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hi guyz came acroosss a hot4 mag and was reeading, and i saw they were talkn bout a new type of exhaust calledd a tailgunnerr in da shape of a cannon only looks like a big bloody machine gun stickn out da back of ya car, looks preety awesome scares da shit outta pppl hehehhee

would b interested to here some feedback if neone heard of d new tailgunners i fink they are new, would like to get one wen i put my exhaust

so what are they like performance wise? n how loud r they (decibels)to the copperz?

thanx cheerz guyz hope u can undastand my writtin

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its not even lunch time and im seeing stupid shit on here at least wait till after lunch

by far the gayest thing i have ever seen. stop wasting threads.....

this would only be appealing to a school kid, have u finished high school yet junior????

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Holy shit are you serious?

Thats the ultimate number one gayest thing I have ever f**king seen.

*Aside* from the fact that it looks shit, would kill performance and makes you out to be a complete dipshit for actually spending money putting one on your car, I have one question...

Why in f**ks name would anyone have a gun where their exhaust is? That doesnt make any f**king sense!?!

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and i thought flamethrowers were bad

edit: beside the whole rice factor i think its pretty cool.

might look good on my car next to the fluro yellow winscreen wipers, large nissan sticker on front windscreen, clear back lights and decepticon transformers badge. jk

Edited by thorpe84
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