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SAU Quartely meeting - 14/09/2003


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imho the incentive is wanting to get involved in the Club and be a part of running events.

It would make sense to get everyone who is interested together and do it as a group thing.

I'm sure we'll have no trouble getting the required observation days done by helping out at some other Clubs' events.

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imho the incentive is wanting to get involved in the Club and be a part of running events.

Agree - and in addition, IMHO if 'someone' takes the initiative, steps up to the mark and drives a group program to get what the club needs in terms of marshals/officials, then all the better - Sometimes, waiting for individuals to take the initiative because of the incentive of getting involved with the club, can take a substantial amount of time - Time that maybe could have been spent attending official club events and recruiting more members. Just my $0.02.

It would make sense to get everyone who is interested together and do it as a group thing.

Agree again - but how about the synergy if coupled with the above ?

I don't know Dino, maybe I'm talkign out my arse as per usual...... do you see where I am coming from ?? Let me go re-read the links Dan put up so I can get a better understanding of what if on offer, what is required and try to couple this with what my understanding of what the club and it's members want in terms of Events requiring officials/marshalls - Maybe I am missing something ? Or my expectations are out of whack or something ?

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The meeting will be held after the Observation Trial at the destination.

If you wish to attend only the meeting and not the run then please PM Duncan or Kel for details. Please do not pass on the destination to anyone else.

Thanks for your cooperation.

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That subject was raised after the agenda closing date of the 1st of September, you may raise other general business if you like at the meeting (as far as I know anyway) provided that you are a Full Club member.

You need to read more toshi... I get the feeling that you only use these forums for whoreing! :)

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