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you cant be gay, black, or non-christian.

Yeh, that doesn't go over to well in the southern US, cause they are all f**king bigots. They are the main reason NASCAR is popular too. Wish an earthquake would just remove that part of the country from the rest.

I'd say you got f**ked over pretty bad, but it doesn't seem like you helped your cause by swearing at the cops. I know cops around here will intentionally find something wrong with your car if your rude to them. I always try to be very apologetic with them. "Yes officer, it's my fault your an asshat". I've also always kept my cars pretty close to stock, other than suspension. The only thing they will get you for here really is tint, loud exhaust, and if you have any neon or anything thats an instant ticket (as well it should be cause it looks like ass). I've got a good buddy who racked up a solid 20+ tickets last summer with his car and the only thing illegal on it is the muffler. If you give them a reason to pull you over, you can expect plenty of tickets.

On another note, I can't believe you get demerit points for mechanical violations. What kind of messed up system is that? And a ticket for a dirty engine bay? Prolly one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard of. The other thing thats different here is that they can't search your car without your permission unless they have a warrant or actually see/smell something in your car. So if you were pulled over here and they said to pop your hood you could tell em where to stick it, and theres not much they could do. At least your fines are cheap. I got my last ticket 6 years ago for 78mph in a 55 zone. Cost me over $300 not including court fee's. I'm sure its gone up considerably since then. Look on the bright side though, you get all your shit fixed and you wont get any more fines.

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That's some bad luck there! I would definately question the dirty engine bay with the Police ethical standards department. Just make sure you got the officers name and number. Either way you can still report this and chances are you will get off on this particular count. Also take up the wipers with them aswell. Unless they are ripped or so far from not performing, then a fine for that is BS.

As for the others, if the car had passed a RWC with those mods (can't see how as they are illegal) then you should be fine. Provide evidence and documents of the RWC stating the mods on your car at the time of inspection. You might even get away with the exhaust if the EPA have already inspected it. All you can do is try.

But in all fairness, and although I do sympathise with you here, you do have illegal mods on your car and you have to face the consequences. IIRC it's either a pod filter with housing and no FMIC, or a FMIC with standard air box. EBC are illegal. Any chopping of your front bar to fit a FMIC or for any other reason is also a no go. And everything else even petty things registration bulb blown & anything hanging off your rear vision mirror impairing your vision are all within the cops right to do you for. Sucks big time and you can bet that if you weren't anywhere near Noble Park you wouldn't have got pulled over.

Moral to the story, don't have illegal mods if you aren't willing to face the consequences. Secondly, only take the Toyota Yarris (without mods, lol) if you plan to go down to Noble Park. Unfortunately you just got pinged as being one of the many dickheads (not you) who do burn outs and drags around there. I would hate to live out there with all that sh!t going on every weekend.

Anyway good luck with it all and lesson learned.

fark i would have lost it! whats your car look like??

i mean.. does it scream " im illegal" "pull me over"?? thats really bad

its funny how over the recent years half the role of a police officer these days is to defect cars, speeding, and hoons.... i thought there was so much more to the job.

every week i read the local paper and in the police section. seems all they talk about is how many they got speeding or how many they got defected. road issues seem to be more of a concern than more serious crimes

bad luck mate

Man thats rough.

Im sure some of those things that they booked you for aren't illegal...could be worth fighting it.

Why do they book well looked after modified cars, that often have upgraded brakes and suspension and top quality tyres that actually make them safer than most of the shit boxes on the road.

Im sure the defect laws were put in place to stop people driving cars that arent road worthy, so how 'bout the cops start cracking down on all the shit box 70's and 80's cars on the road that have no brake lights, bald tyres, shot suspension and blue/black smoke bellowing from the exhaust.

Hi Mate read your story if it was me id be doing a formal complaint surley the first cop didnt do his duty in picking out all the wrong things in ur car there for they cant search u 3 times in a space of 1 hour...go to the crimes and misconduct commision get yrself some advise and take the pricks to court thats just pure harrasment and if you have the time and address of the tickets its purley a set up any judge in court will throw the fines out the windeow and tell the cops to get f**ked.....thats what i think anyway.

good luck

Yes put in a formal complaint. The same thing happened to a mate of mine. He asked the cops for their badge number and threatened to make a complaint against them. In the end they let him off as they knew they were in the wrong (or just didn't wanted to be investigated for abusing their power).

eerrr, did u actually read the post?!

if this shit happened to u, im sure u wouldnt be saying....'ahwell, its a modified car...i can handle it'

obviosuly the cops were being f*ks.

wtf is with every fkin mod/admin who reads a story like this....their reply is always....'tough shit, its a modded car' or 'get used to it, its a skyline'

f*kin hell R31Nismoid...spunky munkey was scrwed over hard by the cops (and u know it!) and all u can say is...."Dont drive a modified car if you cant handle it.".....ur a dikhead.

btw spunky, sorry to hear that crap hapened to u, not fair at all, hope it all works out ok.

This is where the two sides to every story comes into it.

Without the other side, who knows how true, or untrue a story is :D

I've been to court, EPA, RWC time and time again. Dont see me posting up cry baby stories.

That's so farked... worst cop story i've heard yet..... not like you on your P's either

I'd be talking to a lawyer about some of that stuff.. if i had 1..

*considers that maybe an SS is a better option than a GTR*

Edited by r32 gts-turbo
This is where the two sides to every story comes into it.

Without the other side, who knows how true, or untrue a story is :D

I've been to court, EPA, RWC time and time again. Dont see me posting up cry baby stories.

Man thats harsh! He is just venting, and I'd hate to be pulled over that many times.......And thats bad luck Spunky Monkey

This is where the two sides to every story comes into it.

Without the other side, who knows how true, or untrue a story is :D

I've been to court, EPA, RWC time and time again. Dont see me posting up cry baby stories.

no offence, but i prefer to read his 'cry baby story'

alot more than half of your pointless posts.

the replies in this thread could be useful for him getting off some of the fines.

so by posting this he now has a storm of options he can do if he did not already know them.

no offence, but i prefer to read his 'cry baby story'

alot more than half of your pointless posts.

the replies in this thread could be useful for him getting off some of the fines.

so by posting this he now has a storm of options he can do if he did not already know them.

+1 :D

no offence, but i prefer to read his 'cry baby story'

alot more than half of your pointless posts.

the replies in this thread could be useful for him getting off some of the fines.

so by posting this he now has a storm of options he can do if he did not already know them.


This is where the two sides to every story comes into it.

Without the other side, who knows how true, or untrue a story is :D

I've been to court, EPA, RWC time and time again. Dont see me posting up cry baby stories.

As your avatar shows, is that all you do.

Wow - what a nightmare....

Thats the reason my car is stock as on the outside and i'm running a very quiet exhaust.

Yeah bros, damn it... I guess they're really pushing us to the wall until we comply...

It's juts not worth it anymore..... any similiar experiences fellas?

eerrr, did u actually read the post?!

if this shit happened to u, im sure u wouldnt be saying....'ahwell, its a modified car...i can handle it'

obviosuly the cops were being f*ks.

wtf is with every fkin mod/admin who reads a story like this....their reply is always....'tough shit, its a modded car' or 'get used to it, its a skyline'

f*kin hell R31Nismoid...spunky munkey was scrwed over hard by the cops (and u know it!) and all u can say is...."Dont drive a modified car if you cant handle it.".....ur a dikhead.

btw spunky, sorry to hear that crap hapened to u, not fair at all, hope it all works out ok.

Thanks bro - at least there's some support left in our Skyline community... man, I'm actually getting paranoid... I'm so paranoid that I'm actually going to just pay all of mines, hand in my license and will just not drive for a while - I'm just sick of this...

Man, with Skyline is stock as a rock - stock kit, stock rims everything - not even worth owning one...

Thanks again bro... I appreciate it - really I do.


Fark man, I am so stressed... don't know how I'm going to pay for all this shyte

Hey weren't you going to spend the profit from your house to buy the calsonic? Sounds like enough cash to fix a few mods.....

LOL at the insurrection on this thread aswell... :laughing-smiley-014:

Edited by spin_psycle


I've read all your posts, replies and suggestion - my deepest appreciation goes out to you all.

Man, I'm farken pissed and am farken stressed... I really feel like collapsing soon. Besides this, I got other shit at home to worry about too - my mother is really ill, my brother is in heavy debt and I have to help him.

I'm struggling to buy a house but can't afford it.

fark fark fark... and for the arsehole r31nismoid - you're a farken top bloke. Moderators like you should be take off.

Thanks guys, I'm planning to just pay all this shit off in a one-hit lump sum payment and then more on with my life.

I will post up pics soon - my car does turn heads... so yeah... farken sick of it.

I'm going paranoid, always looking for cops on the roads.


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