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Dose pipe...


that is the "official" dose pipe, basically its a straight throuhg pipe with NO Filter, just a bit of mesh to stop big things from gettn in, more air means more flutter. according to wogs newai.......

quick question

why the fcuk would anyone block off a factory BOV if it was originally intended to be there??

lol wat kind of question is that man? alot of things are intended to be there, for example stock ECUs but do we listen? no why? for the pursuit of happiness (lol i just watched the movie its purty good)

the reason why stock BOVs are removed or blocked is

because it leaks

because it sounds shit

because its a cheap alt to buying a $600 BOV which sounds shiet newai

there are heaps of reasons and the majoirty of us try it at one stage, i gotta say its "sick" lol

if u didnt realize alot of big name companies demo cars do this, HKS for example, their 600hp r34 GTR runs no BOV.

i know the title says HKS SSQV but you know how idiots r

was out in parramtta in sydney and there was heaps of s14's and s15 around....

all i could hear was high pitch flutter where as the skyline flutter is like a "rattle-snake" sorta sound

how do u change the sound to make it more high pitched???

this is how it works

more boost = higher pitched

more air = the longer the flutter

diameter of the pipe = time of burtsts

Edited by R34NRG

a name change and still the same dickhead.

the reason why stock BOVs are removed or blocked is

because it leaks


because it sounds shit

yes, that's why engineers put it there in the first place, to sound shit. :/

because its a cheap alt to buying a $600 BOV which sounds shiet newai

why would you buy a $600 bov if the factory one does everything that it is supposed to??

if u didnt realize alot of big name companies demo cars do this, HKS for example, their 600hp r34 GTR runs no BOV.

i know the title says HKS SSQV but you know how idiots r

That most certainly does have an HKS bov.

I certainly do know an idiot when I see one.

this is how it works

more boost = higher pitched

more air = the longer the flutter

diameter of the pipe = time of burtsts

oh good - anDru is the source on dose pipes lol

ronin just stfu alright? u dont know wat the hell ur talkn about.

you wanted to know why ppl remove bovs and i told you, obviously u dont know shit cuz u drive around on stock boost so u wouldnt no wtf boost leak is.

dont act so smart to ppl who know wat u look like alright

Edited by R34NRG

hehe andru you edited your posted 10 seconds to late :/

the original post made at 1:23am can be viewed below :/


"ronin how bout u go eat a fu ckn dick? c**t thinks his a pro cuz he drives a skyline u poof.

you asked why ppl remove bovs and i told u, u obvoiusly dont no shiet because u just told me stock BOVs dont leak, which we all no do. u proberly dont cuz all u run is stock boost newai.

ur a pretty smart freckled tosser to be talkn shit to someone u've met face to face.

cocky lil f*ker"


how come you never come to any of the sau events or anything ?

man id love to honestly, id LOVE TO!!

but i work and with uni its a killer, exams n shit, and yeh when i do have free time im out with my gf or mates.

kinda sucks i rarely ever get to talk with other skyliners, i got mates that own evos n stuff but it aint the same

hearing alot of excuses

hahahaha yehhh i know, they are......i dunno man.....feel awkward, everyones so "old" in a good way.

im only 18, and everyone seems like they gettn married or buying a house. just feels weird being surrounded by ppl like that lol

which gives me an idea, im gonna make a poll i wanna know exactly how old are the average SAUers LOL

Edited by R34NRG
18? drive an r34?


ahahhaha see wat i mean justin,

i dont think i can even find the very 1st thred i amde here about 2-3 years ago.

basicly still in high school i was 17 years old and wanted to know how much a R34 was. eveyrone on here laughed at me and told me to F off.

a year later posted up pics of my new ride, no one believed me.

Edited by R34NRG
nup what do u mean ?

gonna need to be more specific

what i mean is i feel like eveyrones got this impression that im some 18 year old tosser who rips burnouts outside noble. and i dont get along with ppl who think that so i tend to stay away

didnt your parents buy it for you though ?

thats kinda not the same if they did

ahahhaha see wat i mean justin,

i dont think i can even find the very 1st thred i amde here about 2-3 years ago.

basicly still in high school i was 17 years old and wanted to know how much a R34 was. eveyrone on here laughed at me and told me to F off.

a year later posted up pics of my new ride, no one believed me.

oooh dose pipe ... i beleive i've made one for a fellow sau'er before, hehe

block off bov, afm on the intercooler piping massive 3" cooler piping and a huge cooler :/ oh plus a 3 - 4 inch steel intake ... preferably without any filtration

oooh dose pipe ... i beleive i've made one for a fellow sau'er before, hehe

block off bov, afm on the intercooler piping massive 3" cooler piping and a huge cooler :/ oh plus a 3 - 4 inch steel intake ... preferably without any filtration

the car makes a pretty hektik dose now

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