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Hey Guys, I am sorry if this is a repeat post but I did not find any info through "Search".

Last weekend I went to the Toyo Drag meet (which was freaking fantastic) and I was told by few of the guys there that having a pod air filter now will cost you 3 demerits points plus a defect (defect...I always knew about). I've checked the RTA site but couldn't any info on it. I was also told the same thing by a mate of mine so now I dont know what to think.

Does anyone know anything about this?



Edited by MAYHEM
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Defected for pod, no points, nor a fine. I was lucky.

If the cop so decides, he can fine you and wack on points for each defectable item. (So don't be a smart ass, if you have one, you know it's illegal, so don't argue.)

If the cop so decides, he can fine you and wack on points for each defectable item. (So don't be a smart ass, if you have one, you know it's illegal, so don't argue.)

Thats not true Matt..

You cant get demerit points for having a pod, exhaust, bov, etc..

The only time you would get demerit points from defects is when you are given a minor or major defect notice and drive around after the allocated time given by the police officer to clear up the defects.. if you get caught driving around without clearing the defects, thats when you get hit with demerit points..

Hope that clears it up for you :)

It's beyond me why you are so rude about it Corinne.

You're the last person that should be criticising.

Not being a bish or trying to start anything Liz, but isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? :) I can recall many times you have done exactly the same thing. Everytime someone asks a question that has been asked may times they get the same "use the search button" off any number of different people - why is this time any different?

The guy mentioned he searched SAU (not well as this was brought up less than a week ago)... doesn't look like he searched RTA site too well either... Corinne provided a link to answer his question. Soooo as far as I can see... she actually provided RTA rulings and not just hearsay. Smoky had the answer correct and Corinne showed the guy where to find the demerits on the RTA website to confirm Smoky's post. If she was being rude there would be no link.... just a "use the search function".

Just my 2 cents.

Not being a bish or trying to start anything Liz, but isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? :O I can recall many times you have done exactly the same thing. Everytime someone asks a question that has been asked may times they get the same "use the search button" off any number of different people - why is this time any different?

The guy mentioned he searched SAU (not well as this was brought up less than a week ago)... doesn't look like he searched RTA site too well either... Corinne provided a link to answer his question. Soooo as far as I can see... she actually provided RTA rulings and not just hearsay. Smoky had the answer correct and Corinne showed the guy where to find the demerits on the RTA website to confirm Smoky's post. If she was being rude there would be no link.... just a "use the search function".

Just my 2 cents.

I love cat fights!!! Why don't u girls just wait til the beer cools and the jelly sets first :wave::)

I love cat fights!!! Why don't u girls just wait til the beer cools and the jelly sets first :wave::)


No cat fights... just confused with the double standards.............. :O

Although mud is better than jelly..... chocolate is even better! :wave:

Well good on her! but i think the point is, she didn't need to be so rude about it! a simple, 'after a quick search, here is what i found' works just as well!

Alot of people aren't good at searching.. they don't use the right keywords, or they search the wrong sections... he obviously tried a search and came up with nothing, so came here to attempt to pull up info! Sometimes its just easier to ask in here, than to waste half a day searching for something everyone already knows!

We're meant to help each other, not ridicule each other! I thought thats what SAU was all about!

Well good on her! but i think the point is, she didn't need to be so rude about it! a simple, 'after a quick search, here is what i found' works just as well!

Alot of people aren't good at searching.. they don't use the right keywords, or they search the wrong sections... he obviously tried a search and came up with nothing, so came here to attempt to pull up info! Sometimes its just easier to ask in here, than to waste half a day searching for something everyone already knows!

We're meant to help each other, not ridicule each other! I thought thats what SAU was all about!

A bit like the reply I got to that pm I sent you the other day?

Well good on her! but i think the point is, she didn't need to be so rude about it! a simple, 'after a quick search, here is what i found' works just as well!

Alot of people aren't good at searching.. they don't use the right keywords, or they search the wrong sections... he obviously tried a search and came up with nothing, so came here to attempt to pull up info! Sometimes its just easier to ask in here, than to waste half a day searching for something everyone already knows!

We're meant to help each other, not ridicule each other! I thought thats what SAU was all about!

Should there be somthing said in regards to this Ha! Nowwwwww you want to be the club supporter she ws not rude. She was too the point. If you feel the need to defend the club then go into the Whore threads

( You know which ones I mean) And start cutting sick in their

So you do get demerited points if its not contained or cover or securely mounted??

Or do you get demerited for having one at all these days??

Its a bit confusing on whats aloud and what isnt these day?

Only way you can get defected and receive points is if you have previously been given a defect notice and are caught driving after the time alloted to fix the defect without it being fixed. If its getting defected for the first time, no points - well unless its one of the 3 listed below.

There are 3 which can receive points straight away - defective seats, steering, & seatbelts.... all with good cause too!

I did hear a rumour regarding, getting defected, getting it cleared, then getting caught for the same defect within a certain period of time might attract demerit points... although its not stated on the RTA website and is just a rumour.... its all these "rumours" that cause confusion!

So you do get demerited points if its not contained or cover or securely mounted??

Or do you get demerited for having one at all these days??

Its a bit confusing on whats aloud and what isnt these day?

You have to have pod filters securely covered. otherwise they are defectable.

Best thing to do is to cover them up and get the car engineered.

I have an "airbox" - from unifilter that encloses the pod. I have had highway look at it and not say anything about it - but...I just dont want to get a cop on a "bad day" and find out!

I guess my question is - has anyone been defected with an airboxed pod?

I did hear a rumour regarding, getting defected, getting it cleared, then getting caught for the same defect within a certain period of time might attract demerit points... although its not stated on the RTA website and is just a rumour.... its all these "rumours" that cause confusion!

Yeah thats just a rumor Anna.. totally not true :thumbsup: if anyone says otherwise tell them to come and talk to me :rofl:

Driving around with a minor defect is 1 demerit point + fines

Driving around with a major defect is 3 demerit points + fines

Well good on her! but i think the point is, she didn't need to be so rude about it! a simple, 'after a quick search, here is what i found' works just as well!

Alot of people aren't good at searching.. they don't use the right keywords, or they search the wrong sections... he obviously tried a search and came up with nothing, so came here to attempt to pull up info! Sometimes its just easier to ask in here, than to waste half a day searching for something everyone already knows!

We're meant to help each other, not ridicule each other! I thought thats what SAU was all about!

Moanie, I didn't write that post with any malice/ridicule intended as clearly stated in the first line. I was simply stating the double standards that seem to be appearing lately. I don't want to be caught up in all the political/personal vendetta crap going on within the NSW club and some of its members.

My main point was why now... why this post... hundreds of others have written the exact same phrase without the reply that Liz posted? Herself included... its kinda obvious that people are trying to stir the pot.

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