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Can I ask if the abuse was done in a Suburb related thread? Or the "Whoretown?"

I understand where the mods are coming from (I mentioned this before) but I just wanted to say (take it or leave it) that I reckon it's slack punishing all the people who read the suburb related threads for information relating to that suburb because of some abuse that happened in a whore thread (if this is the case).

I was in the whorethread till the end, and can confirm there were no incidents! There was one incident where a random came in to cause trouble on the weekend, but that was it! nothing related to this that i can tell!

and thats probably where the probs start.. suburbs vs 'whoretown'.. it really shouldn't have to be like that :)

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and thats probably where the probs start.. suburbs vs 'whoretown'.. it really shouldn't have to be like that :happy:

ok, first post for me for this whole thread......

no...I dont think it was Mona. Quite a few people posted in all threads there.

I did not see it as a "vs" thing at all. Just half of the members only wanted to post where they were local and who they knew (i know sometimes how the feel) Fair enough - they miss out on other threads and other members - their loss! But I didnt see anything like the "vs" thing at all - as far as I was aware - there was no bitching about other threads in the 'burbs

The burb threads just got popular!

Anyhoo - time for another burb for me...I mean the drink :)

ok, first post for me for this whole thread......

no...I dont think it was Mona. Quite a few people posted in all threads there.

I did not see it as a "vs" thing at all. Just half of the members only wanted to post where they were local and who they knew (i know sometimes how the feel) Fair enough - they miss out on other threads and other members - their loss! But I didnt see anything like the "vs" thing at all - as far as I was aware - there was no bitching about other threads in the 'burbs

The burb threads just got popular!

Anyhoo - time for another burb for me...I mean the drink :)

i don't know.. i was getting that feel towards the end... :laugh: I don't know.. no point starting anything.. its sad we've all lost our distraction for the day! time to start something new!!! :happy:

I feel no disgrace in saying that this thread and the actions taken by the higher authorities have gotten me extremely upset.

And trust me, I am choosing my words carefully so as to not say exactly what I'm thinking right now.

I have never been to the whoretown thread, and mostly couldn't understand the need for threads like the "spotted" thread.

I come here a few times a day, mostly at night, and only ever visit the "central coast" and "newcastle" threads specifically. I along with a few others have spent years trying to build the relationships we have with those in the newcastle area. We don't fight, rarely post, yet are being punished because of a select few morons.

I became a member of NSW because of the relationships I built with others, and have started helping out with things like the SnS because of that involvement.

I already know what effect this will have on the "Newcastle" community, and others in charge already know this as I have told them time and time again when trying to get them to put more effort into our area.

Because of this action..........

...well I am already considering the unspeakable and discontinuing any of my involvement with the SAU NSW community.

You think the bickering and fighting was immature?

In my opinion, not being big enough to "finger point" and ban those actually causing the trouble is also a sign of immaturity. You were given the power of this community, you set the rules, now enforce them on those who are causing the grief, not the community as a whole. Because those threads...... those threads you have taken away, are the real community in NSW, not the threads that sit beneath this one.

no, i dont think something new will happen. because like it or not, nsw is split into many little groups who hate each other just for the hell of it.

some is justified, some is not, but most is just being bored and stabbing for the fun of it or being jelouse of aparent priveliges etc etc.

ps. im not having a go at individuals, just if noones gonna say it i will.

Ian, your a valued member of the community so there is no need for you or anyone to throw their hands up and say thats it, im leaving - Thats stupid.

Its been made pretty clear here many times already that moderators have identified the pro's of the community/locale based threads, and their con's also - For you, or anyone to think that moderators are simply going to delete all threads is ridiculous. ALL that we are doing, is considering the needs of our members, while being concious of the image that some of the recent bickering and bitching has cast for people visiting the SAU NSW subsection.

It is our intention to provide a solution that will allow members in particular areas to continue to socialise and plan events online, while at the same time taking a hard stance on those select few people that just cant get their heads around the rules and persist in acting like twats.

In the meantime, while moderators discuss this in depth, ALL sections are closed as many people involved in recent events, frequent many of the whore/chat threads and its certainly not fair to close some and leave others open.

To be honest, im appauled at two people in particular, who I will not name, and the fact another that I spoke too actually said that they wouldnt stop taking pot shots and making immature comments against another member, unless the other party did the same. I havent heard something like this since high school, its totally lame.

Yeah, good on ya Nick...you don't have to name them...everybody knows your refering to me and Duncan.


Well then..

I guess they took away my reason for being on this website.

Like Tinks and Primordial have said the Hornsby and Central Coast threads have rarely had problems on them although I understand that if you close one then you must close everything to keep things even. Still, in my eyes I'm rather unimpressed as I am on these forums simply to talk to the community which is the whole reason I liked SAU in the first place, the fact that everyone is so welcoming and we're all friends. I'm sure I'm wnot the only one who is just going to pay SAU no mind because of this.

While I'm aware that you did what you had to do, I hope and would be almost certain that you are aware of how many members you are going to have lose interest because of this. SAU is not just a place to gain information on our hobby, it's a friendly community(at least it is around Hornsby and the Central Coast) and I'm pretty put out by the actions that have been taken. You've given me and many others a reason to wonder why we joined if we can't even talk to the friends in our area.

**I know this has closed, but i did start typing before it was closed so ill post it anyhow**

Please just bare in mind the following points.

1) You aren't a club member (which contributes to the up keep/running of the forum)

2) You aren't a paying trader

3) You have become a contributor/donor

This forum doesnt run for free.

It costs money.

Recently we have had to change our choice of server because there was not enough donations and so on to cover the costs. ($1400 a month)

So cheaper hosting had to be sought in the US, which will never be as good as stuff AUS based for outright forum speed and so on.

The very PC you post on wasn't free. The very internet connection you use wasn't free. The lunch you will have tomorrow wont be free either.

But this site is free for the most part.

The generosity of the few, keep this place alive for the many.

Im not saying that if you were a contributor things would be different, or you would be more respected.

Im just asking that next time, remember when you post on here that as a free user...

Every time you post, someone else picks up the cost. Be that money (contributors) or time to check posts etc (Mods/Admins)


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