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A bit like the reply I got to that pm I sent you the other day?

i gave you some constructive criticism. feel free to post it if you want!

Should there be somthing said in regards to this Ha! Nowwwwww you want to be the club supporter she ws not rude. She was too the point. If you feel the need to defend the club then go into the Whore threads

( You know which ones I mean) And start cutting sick in their

I have ALWAYS been a club supporter! Please show me where i have not been!

And whore thread? there is a club in the whore threads? didn't know that! Guess that means we have 10 different clubs! the whore threads are for people to talk about how their weekend was, and where their next meet is.. the NSW section is for car talk and overall nsw discussions

Moanie, I didn't write that post with any malice/ridicule intended as clearly stated in the first line. I was simply stating the double standards that seem to be appearing lately. I don't want to be caught up in all the political/personal vendetta crap going on within the NSW club and some of its members.

My main point was why now... why this post... hundreds of others have written the exact same phrase without the reply that Liz posted? Herself included... its kinda obvious that people are trying to stir the pot.

no probs chickie! Neither was I! I also was of the opinion that the post was rude.. but i know what you mean about others using the same phrase... its just not happened in nsw that i've seen!

At the end of the day we are meant to help each other! i think its great dif took the time to do a quick search for the thread started, i just thought she could have presented the information a little better. Note, the thread starter did say he 'tried' to search... so its not like he jsut posted a thread without bothering! I'd understand if that was the case.. the fact that he tried and had no luck, would lead me to expect a polite response.

And start cutting sick in their

I'm having a little trouble with that one Andrew.... I think you listen to too much James Brown.... Hahahaha!! now.. befooooore you start... it's a joke.. ok? haha kinda stuffses.

Ya, maybe i was a bit blunt towards corinne. Her post came across a bit rude, and i probably didn't help the situation by being rude back!

Despite what people think, I certainly wasn't out to stir the pot, I just tackled an issue the wrong way!

Sorry Corinne!


No cat fights... just confused with the double standards.............. :rofl:

Although mud is better than jelly..... chocolate is even better! :thumbsup:

Mud! thats so dirty! I like you! ahahaha

Also i've heard that if you repeatedly get defected for the same thing, you WILL lose points. but only if they see you've been defected for it before.

Has anyone else heard this? :sorcerer:

Mud! thats so dirty! I like you! ahahaha

Also i've heard that if you repeatedly get defected for the same thing, you WILL lose points. but only if they see you've been defected for it before.

Has anyone else heard this? :sorcerer:

lol.... :rofl:

Check out smoky's post on pg1 (no 17). If its cleared you won't.. if its a previous defect which remains uncleared then you will be fined with points.

Now that its safe in here again...

what about for having a un-engineered high mount turbo? do you get done for points for that?

*schlaps Anthony*

Only if it was previously defected and remains uncleared!

Although I'd be getting that puppy engineered. You have the emissions pass which is all you need to engineer the turbo, exhaust, FMIC. Thats the hard part done! ... they can still defect you as it is not engineered and cause you the hassle of clearing it all up.

Everytime they go over Lucas's sunny they try and get anything thats not on the certificate! Although pretty much the rocks stuck in the tyre tread are engineered on that thing... its a losing battle everytime!

glad to see the issues here self resolved, unless anyone stil has an issue?

but to be on topic

what about if you have a completely enclosed pod and a fmic? still defectable?

It shouldn't be defectable unless the cop is a real Ahole.

I don't think you have to enclose the fmic but I have heard you have to have mesh behind the front bar in front of the fmic?

Maybe to stop someone from getting sucked in.. lol..

I think we should get an engineer to post up about this stuff the RTA rules aren't that specific.

as I dont know for sure, only hearsay. You are only allowed one induction mod. Ie. only fmic or only pod. But if the pod is engineered and the fmic is engineered, are they ok together or only one or the other/

Now that its safe in here again...

what about for having a un-engineered high mount turbo? do you get done for points for that?

anything that differs from stock will need tot be engineered :thumbsup:

Mud! thats so dirty! I like you! ahahaha

Also i've heard that if you repeatedly get defected for the same thing, you WILL lose points. but only if they see you've been defected for it before.

Has anyone else heard this? :sorcerer:

lol.... :rofl:

Check out smoky's post on pg1 (no 17). If its cleared you won't.. if its a previous defect which remains uncleared then you will be fined with points.

be careful with this though guys! Cause i got defected twice for my pod and exhaust (this was by a rta/epa setup though and not just by a highway patrolperson) and the second time, the epa took m to court... so be wary of second time defects!

as I dont know for sure, only hearsay. You are only allowed one induction mod. Ie. only fmic or only pod. But if the pod is engineered and the fmic is engineered, are they ok together or only one or the other/

That is totally confuzzling.

I would assume that they would be too seperate mods and that both would would need to be engineered.

Is that right?

as I dont know for sure, only hearsay. You are only allowed one induction mod. Ie. only fmic or only pod. But if the pod is engineered and the fmic is engineered, are they ok together or only one or the other/

this 'one intake mod' thing is victorian. not nsw.

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