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  • 5 years later...

Yeah I still get onto US West or if desperate SEA.

I only really play with mates now, sit roughly @ 75-80% win in master league - anything else just frustrates me as the game's laddering system rewards mass gamers with no skill more than it does those with skill. See it constantly where players should never be past Platinum but they've grinded out 10,000 games and Blizzard lets them into Masters which is a farken joke and they are terrible.

Bring back the WC3 matching system - it worked perfectly to pit you against players of your skill level - just didn't work as the game died out, some minor enhancements could've fixed it and all good :(

SC2 system was meant to never have "search time problem", but lo and behold I've now got 5min+ times consistently on US West just like on WC3 :(

Yeah Master. not to be confused with GM of course - top of our bracket last season with 52-11 lol.

This season 18-6 cause we've been mucking around a bit and talking shit without paying attention :D

This is for 3v3 btw - some of the guys i used to play WC3 tournaments with (the online ones), we were 75% after 600 games there as well.

Fun times when you play with people that you actually know and understand.

I don't solo - too intensive as you say :)

I find arranged teams are much less stressful as randoms generally play like idiots without a purpose

ive been playing, new season started recently and I seemed to have gone from gold league to silver which is a bit annoying. This is 3v3 with randoms as well....

need to learn how to macro properly for me to get much better but the keyboard and i dont see eye to eye.....

thing that shits me the most about the game, marines with some health ships poon all zerg like they are nothing, it really is a joke imo

Macro as in keys or macro as in-game?

I don't have any keys setup - I just use my G15 as it comes outta the box lol.

Upgraded rines (1-1 +stim +hp) with medivacs & rauders are certainly strong, but it takes so long for them to get to that stage you can win the game easily beforehand and if you apply pressure it will slow them even more. That’s the biggest problem with SC2 – plays don’t pressure the other enough generally. Pressure means they are spending time looking at you and not macro’ing their base (at least in lower leagues anyway).

Zerg mid-game is the hardest part around the 10-14min mark in 3s, so you do need to be careful.

Key points for zerg beginners in team games are:

- Turn on in-game timer. It’s a game setting. It helps to work out roughly what units will be ready at what times. EG: A good terran will have 4 hellions out and on the way by 6:00 – with 2 more out by 6:30. If you only have a few lings you could be in strife (2 queens and 2 spine crawlers positioned well counters them easily).

- Scouting is so important. As is knowing how to play the other races in terms of build order.

EG 1: 2 gas by 3:00-3:15 for a Protoss likely means they are going to DT (Dark Templar) rush with warp gate, which is generally ready by 6:00 for a pro, 7:00 for someone a bit more noobie. So soon as you see that, drop a EVO chamber @ 4:30 and make 1-2 spores at 5:30. 2 gas in gold/silver with a forge usually means noobrays (Voidrays). Easily countered with 4-5 spores and 3-4 queens (to heal the tower).

EG 2: Early 1 gas for Terran (1:30-2:00) and a singular rax to factory (if you see it before ) - hellions. 2 gas by 3:00 means Banshee or Mech (tank/thor).

- Ensure at least 2 queens @ main base by ~8mins regardless. If they attack you having queens with the extra mana to heal the buildings really really helps. You can keep your main and other buildings along long enough with 2 queens for quite some time allowing your forces to arrive.

- Spread overlords around better for more vision of drops. Kinda spread them around in an arc over areas where Medivacs can fly.

- Spread creep ASAP. If you 14 drone to fast expo, soon as queen comes out start creep @ expo initially. Creep speeds up ground units also doubles. By the time the queen has the 2nd lot of 25 mana then start to make larve.

- Handy tip: leave 5-6 banelings on "patrol" around your main base mineral line. If they drop with 1-2 medivacs whilst you are fighting elsewhere – generally the banelings will do enough dmg the queens can mop up the rest easily. If the Protoss has blink stalkers this won’t help much though so be wary and spread creep for vision rather than lords.

- Banelings are godly against Terran for holding mid game and are basically mandatory. Only problem is you need a lot of them, 20 is not enough, you need like 40- and combine them with at least 20-40 lings and roaches. Such an army is around the 100 food count and is quite strong but you won’t have it until the 10-14min mark at least (and you need an expo).

- Soon as you tech to LAIR, upgrade BANESPEED. It’s fking awesome especially on creep (refer above comment). Also research Overlord speed upgrade, this is also very handy if they come @ you with 2-3 viking/phoenix – you can bring all your lords home before too many die :)

- If you see them getting air like Phoenix/Void/Viking/Banshee/Colossus – mass corruptors & upgrade their attack ASAFP. They are so under rated as a unit and forgotten by most bronze-diamond players, the corruption ability is brilliant advantage to air control, issue being they can’t attack ground. Be warned though vs Muta they generally crap as the muta bounce attack can hurt in a mass battle even with the range advantage.. So be mindful of this and position accordingly in a battle that draws muta into your entire allied army if possible and then you win easy.

Obviously there is far more too it and honestly - it's just practice and understanding how the game works. More emphasis on understanding the game though as if you know how long it takes to make certain units and scout properly for the first 3mins - you have so much information it can basically map out the entire game for you.

When playing with my mates they scout basically until the scout worker is killed. So back/forth from all the bases to see how much gas, what buildings etc.

thanks for the tips,

I never scout so thats a bit of an issue for me and because i dont play the other races, figuring out what they are going is obviously difficult.

how do your mates build their base up whilst scouting?

I actually can’t play Terran to save myself lol, my Protoss is only so/so. You can still learn race build orders without actually playing them or being any good at them. That comes with playing the game.

At your level it is a little bit hard as players are generally pretty average (no offence meant there) – so their builds are often not “timed” correctly like they would if you were playing Diamond/Master league players who are much more regimental in that regard so in some ways it’s almost more predictable. People also don’t make NoobRays (voids) simply because they are so bad lol. But you see them all the time in lower leagues as people never scout the forge/tower/early dual gas to know Voids are potentially coming :)

Zerg marco early game is very important, especially if you are going to fast expo. Protoss isn’t as important, Terran is in the middle of the two – and if we are against 3x Randoms both of them scout. But that said scouting is more important than macro period. So if you have to do it, then do it with the 10th drone and keep scouting until it basically dies or you know they are about to have a marine pop out.

Having one worker less mining (and scouting) does not really impact them that much because remember – your opponents will scout and do the same, so it’s basically even. Plus if you know they are proxy barracks/gateway, 8 pooling or cannoning builds - this also help you to decide what to do for your teams unit/base. Sometimes if you know proxy rush is coming (on shared base), your Terran drops.

The only time I do a set play is against the below race combo's

1z and 2r

2z and 1r


Against all of those combo’s I always 10pool/gas by default and get early speedlings. If they are also doing the same or dual 8-pooling it allows you enough time to get 1 spine down 4-8 lings out to defend their initial rush. Unless your allies scout @ 8/10 food you never know the dual Z rush is coming so I always prepare. If you scout and they are not 8-10 pooling then just make 3-4 extra drones and macro up as they will be 14pool or 14fe (fast expo) so you need to counter macro to keep up

Also if you see no zerg at all (so all terran/protoss or mix) - I will fast expo (16 drones then expo) every single time in that instance as you can afford to do it and it puts you in a commanding position vs a 4-gate protoss push for instance as by 6mins you have epic ling production or roaches pumping.

So i take a risk and get to 30/30 pop of workers (mix of 2 queens and workers @ both main and expo). Then mass lings, you can easily have enough for 50/50 by the time they push doing this and it is a very strong strategy. I've been known to win 1v2 @ 6:30-7:30 this way no drama.

Oh and we never go into a game with a set strat either. In SC2 you need to scout and react to what your opponents are doing as opposed to playing your own game and assuming it will work. In WC3 we had a set strat though for almost any match or at least the start of it and then altered depending on the first part of the game so bit different there

And if you can't - just make an extra building or two (spire, roach warren etc). Joy of zerg and 2-4 hatches is you can swap army relatively fast.

So if you get an expo and find about the 14-17min mark you have way to much minerals, make another hatch in your main base and queen. Keep the larve coming and then you can instantly replenish and army. Nothing funnier than losing 40 roach, and 60 seconds later you have 40 back ready to fight again ;)

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

anyone catch any of the "pro" games over the weekend?

I watched AcerScarlett own this terran player. the way she used queens and infestors was amazing. Also find it amazing that they get their first exp up in 2minutes.

Anyway played a fair bit and got owned 90% of the time. Oh and for some reason with 1v1 i was playing gold players even though im in bronze... that was ahhh fun....

I need to start playing with a couple people who dont mind me sucking a bit :P

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