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I have recently been discovering SBS to be an untapped resource of whacky comedy in times of desperate relief from big brother. Anyone else caught any Wilfred episodes? Bloody genius stuff.

P.S. its on about 10pm thursdays if anyone wants to see what im on about


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Hmmm Wilfred is watched in our house.. Brad (R Dirty 3) has watched it for some time, cant say that I have reallllly gotten into it, but it tickles his fancy. :D SBS has quite a few good shows on it... I dont mind OZ Thats pretty good, but our all time favourite is SHAMELESS, thats such a classic show and cant wait for the next season to come on. :)

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hmm havent heard of those 2 but will keep my eyes out. Drawn together can be a laugh. totally off the wall though. Also, i dont think its on anymore, but did anyone ever see The Mighty Boosh? real wacky english comedy with a talking moon.

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I'm old Gregg! I've got a mangina! :laughing-smiley-014:

... I hope aunt thurma doesn't come visiting him lol!

Black books is another favourite of mine.

HAHA yes! someone else knows the Old Greg quote. i always get strange looks for that one. That old Greg guy freaked me out!

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British and way dark... set in a small English village complete with tranny taxi driver, freaky toad man, flesh dealing butcher and serial killer store owners... there's 3 series in all... Not everyone's cup of tea, but one of the best english comedies I've seen...

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My house mate loves league of gentleman. Has been trying to get me too watch it but havent had the chance. sounds good though.

Last nights ep of wilfred was pretty funny. There is another dog visiting and when he leaves Wilfred strolls up to the door and just mumbles "Im gonna miss that C * *t". Just before that WIlfred faked gettin run over by the other dogs owner to get rid of them.

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haha seen wilfred for the first time last night, caught it by accident which i thought was kinda coincidental after reading this :)

also a great movie on afterwards haha

kinds taking the piss outta star wars and star trek, was belgian movie i think, called "Dreamship Surprise: Period 1"

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funniest ep. of wilfred last night. anyone catch it?

Adam telling wilfred to go chase ducks at the pond. So wilfred goes down to the water and calls them over. "Oi come over here i wanna tell ya somethin, i aint gonna hurt ya"

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Yeah wilfred is awesome i tried explaining it to my mates and when you tell them its about a guy in a dog costume and he can talk they just dont get it . . their loss haha. Also like mentioned before the other good shows are OZ, i love south park, drawn together, top gear, and when it was on happy tree friends and friends. SBS has to be one of the best channels out, always get a good laugh out of it :(

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