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Pole Position Motorsport Amatuer Auto-test !

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The Pole Position/ MC Motorsport Amatuer Auto-test series:

Round 1!!!

In response to overwhelming requests from those who have been attending the RMS days... It's finally underway! Pole Position with the support of MC Motorsport would like to present Round 1 of the "Amatuer Auto test series". Run similar to the official MC Motorsport series, this event will consist of six challenges:

* 2X orientation/ qualifying rounds on single skid pan (this course will approximately replicate one side of the dual skid pan round)

* 4X timed rounds on dual skid pan layout (by request- course will remain unchanged for the entire event duration of each Round etc).

Competitors will sub-divided into 2 groups based on qualifying round times and our discretion (if required), these will be:

* Group 1: Experienced drivers

* Group 2: Novice drivers

Both group's 1 & 2 will contain further class categories/ penalties consistant with that of MC Motorsport's official Auto test series being:

Class A: Vehicles up to 2000cc (restricted)

Class B: Vehicles 2001cc- 3600cc (restricted)

Class C: Vehicles over 3601cc (restricted)

Class D: All wheel drive vehicles (restricted)

Penalties: An engine capacity multiplication factor of 1.7 applies to turbocharged and supercharged vehicles. Rotary engine vehicles incur an engine capacity multiplication factor of 1.8 The organisers reserve the right to place vehicles in the category they feel will be fair to all competitors.

Final event results will then be further 'scaled' to even the field between Groups 1 & 2 and determine overall outright 1st, 2nd and 3rd placements respectively. Anyone from either sub-group observed to have extreme inconsistancies between initial dial-in times and competition times will be further penalised and publically ridiculed over the inhouse P.A. system and our website!!!

The overall aim is to create a professionally timed event that will be accessable, as un-intimidating as possible, and rewarding to all particpants regardless of motorsport experience and skill. We hope to offer a platform where beginners are encouraged to 'try out' these competitive events, have the opportunity to observe and meet more experienced drivers and those who show improvement hopefully to branch out further into the official MC Motorsport events.

***Please note- As Round 1 will be our initial 'pilot event', we are currently endeavouring to secure the relevant electronic timing gear, however if this is not possible every attempt will be made to provide as professional timing practices as possible. We expect that future events will eventually incorporate the electronic timing devices.

Event details below:

When- Sunday 22nd July 2007

Time- Morning session- 8.30am scrutineering, 8.45am driver brief, 9.10am start.

Where- AHG Driving Centre, 46 Grogan Road, Perth International Airport.

Numbers- 20 people Max

Cost- $80 each

Additional Info- Personal Helmets required, long sleeves/ pants, closed shoes, appropriate AASA/ CAMS license (2NS or higher)

Account Info-


BSB: 066124

ACC: 1026 1681

Please include your online nickname in the description details. Once payment has been confirmed your name will be placed on the participant list here. Payments will NOT be accepted unless registered to Pole Position forums below:


Be quick cos spots won't last!



[email protected]


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