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Just looking at hooking me up with some ADSL action at home.. and wondering what different isp's you guys are using and how they fare in pricing and download rates..

im looking at IHUG at the moment.. they got 256k Unlimited DL for 79.95.. and dodo has same for 64.95..

Ive been with IHUG dialup for many years now.. and theyve always had awesome DL and not many line busy.. so im thinking i mgiht stick with em..

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packet shaping??

umm most uses will be for a downloading and playing on battlenet..

yeah the reason im thinking ill go with ihug.. is cause they always had good DL rates.. adn have good equipment..

i think they had $99.99 for 512/128 which seems pretty reasonable i thinks.. ive heard a couple ppl say iinet is good.. ill have a look at the website

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Originally posted by Duncan

hey urine, do you want static ip?  I thought that was designed to let hackers have a better chance of getting in :confused:

hackers can get in regardless..u can find out ppl's ip's everytime they logon if u want to.. do u think a hacker with that kind of knowledge would waste his time on lil ol me :P...

Just run a good firewall like i already do and ull be fine..

i just wanna set up a ftp etc.. u could host ure own website.... umm stuff like that i guess

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yeah fair nuff, only downside is upload speeds are much slower, I think mine is 512 down 128 up. And its not the hackers with knowledge that worry me, its the kids out ot cause trouble! Yeah, good firewall and keeping up with os patches should be ok though.

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yeah thats the way i see it too duncan.. most ppl only bother wasting ther time with something they can get somethign from.. i have nothign to offer other than porn and mp3's..

though.. one of the guys here just did a exchange course.. the amount of loopholes in ubelievable.. u can send emails from

[email protected] or whatever to anywone.. then in the email redirect them to a website u created which mirrors the westpac site.. then just ask them to login to internet banking.. hahhah and bingo!! u got the details..

alot of ppl wouldnt notice www.anything.com/westpacupdate/ and as long as westpac logo's loaded up.. they do what u said in the emial :P whcih was to log on and it would automatically update ure software!!!

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