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Seriously don't even contemplate it.

If you can't afford 98 ron then you can't afford to maintain the vehicle and its associated running costs.

i.e ... many years ago before 98 was available I owned my first import a S13 CA18DET. 3 weeks on 95 was all it took to do the head in... you could hear the detonation.... I was 18ish (I think) and didn't even think about throwing octane booster in the tank at the time.

If you must run the car on *shudders* 91 or 95 (better) then see if you borrow a knock monitor off someone to monitor the detonation.... also keep a light throttle and out of boost where possible...... If you can hear it pinging constantly then its only a matter of time before the rebuild fairy will be coming to visit.....

actually, youre all being stingy with the fuel you put in your cars (yes everyone) your using the inferior 98 octane when you can use AVGAS 100 !!!!

but seriously you bought, and now drive a high performance, expensive and classy car, the price of these privliges is having to put in higher grade fuel, but if you think about it is that so bad?, 98 octane does give you increased performance and economy and engine life, for buggerall extra cost per tank compared to the regular unleaded....

even with cars before my skyline, I have always used premium. I found that in my previous n/a cars it was actually cheaper (not by heaps, but definitely a difference) due to the extra kms I got from a tank. (plus there was a little more power and the engine seemed to run smoother). Couldn't comment on differences in fuel consumption with the skyline because I have never put anything but 98 octane in it.

100 octane 5% ethanol Shell V Power racing... car loves the stuff :D

how did you manage to afford the car, and not be able to afford the petrol??? mummas boy... or dad... whoever makes the money :cheers:

^^ i was tempted to try VP racing when I went past a shell that carried it but I figured it was so out of the way that it would only ever be 1 tankful and a) the engine would have to re-learn less ignition when I put 98RON back in and b) if I don't know what I'm missing it's not so bad :D

when it gets a bit more widespread I'll give it a go.

Seeing that we're on the topic of what type of petrol to use, what would happen if we were to put diesel fuel into our cars? :bunny:

try it and you'll be plesantly surprised

speaking of V racing, where do you guys get the stuff??? am I supposed to join some secret society for it?

how did you manage to afford the car, and not be able to afford the petrol??? mummas boy... or dad... whoever makes the money :P

lol thanks for that DRD-00F but i dont get any handouts and since i own an r33, and I have to run it on money from a safeway part time job. I thought i would be best off to get some ideas on what i should and shouldn't save money on. i think i will have to keep putting in the premium stuff. Maybe i also need to get my oxygen sensor tested as my fuel economy seems pretty crap at the moment

100 octane 5% ethanol Shell V Power racing... car loves the stuff :(

how did you manage to afford the car, and not be able to afford the petrol??? mummas boy... or dad... whoever makes the money :P

v power racing is the shit!!! my sprinter absolutely loves it. atm im running about 106 ron worth of 98 and octane booster and the little rice mobile loves it.

are we satisfied jeremy? as i said from the beginning if i have to run 98 in my sprinter then why wouldnt u have to run 98 in your skyline?

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