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Were you rescued off an island in the South Pacific last week or something? I've got a news flash for you, we're not in a war and we haven't been in one for over half a century. People not getting over things is why racism occurs. Soon after the war, Aussies refused to buy Japanese made goods because of the mentality. The fact that the Corolla has outsold the Commodore shows that some of us have moved on, and aren't being racist about it.

I'd go out on a limb and say that anyone posting in this thread wouldn't have participated in said war, where they may have once used the word in a racist context while trying to shoot someone calling them a "white devil" (which, of course, is not racist since its being said by an Asian).

scathing, your using some big words now and i guess you must have your thinking cap on. i wonder what happens to your gray matter when you remove it.

Inane? That would imply that what im saying is empty which it clearly is not although you are entitled to your own opinion.

Its insensitive of you to just casually dismiss the issue like it was insignificant and unsubstantiated when you werent the one that had the dubious honor of being the only nation on earth to be bombed not once but twice with a nuclear weapon. Show a bit of global sympathy.

My only point to all this before you blew it out of proportion and left me no choice but to check you was that the tone, attitude and underlying meaning of the words delivered left me in no doubt that the person in question had no idea what hed just said was offensive. i call it arrogance.

You say that you dont think "jap" is an offensive term. I dare you, actually challenge you to find a Japanese person who agrees with you on your point.

you may find it acceptable but that just proves how callous and insensitive you are as a person. As long as its alright for you then its alright, isnt it?

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I am the worlds biggest racist. I use the term Jap all the time. Yeh his car has a Jap cage,. Imports look so much better with Jap wheels instead of 19" chromies. I think someone is reading into ppls posts far too much.

Lets leave the history lessons at the door. No good comes of digging up the past, especially if you are trying to paint ppl as victims :thumbsup:

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the loud mouths are a problem in my book as there normally the one's with less skill than other drivers so feel the need to talk themselves up

I doubt that if a sponsor threaten to pull the plug unless a driver pulled his head in nothing would occur

its simplying that they think any advertisement is good advertisement

Robbies built what three top level cars with budgets larger than other teams at the time and yet hasnt won a champion ship yet and is a loud mouth every chance he gets and is rewarded each year with more sponsorship

edit 2 make happy happy

Edited by 1400r
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ps ur not Japanese never gonna be

dont need to be but my wife is...does that count? :thumbsup:

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Robbies built what three top level cars with budgets larger than other teams at the time and yet hasnt won a champion ship yet and is a loud mouth every chance he gets and is rewarded each year with more sponsorship

not the best example of a rolemodel for the sport then i gather..

what about yourself 1400? how would you conduct yourself in public if you were in his shoes?

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he he Id shut the hell up and get on with it

but as I said hes being rewarded for it so they must like it?

maybe its you and me that have the problem not the loud mouths?

I apologise for the my comments that may have offended you

tried to delete before you saw them so we could get back on track

time for a msc style event me thinks

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ps ask your wife if she likes my dog


go here if you wanna see the lastest and greatest Robbie racecar


oh i was going to mention the shiba inu just before! ironic you mentioned it. Yes its a beautiful dog. see a lot of them here curly tailed little wonders of nature with japanese eyes to boot! :thumbsup:

i wonder how much you paid for it in oz?

you wouldnt want to know how much dogs and cats for that matter are over here.. your jaw would drop open if i told you..

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she was about $1200 I think missus didnt really let on how much she paid best thing to come out of Japan next to Drift I recon

I dislike Robbies car on principle lol

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she was about $1200 I think missus didnt really let on how much she paid best thing to come out of Japan next to Drift I recon

I dislike Robbies car on principle lol

i agree on both counts!

but the shiba sells upward of 3 to 4k here!

ive seen chihuahua's here that had a 5 thousand dollar tag on them!!!

absolute insanity.

I do agree though that a V8 will appeal more to the masses even if its the dogs breakfast to the purist...

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Im going to get back on the proverbial track and make a very serious suggestion.

People on this forum have asked the question about what they can do to improve the sport.

I have a suggestion on this.

Those that are serious should come over here and meet some of the professionals. rub shoulders, make contacts establish friendships. I can personally introduce you to some of the people in D1 including those from team orange which is an arm of "kumas" ebisu circuit stable as well as Manabu Orido who is a good friend of someone i know. Im sure they will in kind direct you towards others as well who can help set up something between the two countries, whether you come here or they go there.

this way you can connect with those already established in the sport and i have also had talks with them and some have expressed their desire to drift down under.

There are people in Australia and Japan with fat enough wallets to make this happen and if an "alliance" of sorts can be established it will no doubt be towards the growth of the sport and recognition not just in the public eyes over here but also in Australia too.

Some representatives from DA should come over here and represent the SPORT, not just their own greedy personal interests.

i will wait to see if any one is serious about this because im not going to bother if its all going to be hot air..

i really cant be bothered investing my time into it if others wont take it seriously.

Its a start.

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Hey guys can we please keep this topic on track I would like to get some advice from this other than people view regarding BS terms.

Thanks in advance

what the hell was my last post mate???

ffs..im talking to myself around some of you..

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Those that are serious should come over here and meet some of the professionals. rub shoulders, make contacts establish friendships. I can personally introduce you to some of the people in D1 including those from team orange which is an arm of "kumas" ebisu circuit stable as well as Manabu Orido who is a good friend of someone i know. Im sure they will in kind direct you towards others as well who can help set up something between the two countries, whether you come here or they go there.

this way you can connect with those already established in the sport and i have also had talks with them and some have expressed their desire to drift down under.

There are people in Australia and Japan with fat enough wallets to make this happen and if an "alliance" of sorts can be established it will no doubt be towards the growth of the sport and recognition not just in the public eyes over here but also in Australia too.

Some representatives from DA should come over here and represent the SPORT, not just their own greedy personal interests.

i will wait to see if any one is serious about this because im not going to bother if its all going to be hot air..

I understand your intention, but i would look at it a little differently. It woudl be a good idea to see how others do it, you can never stop learning. But Australia is vastly different to Japan. No better, no worse. Just different. So if drifting is going to catch on it will have to do so and evolve with an Australian flavour.

When it comes to motorsport Australia gives the world some of the most talented engineers and drivers. There is no reason why on merit we cant be beating the Americans, English , New Zealanders and Japanese. Its an experience thing. At the moment the biggest limitation is the type of tracks available to us. Looking at tracks it seems NSW is best off with Wakefield, Oran Park and Eastern Creek all having sections that offer a good mix of corners.

But going to Japan to learn the sport is good and all, but wont do anything in the long run unless we adapt it to what works locally. I also think that internationally it would also be more appealing if just like in the US we develop our scene to be our scene. We need to do that to have our own identity. No point being a poor imitation of the Japanese scene, which will never gets the support locally. You only have to look at other forms of motorsport, most notably 2L Touring Crs etc and what happened when you tried to take a foreign recipe that worked OS and apply it here.

So, yeh. Good starting point, but i dont think that is the one single answer. The best thing for the sport woudl be for more guys liek Paul Morris to step up and start driving cars amongst the amateurs. If you want the series to expand, grow, attract more sponsors and be more professional then that is one area i think we need to follow the Japanese scene. We need more big name drivers from recognised classes of motorsport mixing it up with the young bloke comign through the drifting ranks.

The downside to that is the more "professional" it becomes, the less accessible it becomes, well at least the premeire class o drift. If you dont have a 100k car then you are simply at too big a mechanical and aero disadvantage. I understand a good steerer in a less developed car can still shine in drifting, but really. Its only a matter of time until the level is to that point where you need a gun car ust so that you are on level ground with other competitors, as driving standards will continue to improve...and you cant keep pace with guys with more money. LOL, then it will be true motorsport when the little guy get squeezed out by big money :P

So, i would sit back and think carefully about trying to make the whole scene too big. It has its own negatives to consider.

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you may find it acceptable but that just proves how callous and insensitive you are as a person. As long as its alright for you then its alright, isnt it?

There you go using the word "Japanese" again, in complete insensitivity to the rich culture and language of the locals. Funny how your bleeding heart doesn't extend to your own preconceptions.

I'm a person who believes in principles. I'm very anti racism, but I'm also very anti-victim. If someone is actually being bigoted I'll have a go at them, but by the same token people who constantly "cry wolf" give me the shits because their actions undermine genuine attempts to curb racism. I'm quite sensitive to racism, having grown up dealing with it. But I'm also not foolish enough to get hypersensitive to it and perceive any reference to my race as being a slight.

Yeah Japan got nuked by the Americans, but I have a few compatriots who haven't forgotten about the rapes at Nanjing, and there are quite a few Australians who had immediate family members who've enjoyed the tender mercies of the Japanese military in POW camps during the war. Where's your "global sympathy" for them? If some Anglo Saxon baby boomer lead a boycott against Nipponese products because of what happened to his parents "during the war", he'd be called a racist.

Fact is, people aren't using the term in a pejorative manner. That's what defines racism, that concept of negativity.

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On topic, I think the main thing drifters can do right now for the sport is persevere. It would be far better to take a long term view, and make incremental gains, then trying to match the size of the competition overseas. We don't have the population or capital of Nippon or the USA to support a massive launch, so you have to work from a steady base.

It took ages for drag racing and rally to make it big as an Australian sport, and even now they're still relative underdogs compared to the V8 Supercars and MotoGP. I think that it would be good to mature the sport out of the limelight, where the mentioned indiscretions novice racers have made don't make front (or back) page news.

Its true that, for general public consumption, drifting will need a certain amount of "spit and polish" that it currently doesn't have. It took rally ages to get out of the "anorak" crowd willing to stand in the middle of a cold winter's night to watch cars whizzing by. Drifting needs to build itself into being a "reliable" motorsport (consistent crowd base, teams that show a certain professionalism and maturity, as well as the lurid excitement of the sliding through a narrow road surrounded by trees) to attract factory support, like Subaru and Mitsubishi did for rallying.

As an aside, I remember reading an internal Nissan magazine a while ago at my mechanic's, and they had a piece on drifting. How it was one of the world's fastest growing motorsports, how exciting it is to watch, and how well represented Nissan was in the local competition. I found it quite laughable, considering the vast majority of Nissans competing were grey imports that Nissan Australia wouldn't touch.....and from the stories I heard from the GT-P competitors Nissan Australia hates motorsport.

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great post Roy it really is something to think about

whats "good" for the sport here may not be good for those currently involved

something I always have in the back of my mind

I dont really want to see another V8 super cars style event I prefer the unpolished look drifting has (removing the loud mouths of cause lol )

whats wrong with having something different?

why does it need to progress isnt DA making enough money or something?

seems those competing appear to pay for the comp not the spectators

ps Morris tried he sucked the wang so he quit lol

goes to show that some skill is required as much as some people hate to admit it

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