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i feel the need to clarify what i was trying to say out of frustration in previous posts and in that i wasnt trying to offend anyone who loves or is involved in drift in any way shape or form. if i have offended anyone i apologize but allow me to explain my train of thought..

In japan,for example, Drift is a family event. Ive seen women and children, children young enough to still be sucking at a teat at D1 events..

Its a family day out over here! is it like that in Oz, or would you just like it to be?

In Japan, drifters are revered, respected and held in high esteem so much so they are immortalized in videos, manga, cartoons and print. Think Initial D for crying out loud. EVERYONE young and old in Japan knows that title.

wouldnt that be the dream of australian drift i wonder...at least to be associated with that stigma?

In Japan, Drifters have a place in society and they are accepted to a certain degree by not just the public but the racing fraternity at large. Not only are they accepted, but they are admired and embellished with praise by the mass media and that speaks volumes.

Its a shame, a real shame the australian government ( and im not going to get political on any other point besides this ) holds such a dim and ignorant view on what is in reality a variation of the artform of driving but there are legitimate and understandable reasons for this..

One of my questions is that is there that much negativity surrounding the sport in general in Australia that is preventing it from becoming a fully-fledged and respected motorsport? And yet, that is exactly what it is in Australia...fledgling and mis understood. Questions must be asked.

Put aside my ideas on what is accepted or shunned upon when it comes to choice of sponsor, colour etc ( or lack thereof ), or choice of ride.. yet even then, i cant remember the last time i saw a drift FD or FC in an Oz event even though they are so common over here.. and its not like theres a shortage of them. Im digressing.

In my humble and honest opinion Oz drift has a long way to grow and its no good trying to build it up while simultaneously ignoring the roots. Its like sticking a tropical plant in the desert and telling the bastard to grow which is ironically what is happening over there...

I know what the sport needs and its not even over the money. That is secondary. Its an image and within that image is respect. Unfortunately the public at large and media more importantly again, holds a very negative view of drift and its not without its merits...Young people either lack the wisdom or knowledge to respect the fact that they have a legitimate and understandable reason to nurture this sport in Australia and sad to say have taken it upon themselves whether anyone else cares or not to do what they please with it thereby destroying any good will built up through those that promote the sport in a positive and meaningful way.

If Australia is serious about the sport and it seems the crowd of admirers is growing, then it needs to realize that "unacceptable" behaviour will not be tolerated and thank heavens the same applies to this forum too. Im not surprised it doesnt, it is Australia after all and Australians that admire drift because it is what it is, need to remember what is accepted over here is accepted because of a very bloody good reason..the word starts with a letter "R". Failing that as is often the case from my limited understanding from what i have read, experienced and understand of motorsport and Ozzie motorsport in general, there will obviously be non acceptance.

The sport needs mentors, Senpai ( people who are senior to you and deserve respect but not within arrogance or indifference ) who are willing to champion the sport for the good of those who love it. This is the anti thesis of competition, money, arrogance, ignorance, conceitedness and all the evil it breeds with it.

Unfortunately and sad to say there are too many egos, moneymakers, and ignorants and not enough leaders, disciplinarians, spokesmen and shining lights in Oz drift to make that happen...at least for now..

And least of all because of my uneducated opinion.

Thanks for reading the thesis.


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