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Going on a bulking diet and the 4 weeks in iv spent way to much money on shit, namely eggs and egg white, oats and tuna.

Where would be the best place in perth for this. (mainly the eggs, and whites) cause i go through 5 to 6 eggs a day,

I know there FAL ( i think that what it is called), but dont you need an account?

cheers people's

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I would skip the egg wights and just go for pure WPI isolates.

Body Performance gear are expensive but offer the best protein range, also i think IMACUL8 had some good deals on protein. For other supplements creatine esthers etc bodybuilding.com.

in answer to your question yes FAL are good in BULK you must have an account, ABN business rego that kinda stuff

^ what he said, I have used FAL on a mates account, but unless you are buying in bulk (like, operate a shop kind of bulk) then the prices are pretty comparable to Coles, Woolies etc.

Hunt down the nearest place to you that has a chicken coop - we only have 3 chooks and we offload about 2 dozen a week to mates for $3 a dozen (and yes, they are all spoken for - sorry :whistling: )

cheers for the reply guys, yeah im ditching the egg whites anyway, going on Dave Palumbo diet and trying to get my bodyfat down, switching to the slow released protein for nite time, and pretty much cutting all carbs from my diet. fingers crossed. still waiting for some supps to come in so i still have another week of enjoying foods that i cant have for the next few weeks. wish me luck. :)

i know this isnt a body building site, but i know that some of you are interested in health and the sorts.

This is a 6 meal a day food and supp plan for body fat loss and muscle growth(if going to the gym of course)

you have to adjust with your starting bodyweight cause this is for a median range of 90kg to 105kg

Meal 1: 6 whole eggs (omega 3 preferred)

Meal 2: 3oz chicken with 1/2 cup of raw almonds

Meal 3: 50g protein whey 2 tablespoons natural peanut butter w/water

Meal 4: 6-8oz tuna/ salmon with green salad 1 Tablesp macadamia nut oil

Meal 5: 50g protein whey 2 Ts natural pb

Meal 6: 6 whole eggs


Omega 3 fish oil pills 1000mg 3 times day

Evening primrose oil 1300mg 2 times day

Juice plus + pills (as recommended)

detox kit

test boost (recommended 6-oxo or gaspari novedex xt)

first two weeks is kept strict to get into ketosis then after you can have a cheat meal, preferrable on same day each week.

having blood test and check up next week, see if doc says ok.

during diet if feel funny go straight to docs again.

Reason im going this hardcore if people want to know

Been going to the gym around 3 years now and seeing myself grow over these years i want to take it to the next level which is competition bb. iv been in a bulking mode and as such high carbs and high protein. These following months is dry run to see how my body reacts to the diet. when im down to my wanted BF% then i will carb up and see how much i can alter my diet to put on a bit more muscle before summer. If i dont get sick or get the flu in this time and stick to my diet enough, then it should only take me 2 weeks to get to my optimal "comp" stage.

The results will pretty much determine if i have enough to compete next year.

So the madness begins...............

lol, was he the one outside the hotel with the catchers mit?

Only 22, so at the moment i dont really need synthetic test, although when i get older............ That gh would be good to get hold of, at the moment thats the shit to get but very hard to find (unless ur ROCKY or RAMBO.

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