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Okay Dont shoot me, Got a few Q's on the R33 Type M

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i gotta disagree with u hotr33 ... everything i've read about things being type m or not complies with what jimx has said ... even online magazines and other magazines like hpi ... if u can include some evidence like the numbers on the car that would be good ... also ive never ever heard of there being different turbos for different cars ... that would make it pretty expensive to tune every skyline out of production ... just my opinion ..

My source is the Nissan Japan R33 model sales documentation, as released when the R33 came out! I have 3 full catalogs on ALL R33 models (including GT-R) which contain the spec's & options for ALL models!

So if you're saying you are still correct I guess you must know better than Nissan Japan :D

TYPE M is the turbo in the R33 range - TRUST ME ON THIS!

There is no such thing as an R33 "GTS-t". It's badged as 'GTS25t'.

Originally posted by HOTR33

I hate fighting..  so Frustrating...

I'll say this for the last time..  These are all seperate kinds of Skyline...   :


R33 GTS-t

R33 GTS-t Type-M


GTS Being the lower end of the market, GTR being Highest...

The Comment "All GTS-t's are Type-M's" is completely Wrong...  Type-M is like the  ....  AMG Version of a Merc, if you will..  or M5 of BMW..    

I think your source's source is wrong..  :P

My Sources are Basically High Performance Japanese Car Specialists...    

Not let's stop this bickering and enjoy a nice big cup of coffee :O

Originally posted by HOTR33

Do you understand what I'm saying now?  Or are you still doubtful about something?

I understand what you are saying, and I am still doubtful about EVERYTHING because, well, you're the only person I've heard this from and you still haven't given me any "proof" of what you're telling me.

Also, I have the bigger (Type M, if you want to call it that) bar. I have heard it referred to as the "front spoiler" bar also (not to be confused with the retractable spoiler). It has a bigger intercooler area and bigger holes in the sides for the brakes. If you actually have the smaller bar with smaller fmic area and no brake vents and you think it's "better", then I seriously think you should "downgrade" it :D

Well if I was to belive you watsisname.. you'd have to show me (some how) the pages to confirm what your saying..

Now Maybe the People in Sydney, Adelaide and Melbourne all preach different versions ..... Basically.. Belive what you want to.... I'd have to see that 'production catalogue' to belive what your saying...

and BTW JimX ....I've not given you any proof.. so why keep saying you've not seen any? I know I've not given you any.. I'm just explaining what *I* Belive to you... I am at work and my boss frowns upon me doing car stuff... so if I was to find evidence, let me go home first...

Oh yea.. and I know they are Badged 'GTS25t' ... but when you talk about the car.. who actually speaks GTS25t? I just say GTS-t.. cause people know what it is....


No mate nothing about different spec's of turbo. Only the fact that the series 2 ('96 on) uses an upgraded unit compared to the series 1. By upgraded I mean it shows the improvement in response from using lighter materials.


Normally I wouldn’t be like I’m about to be on this site, but…. well you just take the cake :(

It looks like I'll have to do a bit of scanning then :O How about a rep’ from Nissan Japan? Will that satisfy you?

I 100% know that the R33 'TYPE M' tag signifies it is the turbo model, this is due to the numerous references to this fact in the Nissan documentation I have (documentation that a number of other forum users have witnessed with their own eyes). Add to this the fact that many other people are of the same opinion on this matter.

Now you tell me what evidence you have seen to prove otherwise? Apart from a few “high performance Japanese car specialists”.

So far the list below is what “you’ve” told us separates the R33 “Type M” from the non – Type M turbo (that doesn’t exist!) –

“The Type-M has different lower body parts, Chamelion Paint, a Duel Entry, Hi-Flow Ball Bearing Turbo and different gear ratio's...”

The 40th Anniversary GTS25t came out in GT-R Midnight Purple Metallic. That is the only different paint option that was offered other than the normal factory choices. All series 2 R33 paint options are listed in my catalogues. Different gear ratios? No there isn’t. The whole R33 GTS25t range has the same ratios (the only difference being btw auto & manual). Even the A-LSD GTS25t Type M has the exact same ratios.

“the biggest give away is the sound of them.. The Type-M turbo's sound so much different to the standard turbo”

You’ve got to be kidding me! The sound of a turbo will vary due to a large number of reasons, & that’s between 2 turbos of the exact same type!

“Type-M is like the .... AMG Version of a Merc, if you will.. or M5 of BMW..”

That’s a pretty poor example actually. Try… Type M is to Type S like Silvia K’s is to Silvia Q’s. Yes the K is the turbo model & the Q is the NA model. Type M is the turbo & Type S is the NA model. There are other lower spec NA R33 models that are NOT Type S’s but there’s only Type M GTS25t’s.

“There are several things which have been said which I think to be false”

Several? Why do you believe them to be false?

“Basically unless anyone here has spoken to the Original Design Team at Nissan in Japan (The ones who desided how it would look, what parts, what models etc.) ...I'm afraid NO-ONE, including my self, knows 100% what is what.. we go by hear-say”

So you’re saying that the catalogues Nissan released at the time of the R33 aren’t 100% factual? Yes YOU haven’t seen them personally, but in time you will, & a bunch of other forum users have.

"Disagree with me if you want... But how can 'The guy down the road' know exactly, down to the very last nut or hose, know exactly what was designed.."

The only person I see going by, ‘the guy down the road’, is YOU!

"Just becuase he imports them, dosen't mean he knows it all.. Or just becuase it was on a web page.. dosen't mean it's right...”

Yep exactly!

“Type-M's have a GTR grille.. the difference is the black mesh in them.. GTR ones have no Mesh, GTS-t ones have mesh...”

Type M’s have either the stock grill or whatever the original owner requested. There were a number of OPTIONAL body kit add ons offered via the factory. GT-R wing, side skirts, grill options, the works! The car could have no body kit or the works; it’s still a Type M!

"and when you buy a Type-M from the factory, it comes with factory sideskirts... which can be referred to as a 'Type-M' factory body kit (including front bar and grille, rear wing and side skirts)"

As above, the Type M ‘COULD’ be optioned with a number of body kit parts. As per the optional parts catalogue that I have.

“your front bar stays more straight down.. wheras mine curves under the car more... (Type-M Front Bar)”

No your front bar (that curves under) means that the Japanese owner didn’t order the car with ANY of the front bar body kit options, ie that’s how the stock Type M comes if you don’t option a front bar body kit!

Now, I wouldn’t be here firing with all guns blazing if you hadn’t come along claiming that I/we were wrong & not all GTS25t are Type M’s (“The Comment "All GTS-t's are Type-M's" is completely Wrong…”) You haven’t given any factual info on how you’ve come to your conclusions. Even unsighted I would have given credibility if what you had said was based on factory paperwork. Sure what I’ve typed “could” be fabricated, but I KNOW IT ISN’T DUE TO THE PAPERWORK I HAVE, that other forum regulars have seen.

End rant.

i bought my car 1995 r33 and all i knew was that its turbo it has from what i know a m-type kit (side skirts and front bar) and the wing i havent seen b4 on a skyline but it is like the series 2 square wings but it is a little higher and not as square.

im confused bout this thread and just want to know whats the differences between r33 series 1 models

mabie some links will help


basically he just said that theres no difference at all in any of the models ... its all just options!!!!!!!!! like bodykit options!!!! and maybe some other options like lsd or whatever it is ... i'm not sure ... but i'd imagine if u took away the body kit from everycar .. sunroof etc ... they would be all the same ...

I believe you can also modify the stock turbo to make it high-flowed... I don't know about ball bearings. Perhaps it's an S2 turbo that's been high-flowed. S2 were supposed to have ball bearing turbo's? Anyone correct me if I'm wrong...

You can also change the diff from a manual to an auto version.. It's supposed to be pretty much bolt in, but instead of the standard 4.1:1 ratio, it has 4.3:1 (?), which is supposed to give better acceleration at the cost of highest speed. That's been covered a few times here, but I can't remember the exact details.

I don't know anything about gear-box ratios (or gearbox mods in general)... Perhaps it's a gearbox from a different model. I hear that all RB gearboxes are supposed to be interchangable, but I don't know whether or not to believe it. RB20 owners supposedly can upgrade to RB25 gearboxes without too much sorry.

Anyway, I know that my S1 GTS-T front bar is lower (and boxier), my rear wing is square shaped, I have a mesh grille with a red S badge, and I don't have side skirts. It also has velour seats (also an option I believe). Not a bad package, but I reckon it could do with the side skirts (if anyone is selling theirs)

The S2 GTS25t had the ceramic turbine and plastic compressor, whereas the S1 (like mine) had the ceramic turbine and aluminium compressor. My mechanic checked mine recently while replacing the busted exhaust manifold studs and found it has the ali compressor, which can handle up to 1 bar.

I have no proof but have heard that "Type M" signifies Turbo. The different grille, skirts, front bar, wing were factory options (along with that narsty walnut-effect dash and different interior)

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