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hey ppl jst got a news flash for every1 with black window tint or wantn to get black window tint!

i work at tint-a-car n this older lady in her subaru outback was pulled over by vic roads and was fined n told shed cop a cannary if she didnt get her dark tint removed, n she questioned them bout it n they told her that there is a big blitz/crackdown n them and the cops a targeting imports and aust delivered vehicles n hoons with dark tint, so im jst lettn u knw to be careful n keep and eye out for them n wen u see them round to jst wind all windows down (lol my lil trick tht i picked up on) until them are out of sight! n expecially if u are pulled over (providing its not raining) to remember to wind down ur windows too help avoid those chances!

anyway ppl's jst givn use the heads up n that iv been pulled over a few times in my r33 n iv always had my windows down n so far had no Q's askd bout havn black tint so i hope it helps ya's! altho im off my p's so that helps me abit, but for other p platers with black tint n who cant see there p's on the back window i was told by a cop to display the P PLATE ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE BACK OF THE CAR N I KNOW IT LOOKS UGLY BUT HEY IF IT GETS U OFF ITS DONE THE JOB!



Edited by _handbrakies_ _ _

on the subject of tints....

has anyone heard of a new tint that looks like 15 or 20% from the outside but is still legal. Because when you sit inside the car it still lets you see through it from inside the car looking out as if it was the usual 30%?

as long as ur car abides by these rules u have no issues


specifically in this case, this one http://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/NR/rdonlyre...E621/0/VSI2.pdf

So even the ones behind you which can be "used to view other road users" need to abide by the same rules.


As above what Ni(inark) has posted.

The rules are pretty clear cut. There is no ambiguity surrounding them at all.

The VSI's are in plain english for all to understand

Tinting windows is not illegal as long as you follow the guidelines, its as simple as that really.

^ like me lol. does any one know of there are stick on plates for the outside of the rear windshield? i dont wanna get the ones you stick on the panels. i value my paint too much

I have a normal P plate (the ones that just 'stick' to the window) on the outside of mine, with clear book cover contact sticking it onto the outside of the window. Works well.

and _handbrakies_ _ _, what area do you work in?

thanks for the heads up.

not to say that the old lady in the subaru is talking smack or anything. but everytime i get pulled over cops always say " oh theres a blitz or a crack down" wether its speeding, noise, mods, tint anything... i quiet regularly hear that theres a blitz. as people have stated. if ya paranoid bout it, dont have illegal tint. oh yeah when ya get pulled over, all ya got to do is kick out your back windshield and wind down your windows. :)

My car came with very dark tint when I bought it from Japan, I think its well below 35%, is there an easy way to tell if its illegal?

I assume that I have to pay extra to get the tint stripped off and re-tint the car if I get caught?

ive got that super dark tint too on the rear and quarters. ive been pulled over a couple times by normal and highway patrol(those shiny ones) and they havent said anything about it. my sides are the darkest legal tint which are lighter than the rears.

speakin of blitz imports were getting pulled over left right and centre on princes hwy on the way home last night. i saw 4 get done from chaddy to springy, one at every main intersection..lol.

My car came with very dark tint when I bought it from Japan, I think its well below 35%, is there an easy way to tell if its illegal?

I assume that I have to pay extra to get the tint stripped off and re-tint the car if I get caught?

Sammus might post up a pic of his car if he see's this. His car has been with the darkest legal tint. Which is very very minor.

If you can look at a window and without thinking about it too much tell straight away that it's tinted, then chances are it's illegal.

But the thing is, I know what Sam's legal tint looks like and I see new cars with darker tint all the time (eg factory option or something) like Ford Territories and things. Maybe there is a way to make the tint 'look' like its darker than it actually is as interloper stated.

*Apparently* You can remove your tint with the aid of a hairdryer, which makes sense to me.. although I've never actually tried it so I can't say for sure.

how the hell is a cop gonna prove that my windows are a 35% or a 45%.

i rkn its a pretty stupid law, the law was introduced so that drivers could have a good view of the road and other cars on the road correct? so shouldnt it be judged on light going out of the car instead of light going into the car?

hope that makes some sense lol.

has anyone heard of the r34s comming with darkened glass?

Edited by R34NRG
how the hell is a cop gonna prove that my windows are a 35% or a 45%.

Quite easily, by shining a light through it to measure the amount of light that passes through. Like a laser.

how the hell is a cop gonna prove that my windows are a 35% or a 45%.

i rkn its a pretty stupid law, the law was introduced so that drivers could have a good view of the road and other cars on the road correct? so shouldnt it be judged on light going out of the car instead of light going into the car?

hope that makes some sense lol.

has anyone heard of the r34s comming with darkened glass?

vic roads and on the odd occasion have light measurement detectors, i have seen em yet but iv heard bout it alot.

_handbrakies_ __ could you confirm on what the legal darkness is.

Is it 35% all around or just 35% front and side windows?

Some people claim that rear quarter windows can be tinted darker etc



the darkest legal is 35% but from wot iv heard cops only really care bout if they can see ur p plate on the rear window. but iv also hear that it is legal to have for example if u own a wagon to have the cargo windows darker.

My car came with very dark tint when I bought it from Japan, I think its well below 35%, is there an easy way to tell if its illegal?

I assume that I have to pay extra to get the tint stripped off and re-tint the car if I get caught?

yea mate we charge $100 extra to strip the tint off a car! sum ppl prefer to do it them selfs but u do really need the right stuff or it can b a real pain in the ass!

I have a normal P plate (the ones that just 'stick' to the window) on the outside of mine, with clear book cover contact sticking it onto the outside of the window. Works well.

and _handbrakies_ _ _, what area do you work in?

i work in doncaster mate, why ya ask?

i got a r33 when i asked him about the tint situation he told me as long as the front two windows are legal the rest of the car window can be black as you want

I've heard this from a tinter few years ago, maybe this was the case in the past but the Vic Roads regulations are pretty clear now :)

I'm curious about this tint that looks darker on the outside but is still legal, I do have darkest legal tint on my other car but its very light, I'm sure it could be a little darker :)

My new car is pitch black tint on the back but lighter on the front windows, will look into fixing it when I get in trouble :D



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