putting a bra on) i just let her do her thing... i was second in line, so it didn't bother me that much...

but it was rediculously selfish...

other then that, i dont have many complaints... cept for victorian drivers... ALL slow... and queensland drivers indicate whenever the f**k they feel like it...

I hate it when your in two lanes that merge into one, you let someone in and then some tool comes screaming up that same lane and tries to push in front of you and gets the sh!ts when no one wants to let them in..... grrrr.....

and people who can't seem to stay in thier own lane - especially going around/thru roundabouts..... how many lanes do you bloody need??? If they were driving a sherman tank I'd understand.......

I am sooo over sydney drivers and how rude they are especially when they wont let you in.

Remember if they make contact with the FRONT of their car to anywhere from your front door back its there fault and we dont pay shitloads in insurance money for nothing. EVEN if you change lanes without indicating very fast at the end of the day the insurance companys go by that rule.

Still waiting to get my free paint job sucks its taking soo long.. they allways decide to let you in when you go for it anyway.

Yeah a lot of sydney drivers are just plain idiots. I've pretty much had enough of them. If they do overtake 20 cars and wants to cut in front of me don't bother I'll close the gap and make them stop. If there's someone tail gating me, I'll just go slower and slower until I they get annoyed and f**k off.

people not letting you in is ok, i can deal with that. but too many people change lanes without blinkers or think they dont need to show you where they are going from the roundabouts... how many times have you waited for a car on your right at a roundabout only to find them turn left and you shouldnt have had to wait... at least they face straight at my finger as they get off the 'bout

When I drive my car (I drive mostly western suburbs and north sydney) Ussually find that people make way for my car, otherwise I use it like a truck does anyway.. Im always letting people in pisses me off to no end when there is clearly heaps of space for them to merge yet they decide to brake n piss around until finally decide to roll into my lane by this time ive launched it and i have to jump on the anchors..

So yeah people drive like dicks in sydney but victoria has to have the worst drivers ever, most are drunk and the road isnt prop setup with signs so people drive all over the place. and dont let you merge, aggressive and then they come to sydney and do 40 in a 60 zone

Aaaaarghh.. I hate Sydney and generally NSW drivers in general.

I drive the F3 everyday and the amount of idiots I see tailgating, sitting in the right hand lane doing 30km/h under the limit with 2 free lanes to the left of them, cutting off trucks to get that one spot in front of everyone, speeding up whe you are overtaking cause they are driving slowly, etc etc etc

Best one by far is the damn P platers that pass me at about 140km/h I am guessing..... then realise that there is a speed trap up/traffic jam up ahead and cut me off sending me mm's from the rock wall :laugh:

when driving the line or the wrx I always get the wankers that just have to overtake you cause you drive a import or a turbo etc..... doesn't matter if there is room or not to overtake.. they do it at all costs :D

when driving the line or the wrx I always get the wankers that just have to overtake you cause you drive a import or a turbo etc..... doesn't matter if there is room or not to overtake.. they do it at all costs :D

Yep, thats f**king annoying. Every night coming home from work I get that, every little shitbox with red P's and a full car of dickheads revs the shit out of the car to keep up with me as I take off normally..

But you cant forget the fully sick import drivers who think every red light is the start of the next race..

Yep, thats f**king annoying. Every night coming home from work I get that, every little shitbox with red P's and a full car of dickheads revs the shit out of the car to keep up with me as I take off normally..

But you cant forget the fully sick import drivers who think every red light is the start of the next race..

Soooo true.... although around the coast its generally riced up lancers/excels/bogandores that are the red light racers :D


driving to work this week in my skyline i am finding that people are very rude when it comes to letting you in and cutting you off by being smart asses. In the last 2 years i have owned an xr6 turbo and xr8 but had non of this problem.

What i want to know is what why do they do it to people who drive imports, i had the same problem with my 32 gtst and WRX. You see on the news and Today toight about hoons well how about the people whop are true car enthuists who get abused just for driving normal

Ahhhhhhh that feels better

Does anyone else have this problem

sorry mate, i didn't mean to harrass yas.

these import rice rockets running around makes me sick.

get a real car, moit. v8.

i reckon it all depends the way you drive, correct me if im wrong

i know pretty much everyone likes to drive with their windows down, elbow out, even though its -30 degrees..then ppl

around you thinks that you are a typically hoon?.. then again plus we are in a skyline too..

and yeah ppl tend to tailgate me heaps, especially at night!

inccident today, i was driving back from parra, stopped at a set of lights, this falcon stop just a inch behind my ass, lights turns to green, i took off normal, then the falcon was up

my ass for like 30 sec then decided to over take, revving it to the shit house and looks at me..im like wtf relax dude

and people who can't seem to stay in thier own lane - especially going around/thru roundabouts..... how many lanes do you bloody need??? If they were driving a sherman tank I'd understand.......

yes this pisses me off. anytime I'm going around a corner side by side with another car (especially if they are on the outside) they love to cut into my lane. i mean WTF? if you can't drive around within a lane that is 1.5 times the width of your car then you shouldn't be driving. I get sick and tired of having to avoid other peoples stupid driving just so I don't even up in an accident.

I personally haven't found the drivers in victoria to be that bad. in fact on the whole I'd say they are better. the drivers in japan are even better still. far more courteous, and they don't mind a bit of speed either. last time I was driving back from fuji speedway to tokyo I was pushing on at about 140 or so pretty much the whole way and most cars were doing between 110 and 140... and this was an 80kmh zone! (but it's a big wide freeway, i have nfi why it's marked 80km). and they will always let you in. and when you let someone in your lane you will always receive a little thankyou flash. :D

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